When Rare Mounts are Used for "Prestige"

omg why are people so mad in here :rofl:

You like to attack people personally, says a lot about you actually.


Correct. You don’t get a kewpie doll for being right though.

Semper Fi! :us: :ukraine:

There’s help for those who spend way too much time worrying about what other people have or don’t have and how they obtained it.


Weird way of looking at it, at that point nothing is ever prestigious

I don’t strike first, Unity.

On much of anything, I know.

I… literally don’t even know what you’re referring to. Do you ever say more than 1 to 3 sentences?

I think part of having a conversation is having enough context to make a response. You’ve just… kind of been trying to stay relevant here.

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Ding ding ding! All of the rarest, most exclusive things in WoW, be they mounts, toys, pets or transmog, don’t mean a damn thing if you can’t fit it all together into one fancy pants style! Rare cosmetic collecting is pointless if you can’t make it look goooood…


I think that keystones need to have a prestige mount. Raiders have the end boss mythic one, pvpers have the gladiator drakes, but…keystone enjoyers don’t have much of anything.

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Saving lives is. Helping those in need is. Dedicating your life to a worthy cause is. Of course, everyone has their own view on what is worthy, yes? For instance, you seem to think that getting a rare mount in WoW is prestigious, and I think it’s not. For you, it would be a worthy cause, for me, well I am of the opinion that I could spend my time better doing something else. Nearly anything else, in fact. It would seem you’re debating an opinion here, which is, in point of fact, a waste of time.

Semper Fi! :us: :ukraine:

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a person can do that and still love the game.

stop asserting your world view on people in a wow forum, it comes off as really toxic imo…we’re having a discussion about wow mounts :100:

Agreed. Having fun and enjoying my life with something, however small and “insignificant” it may be, is not a waste of my time.

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i just don’t like the vibe they’re giving off…OP opens a discussion about prestige within the boundaries of WoW collections…and then a couple others come in here and say you’re a loser irl if you care about it?

come on now :grimacing:

Everybody’s got their own view and this thread was to express mine. Just because a vast majority agree with it doesn’t mean it’s correct. If someone wants to feel cool or good about themselves for something they got, then they’re allowed to.

I only wanted to subjectify the matter of when this determines how respectable you are. You only tried multiple times and eventually got it, that’s it. Anyone can do that. That’s all I was trying to say.

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You literally just debated your own opinion and you are saying I’m wasting my time by deabting my opinion. Also we are talking about prestige in a video game there is no reason to start to try and make it all serious by saying things about “I only respect those that save others and helping those in need”.

I “attacked” him first because I said video games are unimportant so prestige items in them are nothing to be proud of.


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I see…

Shame on you for pointing out the obvious.

Yet you do mythic. You just love the challenge? Do you feel proud for it? Nothing to be proud of, it’s just a video game.