When Rare Mounts are Used for "Prestige"

This is not about the Feldrake but I saw plenty enough comments on the forum to bring this topic up.

Let’s be real here, the only mounts that truly give anyone prestige in World of Warcraft are PVP mounts. Those actually take skill to acquire and they are the only mounts like it. All other mounts in the entirety of WoW, and I’m not talking about retired mounts or TCG mounts or shop mounts, I’m talking about just plain rare mounts, are something everybody has equal chance to get.

Someone could boast to me that they spent the entire WoD expansion and more trying to get the Voidtalon of the Dark Star mount for example, but the second I tell them I literally found the portal entirely by accident and got the mount on my “first try” before knowing the mount even existed, all their sense of puffed up pride will shrivel away in seconds.

Everyone has equal chance, I could get whatever you have tomorrow or in a week, you don’t know if I’ll have to spend more of my life than you did to get something that you’re showing off in the Trade District. As for everything else, you bought it or at the time when it was available everyone still had equal chance to attain it. Good for you.


And even them don’t deserve it because of the very bad implications of the older models - without the flags - not getting updated on purpose. It poorly reflects on the state of the game and it’s shameful.

Mounts in WoW give someone prestige? I fail to see how having a mount in WoW does anything to give someone prestige. However, I could care less what mount someone has that I don’t have.

Semper Fi! :us: :ukraine:


Remember back in the day when the rare mounts were 310% and all the others were 280%? That’s the only time it ever. really. mattered.


Newsflash: Nobody cares what mount you have.


Nah glad mounts can be bought

Crab mount is the only prestigious mount, you can’t buy it, only earn it


Gladiator drakes are special. :dracthyr_heart: I wish they’d do an elite gladiator at 2700 with extra spikes.

That’s just dailies.

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I bet you could negotiate piloting for this if you really wanted to. The same RMT sites that sell gladiator illegally also sell things as simple as Legion class hall mounts and the Balance of Power questline. Throw enough money at them and they’d probably find someone to do the crab meta on your account for you.


If your mount doesn’t match your mog then it’s busted. Don’t care about prestige if you can’t accessorize.

But yeah the existence of boosting took the awe out of seeing someone on x mount. Just a, “ah, neat. Anyway…”


Piloted to the daily quest grab. :dracthyr_hehe_animated: Imagine.


Only mount I ever felt some sort of pride about was the rogue order hall mount and the Nazjatar crab, if only because I have funny stories about how I acquired them.

(rogue mount, I literally waited until 9 PM server on the first Thursday of the patch, I assumed most people would be raiding, so murdering the crap out of the AH npc in Orgrimmar would be easy; the crab mount was just a good grind)

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Way more than dailies

I mean theres multiple steps that require you to do something specifically, so unless you’re account sharing, really can’t do that for yea

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I only really remember logging on for 10 minutes of stuff every day. :dracthyr_comfy_sip: Mechagon one was infinitely worse, although I think they ended up changing that.

Okay. While we’re being real, why is your profile hidden? That’s… not being real.

As far as PVP mounts go, and I assume you’re talking about the Gladiator mounts? Sure I’d say they’re prestigious. They’re pretty rare and if you try and obtain them honestly it would take some skill. But we all know you can drop gold on carries in PVP. And while everyone has the opportunity to get any mount, PVP mounts included, not everyone will. Opportunity Does Not Equate To Outcome.

And let’s not be disingenous. Mounts from other styles of play DO require other skill sets to obtain. If you want the latest raid tier mount or KSM mounts? You’d better be a decent PVE player. If you want a Brutosaur or other ungodly expensive mount, you’d better be skilled at using the AH and BMAH. If you’re after a fishing mount or somesuch, you need to be good at sitting idle in one spot and watching Netflix on another monitor.

Why anyone would boast to you? I’m kind of lost on this one. Who are you again? What skin in this game do you have? You think you could go out in a week and get every last mount I have?

I mean anything is possible, but we’re being real… Right?

And if you do manage it? Hey! Good for you! I’ll actually be proud of you. You see, I welcome more collectors and completionists in this game.


Absolutely. One can have the rarest title and mount and yet they look like a clown. But this is a “regular player”-issue, RP-players are aware enough to not fall into this pit.

glances over to Ion’s Shaman


The crab is at minimum 3 months of dailies. Rares that require very specific things to summon them.
With all the randomness and tediousness involved in getting that meta for the mount… if you found someone to pilot it… I wouldn’t be mad, just 100% impressed xD

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I’ve been pugging a lot of stuff lately, and the regular playerbase really do look scrappy these days :sob:

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I’m sorry who are you? Am I looking at a post or a work of abstract art?

tell that to the glad carry andys, lol

So sorry, you’ll just have to do some extra steps to get there, not impossible buddy, nobody is truly hidden here.

I didn’t think there were carries for PVP as well, didn’t know it could even be done. I’m not a PVPer, I do Raids and Dungeons, but I do plan to get into PVP in Dragonflight for the first time. Good to know what I’ll be looking forward to.