When Rare Mounts are Used for "Prestige"

Gameplay, mechanics and raiding are what excite me. If I think the xpack sucks, I’ll do a little LFR, farm some old items I missed in the last crap expansion and move on.

No fomo here, I didn’t buy DF and unsubbed when they are giving out Fel-Drakes. I don’t have it, now everyone is going to have it, but me /qq

I inserted a code to make my Wrath Classic look like the Chinese client, and the skeletal birds (in the DK starting area) look like that.

EDIT: Not really a code but a command in the textbox.

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then what was all your ranting at me about … no one said those things aren’t great to lol. its all pixels. remember when i said that lol… prestige and pride in anything doesn’t mean you feel it only at the detriment of others. i’ll give you there are people who only feel good at someone else’s expense. they are rare and not your average person. don’t try to imply all of us are like that. you would feel pride and prestige at your raiding accomplishments is the exact same thing as someone who feels the same for a mount or title.

wow lol i forget they cant have certain things graphically in china lol

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Still, those birds are awesomelly designed!

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The fact that you edited your posts, eh. I don’t care what you have to say.

so is it just that area or is it like the whole game cant have what skeletons or blood or what? i like the blue undead eyes lol

The whole game. When somebody dies, instead of bones, it’s tombstones :laughing:

PvP glad mounts don’t even mean anything because most people who have them paid for carries/boosts lmao. Literally no one cares about what mount someone has anyway and if you do you have bigger problems to deal with than who has what mount.

Caring what other people have is a personal problem.

I get being bothered if blizzard sold something that was an exclusive item at one point and now they’re giving it away for free (Which they’ve already done) but this isn’t the case here.

Like the feldrake, it’s a relic from a far forgotten time. And if you were dumb enough to pay someone for it in modern times you kinda deserve this.


Go look at the TWO THOUSAND plus replies in the fel drake announcement thread. Some people have honestly committed their lives to this game and it shows…

what does that even mean… you just complained how i don’t edit them which i have continued to post the same way i have lol. i’m guessing you are going to imply i have changed what i said because you don’t have any other argument? if that’s the case you get triggered over people having pride in their mounts, imply all of us who do are messed up and only feel good irl if we accomplish things in game. yet you feel the need to imply people are now lying on a forum because you feel some sort of way? if i edited anything it was a simple spelling error. and i can assure you i didn’t do that but once or twice. beautiful thing about the forums it will show everyone how many times you edit a post. so go back and tell me how many i edited and what was changed. and go back up two posts of yours and tell me how you edited that post where you replied to me and estalyia together…

At the end of the day, it is a game.

They should have invested in their self if they wanted returns on that investment.


wow that’s crazy lol

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One of the abominations:

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atleast they still have their stitches lol

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Kind of, yes. Scholomance is like a bakery because they replace all the gore with bread and sacks of grain.

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You mean I cant pick up chicks in bars by telling them about my epic mount? Boy will my wife be relieved!

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Couldn’t agree more. You’d think the way they whine in these threads Blizzard murdered their entire family and laughed while doing it…

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The only prestige mount is the one I have.

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