When Rare Mounts are Used for "Prestige"

why are you so triggered by someone feeling good about having a specific mount then. LAWL typical gd.

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I farm things because I like to collect things. It had nothing to go with the next player in line.

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I wish people would be happy for each other and left others up.


We’re all playing a video game for fun.

You can edit a post, you don’t have to double post, are you going to triple post…?

If it is to you- lol triple post-

Hate to shatter your ego, but its a video game.

You have been able to buy glad since literally BC. PvP mounts are no more skill based than buying something with gold.


One of my wow addictions is filling up the armor transmog sets.


see there you guys go again. where did anyone say it has anything to do with the next person in line lol. you like to collect things it makes you feel good to collect things. you are now a bad person because someone out there doesn’t have one of your items you feel good for collecting. lol. i feel fine when i see someone with a mount i don’t have. i can look it up and then go farm it until i get it. i like it. rare feels good. yet here you are defending the crazies who think you are a bad person because you like to collect things.

should you feel bad for having some that other don’t. i don’t think you should.

I don’t care

When i multibox, i ride all store mounts to make people mad.

Mounts are cosmetic items and like others have said, boosting devalued a lot of stuff

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says the guy who gets angry about people liking their rare mounts or achievements. like i said from my very first post. people play video games for fun. move along moron.

Oooh that is a fun thing to do. I am leveling a rogue i may work on his sets

Conveniently redefining the debate around “prestige” and “puffed up pride” isn’t particularly honest.

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My Ashes pixels are beautiful :heart:


how dare you feel any sense of joy or pride in those pixels! you need to go see a therapist… (sarcasm)

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I’m not angry, don’t be delusional…

I have no idea what that means, but I’m happy for ya. :slight_smile:

talks about moving goalposts lol.

I really like the redone gryphons and hippogryphs. They are common as common does.
But they are my perfered choice.
Its a bonus to get an mount that is favored and easy to get. Don’t have to be bothered with farming.

  • Prestigious Azure Courser
  • Prestigious Bloodforged Courser
  • Prestigious Bronze Courser
  • Prestigious Forest Courser
  • Prestigious Ivory Courser
  • Prestigious Midnight Courser
  • Prestigious Royal Courser
  • Prestigious War Wolf

I miss Legion.

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You know what pixels I want? The Chinese client version of hippogryphs. Lemme find those screenshots.

EDIT: Found them