When Rare Mounts are Used for "Prestige"

Because it shows that person spent the time and effort finding 2 other people of similar skill level, lining up perfect times when everyone is on, and pushing rating.

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I have no way to prove that you’re wrong by telepathically sending you my experiences. So I guess I lose.

^ 100%

Think about it - people looking for praise or prestige for their mounts in game must have absolutely abysmal real lives such that they’d be looking for anonymous praise from randoms in a video game.


I got Invincible the literal first try but I am still grinding the Blue Proto Drake mount even today. Everyone usually has that one mount that they got very early into their grind.

I don’t mind people getting things easier then I did. I know that luck is something that we all experience on an individual basis, most of us are more lucky in some things then other things.

Its all relative.

lol prestige is viewed form person to person. clearly some people feel tht good feeling when u are on a rare mount. i like it when i can show off my rare mounts. i like seeing other people on rare mounts. why is anything that feels competitive some kind of insult to everyone now days. its prestigious to those who have it and feel good and to those who dont and do want it lol. you got one or a few mounts on your first try im sure there are plenty u didnt get and never will due to rng lol. clearly it matters to you to go on this rant about mounts and prestige and how its puffed up pride lol. thats the whole point of rare things. it feels good.

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then why do you even play video games. what a dumb take lol.

You play for pixels…?

Oh wait, of course you do, probably Fortnite too huh?

ive yet to play a video game that isn’t pixels i’m looking at. people play video games for fun. you are the one trying to imply that people are only happy in life if they have certain mounts. but you just sound stupid.

If you play a video game to feel prestigious and if you define it based on having something that others don’t have but want - that’s actually pretty messed up.


Keep moving the goalpost.

I think its more messed up you are trying to tell people how they have to play the game and what to feel proud about. You are not the moral police here. People are allowed to feel proud that they achieve things few have.

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Lucky you. It took me forever to finally get Invincible. Probably made longer since you have to do the whole raid.

Only mount I ever got on first try was the Green Proto Drake. Waited 7 days for egg to hatch and there it was. That kind of luck has never happened since.

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lol nobody plays games for that specific crap. but almost everyone feels pride in themselves and or accomplishments. obtaining rare things in real life and in game feels good. you trying to make it out that people who enjoy feeling good have some kind a mental issue lol. yet you are the one who clearly cant handle someone else feeling joy over something you dont have lol.


explain how i moved a goalpost at all lol. you are the one implying moronic statements.

I couldn’t tell you if I saw a gladiator drake versus a drake someone bought on the shop. There are so many freaking mountains in this game, none of them matter to me.

Back in vanilla, mounts were interesting because you could actually tell when somebody had one that they worked for. Of course this generation z retail demographic of players don’t understand the concept of what MMOs are: time + effort + competence = value and power.

They crap on this time tested equation and therefore their game has started failing.

10 characters required.

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You know how people love their digital ego. Mounts, gear, titles and word first. I could care less who has them.


its clearly prestigious to someone who doesn’t have it if they are worked up over it. that’s not moving goalposts that’s you being an idiot. i said those that don’t and do want it. as in they will farm for it and try to get it. and when thy do they feel great. no one said they don’t have it and never will get it and that’s why you feel good. no one said you feel good because someone else feels bad. thats you being an idiot some more.


Not like there isn’t 100’s of them in the game to choose from.

part of prestigious items is the farm or chase to get them. that’s why it feels so good to get them. I’m sure you don’t understand that because you expect everything handed to you and no one has to put in any more effort than anyone else for anything.