When Rare Mounts are Used for "Prestige"

Yeah, there’s a decent chunk of people who buy gladiator every season. Certain specs it’s difficult or impossible depending on the individual but throw them on something like Warr and it’s usually doable.

There are quite a few who have theirs later removed, though. Sketchy, sketchy.


Their carried mounts? :dracthyr_hehe_animated:

Yeah, Blizzard will take their mounts if they think there was any RMT or account-sharing going on. Sometimes even a good while later, but usually right around when the season ends.


Yeah. :dracthyr_hehe_animated: Blizzard yoinks the mount from their collection but leaves the Gladiator and Mount feats.

Oh. Sorry, being that I’m posting from my main whose profile isn’t hidden I figured that’d be enough for you. I’m Dartt. Raider, Sometimes PVP’r, game millionaire, collector, and all around nice guy! Pleased to meet you!

Well, I suppose that depends on your level of reading comprehension and what you consider art.

This would be you telling me, “I’m not worth the effort” without actually saying “I’m not worth the effort”.

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Certainly not been coming off that way to me so far. Actually been coming off as quite arrogant with no chill. Guess I stepped on your toes with my original post.

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To be fair, you’re talking about prestige as if you’re an authority on the subject while posting from a hidden account. You had to expect someone to challenge you.

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Who cares about prestige? Honestly, I prefer to use the mounts I think that are cool.

Fair. I can acknowledge my flaws.

Oh you’re challenging me? You don’t agree with the subject? Get in line with everybody else who has their own opinion on literally anything. You ain’t special for having different but you are entitled to it all you like.

Is it because I said I got the Voidtalon mount by accident? Since you wanted to show off how public your profile is I see you don’t have one but you have other rare mounts. Is that what this is really all about?

Are you just upset that someone not up to your esteem has something you don’t?

Hunter s1 and the Wolfslayer sniper rifle really are timeless.

I get on my armored skyscreamer for showing off/prestige…

the description literally says it’s for heroes…so :dracthyr_blob_dance_animated:

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Not really. Though I will admit, if you really did luck into the Voidtalon mount that way? Nice. I can’t see your collection, so I don’t know. I do still need to finish that particular chase, but nah. This isn’t a jealousy thing. Lots of people have things I don’t. It doesn’t keep me up at night.

I just wanted to take a look at the Deathknight who was popping off and see what his “chops” were. Nothing more.

Thanks :slight_smile:

IDC if other people have Ashes, it’s still a wonderful mount that I’m happy to have.

But, I will say this: Justice for JC Panthers!

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YES PLEASE! God damn, it’s a wreck, I have been upset about that since Mists of Pandaria. You get like 75 gold out of your efforts to sell it. The jeweled onyx panther is literally sold below the cost of all the materials [and mounts…] to make it, so there’s no profit, just loss.

Jewelcrafting is my most favourite profession so I hope those jeweled whelp pets in DF will make up for it…


Just two camps here is all.

1 who has something to prove, and 1 that has nothing to prove.

If you think pixels will make you happy in life, you gone be sad.

pixels make lots of people happy in life! only the haters & jelly-beans that are upset in here tbh :100:

I think people need to break out of the assumption that everything a wow player does is for the perception of others. I don’t do half of the things I do in wow because I want to flaunt X title, or X mount.

These are the exact same people that thing women only wear make up for other people or men only go to the gym to look good for others.

Some folks are not doing it for “prestige” to flaunt to others. People do it cause they love the game and challenges are fun. Having an in game object as the reward to a challenge is great. Every time I use a mount, title, transmog it takes me back to the memories of that time, the people I was with, and the effort it took to get it done. It makes it special to me. Some times rare moments in wow, like seeing a Scarab Lord just brings up memories. If I saw a Scarab Lord every day, I’d go numb to it.

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Maybe happy the farm is over…


I bet you feel all smug and condescending when you see their reaction after telling them that.
I’ll also bet you feel that same “puffed up pride” when you show off your mounts.

Yes it takes skill to PvP but don’t be so quick to shove the skill it takes to take down some of the raid bosses. Both types take skill to accomplish the goal, just in different ways.