When is live support chat coming back?

I have an issue with web tickets. For one, I understand there is still a pandemic and such, and we are slowly getting back to the norm, but when I have an issue that’s preventing me from progressing a bit, I need to talk to someone directly. Web tickets do take quite a bit, and I wouldn’t mind as much, IF the support team was actually reading my tickets and responding.

Currently, I’m basically having a 4 hour wait time argument about an issue that IS happening, but their records are wrong of what they are looking at, and they aren’t even reading what I’m writing or ignoring the screenshots I’m providing them.

With live chat, I could have an open discussion, try to talk things out, discuss what the core issue is, and talk back and forth until the issue is resolved, or an alternative was met. Each Live chat support for me has been super well and I met a lot of great GM’s who are very nice, sweet, and kind (Heck one of them even sent me westfall cake as a parting gift!)

Web tickets however, have the feeling like they “outsourced” their support team if you know what I mean. Like no effort has really gone or put thought into any of the responses, just a cold blank generated reply kinda feeling to just “move you on” rather than actually help you.

When is Blizzard going to bring back Live support so I can actually speak to someone because this ain’t it.


Live chat is available (at limited times) but also depends on the issue. It’s not available for everything.


Where and how (it’s also an in-game issue)? Because normally, I’m playing within the active time frames of when blizzard is available at the office, but when I check the support tickets, NONE of them have options for live support anymore. This includes refunds, technical issues, and in-game issues as well.

Do you mind sharing what the issue is? Because sometimes issues players think they can work through live chat or tickets isn’t something the GM staff can help with.

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I mean it’s basically for any issue in general, and this time I feel this is more of a bug of some sort, so I know it would have to go through the bug report thing (which isn’t going to get anything done imo), but I like to get insight on “why” or “how” this is happening.

For this particular issue,

I have fully upgraded heirlooms, however, my level 50 death knight is NOT getting the bonuses from the heirlooms, preventing me from queing in shadowlands dungeons, which I would like to do immediately, as it will contribute towards my threads of fate.

My paladin, which is level 54, had no issues freshly going into shadowlands and queing dungeons at level 50, and the item level on each heirloom is 114. However, my death knight, who is level 50, the item level is stuck at 58.

Now I reached out to customer support because that doesn’t seem right, it should be somewhere between 80-92 for each piece, but here it is at item level 58. Now, like I said, My heirlooms are FULLY upgraded, the exact same ones im wearing on my paladin. Blizzard CS is saying that the heirlooms cap at level 49, where they will no longer provide a bonus to a character above level 49. However, that simply isn’t true. My paladin, who is wearing the same exact set, is well above 49, and is getting the bonuses as she levels up.

However, my death knight is stuck at iLvl 58, and the only way to increase my item level score, would be to remove the heirlooms, and wear normal gear, but that would defeat the purpose, as I would lose out on a major portion of bonus EXP.

Blizzard insists that since the last patch, All heirlooms end at 49. Which isn’t true. They end at 59, and I provided three screenshots in the support ticket to show it.

Your level 50 will not see an item level increase until they level to 51.


Very much this.


But that shouldn’t be the case. I can start shadowlands at level 49, I should be able to enter the shadowlands right away with the bonuses intended to do shadowlands.

I shouldn’t be prevented from being able to because I need to be 51 first? That doesn’t make sense at all.

That is the way Blizzard set it up.

Here is one of my alts in fully upgraded looms at level 51:


Class trial at level 50 in full looms:

Armory page link replaced with screenshot of the Armory due to character being deleted.


That seems very much like a bug rather than… a "feature’ of the heirlooms?

But it is the case. Once you hit 51, the ilevels of the heirlooms will increase accordingly - something I noticed while leveling an alt recently, with heirloom upgrades at 5/5.

No, it’s not a bug, it’s by design.


Basically, any expack max level is class as ‘max level’ for that area in the eyes of the game. Once you go above the given max level, like Cata to Mist, the stats will change.


That still doesn’t quite make sense as the item would normally upgrade anyway, If it’s 1-49 for the bonuses, 50 should be the point it says “Okay upgrade!” rather than “this level doesn’t exist, stay at 49’s bonuses until they get to 51”? I mean, if that’s the case, technically heirlooms shouldn’t work freshly at level 1, they should only start at level 2…


And also if this is the case, Blizzard CS shouldn’t be telling me that heirlooms end at 49, when they do in fact end at 59, but the bonuses only start at the bizarre number of 51.

The heirlooms give you BfA ilevel at 50. Not everyone has Shadowlands. The Shadowlands ilevels are for 51-60. When Dragonflight comes, the heirlooms will do ilevels for 61-70.

The same thing happens in the lower levels, although you aren’t at those levels for long. I remember seeing big jumps in ilevel at 31, 36, 41 and 46.


yes but they don’t end at 50 either. They end at 49… Which even if that’s the case, the heirloom ilevel bonus should still be entry level for the next expansion, even if you don’t own it?

Like a Level 50’s item level should be around 80, and that would be the item level you’d have for BFA until you bought the expansion, rather than hurting the player at level 50 because they need one extra level in order for it to get it’s boost it should of gotten at 50.

Seems very faulty as it’s actively prohibiting me for going into dungeons right now.

Even if BFA was the current expansion, Heirlooms wouldn’t even be at 40-50 because they wouldn’t want you plowing through the newest expansion with bonus EXP, so I fail to see the justification of not giving benefits that you should be getting to help you if the intention IS to in-fact give you the bonuses level 1 through 59. At no point should any of those bonuses stop until you reached the designated level of 59.

You can replace some of the heirlooms with Shadowlands gear to get your ilevel up until level 51. Then put the heirlooms back on.

If you want to give feedback on the heirlooms you would need to post in General Discussion.

The heirlooms have always leveled out at the max of an expansion. Their purpose was to help with gearing while leveling. Then you use expansion gear to progress. You normally need to get expansion gear to do heroics after leveling. They act the way they do because of the ends of the expansions. Cata=30, Pandaria=35, WoD=40, Legion=45, BfA=50.

  1. Doing that would force me to lose the experience bonuses, which defeats the purpose as I said earlier.

  2. Im not looking to give feedback.

The only bonuses that a full set of heirlooms give you are the following:


You are giving feedback. You have posted that you don’t think that heirlooms should work the way they do. Ticketing is not going to work. A GM is not going to be able to help you with this. GMs don’t change the way the game runs. If you think it is a bug, you need to file a bug report. GMs don’t fix bugs.


I understand but that is still a bonus over just not wearing the heirlooms at all. That’s 60% of less EXP being consumed at rested, which rested is a bonus experience, which would help me via dungeons that I cannot currently do being at level 50.

Im not providing feedback on heirlooms, I’m simply asking why they work the way that they do. Asking these questions (with customer support), is the gateway to understanding why they are designed this way, or if it was really was their intention, is it something I should discuss on the forums, or is it something I should report as a bug. Asking these questions is the best way to determine what route should be taken, rather than just posting about why I dislike heirlooms in their current state on the forums.

Talking to a GM personally about the issue lets me know exactly what it is, what can be done, and what alternative methods there is, BUT! I didn’t even get that.

The fact of the matter is, In my original post, NONE OF THIS information that I have gotten from users like you, has been brought to my attention what so ever. GM’s are instructing me that the bonuses end, and I quote directly from the support ticket,

“29/34/39/44/49 - a level 50 character is not getting the bonus because they are higher than the level cap of the item which is 49, in this case.”

In no way did they even discuss the fact that Heirlooms bonuses will continue at level 51 through 59, I was REPEATEDLY told that ALL bonuses end at 49, and will NEVER upgrade above that number. Meaning that from level 50-59, all bonuses will stay at the level 49 level cap, which isn’t true. It is in fact 59, but the bonuses are not counting at level 50.