When is faction imbalance going to be addressed?

No, they are not, they are roughly 10 minutes or 15 minutes at worst. The OP is using hyperbole.

Your idea on how to get supposendly “accurate data” doesn’t result in “accurate data” either. We don’t know what factors affect the AV queue and it’s entirely possible that the defeatist attitude you’re spreading here it’s also spreading to the event… I mean, how many “AV favor Horde because I lost a few times!” threads have you seen so far?

The majority of people in this game don’t do high end content, I should know, I’m one of them, it’s really not that hard to think that the majority of that majority might gravitate towards one side over the other.

So basically, the only way for Alliance to feel motivated to get things done, is for them to have an advantage. Not to be equal, but to have an advantage.

I wish you realized how sad this is but, alas, I don’t expect you to since it’s easier to blame it on “m-muh Horde bias!”.

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Where is your proof? You are pushing the idea of massive faction imbalance but whenever I look at realmpop or any other sources of player population both factions seem to be within less the 5 percent away from 50/50 balance.

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It all boil down to “It doesn’t support my view that I personally maintain so that cold hard data it’s invalid”.

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Let’s be clear here. At that level of play it isn’t horde vs alliance anymore… Do you seriously think the WF players are horde for the express and ONLY reason being that they want to be horde? No. They’re horde because the horde DID have a racial advantage… for literally years. Do you think those top players would even bat an eye if the top racials went alliance? They’d all instantly swap to alliance, because they couldn’t care less about Horde vs Alliance when it comes to the WF race.

Hell limit literally faction transferred their entire team for 1 week so that they could get the free heroic piece that was stupidly offered for AoO to the alliance.

They. Do. Not. Care. Neither do most of the mythic progression players when it comes to progression. They’ll play whichever side has the best shot of offering progression, because that’s what they’re there for.

This all being said, I also don’t think that the Alliance should be offered ANY racial advantage (or gear advantage… I’m not a fan of AoO…). All that’ll do is flip the imbalance to the opposite side fixing quite literally nothing.

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Kinda like the way they did for the whiny horde babies when we were roflstomping your entire faction.
Or did you forget that Blizzard had to dial up your welfare status to 11?


WHAT ? you are saying that EMFH was better than troll berseking 20% haste racial or 5% pet dmg for hunters ? or orc racial ? wtf. . . cmon what u talking lol.

This is a pve focus game btw ; the people who does pvp is like the 5% of people who does pve.

They started nerfing them at legion when the damage was already done ? HELLOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO?

Doesnt help at all but deny there was some horde bias and that destroyed the game is like denying monday is after sundar lol.

it will never be fixed its world of hordecraft.

Wonder if all the Horde in here saying that it’s not a problem and that the Alliance should stop whining are the same ones who were spamming the forums in WoD about how Blizz needed to nerf EMFH ASAP.

Only a problem when it happens to Horde I guess.

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Yes, it’s a year old, but actual numbers for some stuff.

Blizzard Entertainment is working to balance the number of players in World of Warcraft 's two factions for high-end raid dungeons and the game’s voluntary player-vs.-player War Mode.

WoW maintains a relatively even balance overall in terms of players who choose the game’s Alliance side and those who choose Horde, Game Director Ion Hazzikostas said during a Forbes interview at the recent BlizzCon fan convention. (See my extensive interview with him last month on other issues related to the Battle for Azeroth expansion.)

For example, overall win rates in random battlegrounds are “shockingly even,” he said. The Isle of Conquest and Alterac Valley battlegrounds tend to favor Alliance “a bit” and everything else skews mildly to the Horde, with a win rate of 54%-46%, he said. Rated battlegrounds, which can queue teams of Alliance vs. Alliance or Horde vs. Horde, aren’t included in those calculations.

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Forbes has several interviews with Ion. Worth a read.

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Not, obviously not, people interested in getting things down at the high end have been shown to switch sides based on advantage from the moment world first became a thing. But we’ve never seen it leaving behind something like this before. It’s clear things are different this time around, and it is possible that a matter of mentality might be the cause, because at the very least, the dungeon tournament has proved that Alliance has the advantage when it comes to getting, at the very least, that portion of content done.

So… punishing people?

No, those that care about WF don’t care. That’s not an argument.

But that doesn’t mean that when one side loses that very tiny portion of population interested in high end content, the rest will wither and die. It never happened on Horde side when the Alliance dominated and the raiding scene there has always been healthy… and when it came to BG queues, even when Alliance dominated, Horde still had long queues.

And if WoD it’s useful for anything, it’s to prove this very thing.

People has been asking for EMFH to be balanced since the moment it was released in WotLK, and that was finally the case in WoD, one xpac earlier than MoP.

So no, it’s hard for Horde to be “whining” over a racial that had been already changed.

Its a legit concern for people that want to be competitive without selling out & switching Factions. Pretty sure there was allot concern about Alliance not participating in warmode in BFA by the horde due to the problem.

I was horde during WoD. That’s simply not true. This forum was flooded with complaints about insta-queue horde BGs vs 20-30 minute alliance ones. The funny thing was that it was almost always an insta-queue into a GY camp from the alliance.

Heck, that imbalance was what prompted them to put mercenary mode in, in the first place as a band aid due to how massively lop-sided it was.


I was thinking mostly of MoP when the Alliance dominated, but not as grossly as they did in WoD, so you are correct, in WoD that was not the case. But also, as said, the advantage was obscenely titlted in favor of Alliance, and we had data that supported that was indeed obscenely tilted towards Alliance.

I agree, I guess my point was that for those top level players, they aren’t doing their progress on the Horde’s side because of some “Faction Loyalty” line. They’re doing it there as it’s the side that has the best chance of success (previously due to racials, now just due to the # of players interested).

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Absolutely, competitors don’t tie themselves by faction loyalty at all, the problem is why are the rest not getting the basic end game content done?

If, as said, and as proved by how absurd the imbalance in random BGs was back in WoD, what the regular raiding Joe needs it’s an advantage and being equal it’s not good enough, that’s a problem, but not a problem blizz can solve.

Remember when “every man for himself” racials was OP and Horde always loses in PvP back in WoTLK because they have free trink and can just slap in “Deathbringer’s will” and “Sharpened Twilight Dragonscale” and hit high armor penetration to one shot Horde players?

Yes, please keep complaining

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0.5% potential dps increase if you perform your rotations flawlessly and play a specifc race vs objectively the best PvP racial in the game by a mile.
Also if Troll racial was so busted and THAT was the reason Horde are OP in PvE, how come Troll has forever been the lowest represented Horde race? Surely if it was the reason of the faction imbalance it would be the highest represented?

Also the Horde racials were nerfed back in WoD when EMfH was still at it’s strongest since Cata.

Remember how it took almost 4 years for blizzard to finally balance EMFH and how it took a single raid tier for them to nerf the Troll racial to uselessness?


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Did they not transfer back, after all I remember them going back to horde after that, despite the massive warmode advantage they would get form being Alliance would be significant enough to players who only care about

As you said yourself.

An extra 25% manapearls and Azerite seems really good for progression does it not, yet they stayed horde.