When is faction imbalance going to be addressed?

You do realize what you are saying is ONLY people that play the Alliance don’t want to do content right? That folks that play Alliance no matter what the population is, they just don’t do content because they are Alliance.

Alliance has always attracted the extreme casuals, yeah. That’s been the case since vanilla.

Well OP, I figure they’ll balance when!

  1. They run out of Modes
  2. They get tired of making Modes
    3 It starts costing Blizzard money
  3. It’s too late!

Pick a number, flip a coin, roll the dice or ask the magic eight ball!

Edit: Edit is broken!

Cmon . … this is stupid. We all know people at this point just pick the horde because the game is already broken.

The racials literally destroyed this game since wrath of the lich king ; a looooooooooooooooooooooot of guild from the alliance swap to the horde just for that and what happened? . pum faction imbalance.

I have a friend who plays in the horde and his new friend (who is starting to play) picked the Alliance butttt the horde player told him this :“dont play alliance ; horde has more people and better racials”.

The game is already broken ; i have like 8 friend who were alliance then swap to horde and stop playing.

Because they liked to do some hardcore raiding but they didnt want to play horde.


Now i know why this game is not having anymore 13 mill subs. Is because is horde of warcraft rn .

My bad im dumb :smiley:

I can agree with this. However what you are saying is MOST of the population is this, and that is pretty ridiculous. ESPECIALLY if what all these people are saying about the Alliance being 46% of the playerbase is correct.

If this were the case and the game had 2 million players…then 900k plus would be extreme casuals and they would ALMOST ALL be Alliance side. Does that even sound remotely logical to you?

The reality is it is a snowball effect, there is a problem with people finding groups to do the content they want and as more and more people have migrated Horde side due to a LONG LIST OF things Blizzard has done over time in all aspects of the game the problem is getting acute now and it is making the problem even worse and spiraling out of control. It is a self enforcing feedback loop, there are few groups so people can’t find anyone so they transfer and then there is less people running into the same problem so they transfer etc. etc. etc…

Pile on top of that almost ZERO reason to play Alliance because of how imbalanced the game is as a whole toward one faction (which is in itself a driving factor for this problem to begin with) and you have a situation where we are.

Nothing, if alliance gets better racials many(not all) top end players, streamers etc will move because they care about the advantage, then hordes of followers will follow as usual resulting in a slowly increasing competitive community in alliance, it won’t be instant but slowly things will change and be more balanced.

If left for too long of course it will lead the alliance dominating but it is doubtful they will ever do that for long since horde bias

these are not mutually exclusive your extremely incorrect

it is a fact we can draw this conclusion from the data provided from realm pop

this happens on both side therefore is a completely moot point

again not if there is a participation problem why would a collector or RPer use the queues at all that makes 0 sense.

Look up how to draw a logical conclusion you might learn somthing.

Using a colorful saying doesn’t change the FACT that you don’t have data if in the very same sentence you admit it is not perfect. EVEN you explaining how they TAKE that “data” is laughable. No amount of you saying i am incorrect will change that.

This is still not a thing. What you have is an opinion wrapped in the form of speculation from flawed (at best) “data” that you admit is not accurate and the method of taking that “data” is suspect at most.

Basically what you have is pie in the sky what you feel.

Lol, it is only moot to you because it shoots a whole in the whole “data” thing. It still stands and it also disproves any “data” that you have as being accurate, furthermore the fact that you would say it happens on both sides ONLY STRENGTHENS the flimsiness of the “data” you have as it points to it’s complete inaccuracy on BOTH factions along with the lack of the value of the “data” itself.

Well first your assumption is that a collector and RPer ONLY do those things in the game and don’t que for anything ever…and that in itself is ridiculous, especially the RP part as there are whole severs of people that are on RP PvP servers.

But along with that the point is if you have equal populations or almost equal populations (as you folks with the 54/46 number claim) then the distribution of collectors and RPer’s would be equal or roughly equal. Thus que’s wouldn’t be out of whack so badly.

Coming from someone who calls realmpop “data” while also admitting and proving along the way it is garbage, that is rich. Let me know when you look up the definition of logic. I know i have been slapping you in the face with it here in these posts but you might want to not focus on NOT showing your lack of logic.

At least you tried, you failed, but at least you gave it a try.

Alliance had the better racials after WotLK. Remember intial iterations of EMfH?

Horde racials aren’t even better, but since enough people felt they “needed” to listen to the 5% it mattered for heaps of people rolled Horde.

For the past 2 expansions we’ve had nothing but posts about how people shouldn’t play Alliance and if you want to play you need to roll Horde, so of course everyone who has started playing in the past 6 years have predominantly rolled Horde.
We’ve heard post after post about how bad Alliance is, how do you think that helps the Alliance?

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Are you that unaware of yourself and your own statements?

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Sadly, it won’t be addressed as it pretty much can’t be addressed at this point. The only way to “fix” it would be to give the alliance OP racials, which would just then see saw the population to the alliance. Just like it did during WoD for PvP. At this point, the dev’s just need to accept that there’s going to be an imbalance as the game is dwindling relative to it’s prior success. Allow cross faction guilds and cross faction grouping. Maintain WPvP WM for the ole Horde vs Alliance.

Doing this instantly boosts the raiding/M+/PvP population for all players. Go ahead and maintain the war and armistice in the story, but stop letting it hinder our gameplay.

I am not the one claiming realmpop is “data” and to be used as gospel. That is a you thing…and CLEARLY we already know you don’t do any research on anything, proved several times in this thread alone.

So one faction should be significantly buffed and broken so that people play it instead of it being just an equal choice?
They have already been given significant rewards and incentive but it hasn’t worked.

The degree of bonus they need to promote people to willingly part with money to change faction is stupidly high, at that point it would just cause the reverse issue as everyone would need to roll Alliance to be competitive, and not even by some minimal 1% like it has been in the past.

Which they don’t seem like they want to do because the faction divide is a ‘pillar of wow’ apparently

To be fair motors, it’s better than nothing. From everything I’ve seen, the overall population is relatively stable between the two. It’s the participation in organized groups that’s the problem. Let us coordinate together and that problem becomes moot.

In some ways they’re not wrong, but… this isn’t wrath… we aren’t playing with over 10m other players… And one side is getting really shafted when it comes to organized play.

The exact same thing could be said of dead servers. What’s their solution for those? Server mergers and connected realms. Do the same with the factions for organized content…

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No, you are the one claiming it isn’t data because you don’t like it. That isn’t a good justification.
So you can sit there and be upset about the situation you’ve made up in your head, or you can acknowledge the reality that this is about participation and deal with it accordingly.

Either way, you are clearly content just to vomit vitriol so I suppose there is little purpose is speaking with you.

You are literally the person ignoring actual data we have in front of us. Seriously, your lack of awareness has gone from amusing to sad.

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I agree, Alliance leaders have just float around doing bad things some times and then when they do commit atrocities, they are over shadowed by larger Horde issues.

Sylvanas owns the story in BfA and yet here we are forgetting that the Alliance burnt little fox people, etc.

LOL, i am the one pointing out that the people using it themselves recognize it is not accurate, there is a difference. No matter how you want to make me out to be the angry, spiteful “unintelligibly” person that you can suddenly understand and interact with after you were going to give me the last word.

There won’t be a justification for you. I have already covered your flawed logic at multiple times in this thread. I am not expecting you to just give in now that you have dug your heals in and proved logic isn’t a thing for you.

This still isn’t a thing no matter how much you keep trying to make me out to be this way.

I have already acknowledged it is a participation problem brought about by a population imbalance, brought up the statistics of it which you conveniently don’t address and proved all the flaws you have in your “logic” and “data” there is nothing more for me to do here.

Still not a thing no matter how you or Akston or Mcbeardy want to try to say it is. I am still having a good time showing all of your flawed logic for the world and people in this thread to see. As far as you speaking with me, you were going to give me the last say almost 2 hours ago…yet here we are. Proving even more your lack of logic.

The problem is, it’s not data, it is speculation using a flawed mechanism. It has almost no value.

Your opinion is noted. Thanks for letting me have the last word.

No, you’re stating “you cant use this data at all because its inaccurate.”
Everyone else is stating “There is surely inaccuracies, but it provides an idea of what is occurring.”.
Perfect? No.
Better than nothing? Most assuredly.
Its history has also lead to it being within a few percentiles of accuracy as well, such as in MoP when the devs stated population balance was even, an realmpop agreed. :man_shrugging:

Danthe’s law is being applied here.

Except we know this is not the case per the devs. Sooooooooo…literally you’re wrong.

Devs: Only single digit percentile raids. So we made LFR to raise it.
You: Its a population issue

Except the devs said its a participation issue and always has been. So…yell more that the makers of the game pointed out what every single MMO maker has noted with raiding.

Participation is, and always will be an issue in serious content.
Btw, alliance dominates M+.

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Im cool with Blizz continuing to pile on the sweet buffs and bonuses for Alliance. Makes it so much easier to level and gear up on Alliance and Horde. Much better bang for time played. AOO -4- Life.