When is faction imbalance going to be addressed?

Actually, no. Realm pop in the US right now is 53% horde and 46% alliance, that’s not a huge difference. EU is 54% horde to 45% alliance. And yet the alliance can’t manage to scrape together one mythic group that can clear?

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they struggle when you present facts to them

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What facts are we talking about?

There’s no “solution” that will address high-level participation in serious endgame content. Whichever faction is bigger, there is absolutely no incentive to join the smaller one for PvE, and virtually no incentive for PvP. Even if they were identical in flavor and mechanics, having the larger population is itself a huge advantage.

If the “solution” is just “make Alliance races better” then there will be a tidal shift of people going Alliance and we’ll end up with massive imbalances in the opposite direction. Surely that’s not an improvement, any more than piling all your junk on one side of the room instead of the other makes your room cleaner.

The only long-term solution is to remove the faction divide. Anything else is merely prolonging the inevitable.

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realmpop 10char

Realmpop by definition is NOT FACT. It is at most speculation. We have no facts of the realm populations. Definition of fact

  1. a thing that is known or proved to be true.

There is nothing in realmpop or any other 3rd party website that tries to measure it that can be labeled as FACT. Care to try again?

I agree. I’m still surprised the factions have managed to stay this balanced after all these years. It’s extremely close to 50/50, that’s impressive. Especially when apparently all the skilled end game players already jumped ship to horde.

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considering it takes data on active users from the AH for the past month it is an a fairly accurate (not perfect) way of seeing pop density for the game. it is a FACT that there is no faction imbalance there is only a participation problem, the data shows this.

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Well, you know what they say. If it sounds too good to be true…

Random BG Queues for Horde are back to 30mins as OP says? Damnnn it hasn’t been that way since MoP. I remember doing countless BGs with my Horde friends in other expansions and it only being 15mins at rare times

Dont bother trying to argue it with him. His beliefs mean more than any data used.
Even if it was perfect he would discount it.


Most of my friends are alliance. Of all of them I do the least end game content. I’m mostly a collector.

Anyways. One of my oldest friends in wow plays horde pvp and is damn good. He initially played there for the racial and has a small group he runs mythic dungeons with. He and his friends however love the horde races but the alliance lore and history.

They have said numerous times to me that they would bring their mains to the alliance if they could keep their race. Sure it’s only like 5-6 people I’ve heard this from but still. It shows there is a desire to have some sort of cross faction play or “deserter” questline to allow players to keep their toons but switch factions.

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If OP Ralph is correct, 20,25-30 min queues for Horde are pretty brutal. I used to do dozens and dozens of Horde BG with close friend and all she expected me to do was talk with her. if i went afk she’d be mad. 25-30min RandomBG queues would be harsh !!

How do you address the problem that players have 2 choices of factions and people still choose Horde even though it is objectively the least benefited faction in the game?

I have beat a 5+ premade on my Orc Warrior from Kel’thuzad. I’ll never forget it, I embarrased the hell out of them, and I had Screenshots but it was on my old PC. One of them was a Gladiator rank with his buddies thinking they can “gg ez win the game” and i out-skilled them and won the WSG. Classic good times

I even had ppl saying I won the game for them

this wasn’t that time - but was a diff time i recorded and it’s a good video. doesn’t take long to watch.

The more you speak the happier I am that I don’t main alliance, in fact I an considering faction changing or deleting my alliance toons

These 2 things don’t go together. If you don’t have accurate information…you have no “data”, what you have is speculation.

As far as users of the AH as accurate population data that is laughable. There are people that don’t TOUCH the AH, there are people with 50 toons that have only 1 use the AH, there are all kinds of scenarios to shoot GIANT GAPING HOLES in this logic of it being “data”.

This is NOT a fact, this is what is known as an opinion because

You have none of this.

However if you want fact, go do a /who in the major zones on each side and see the “facts” of your opinion and you will see that just because you have an opinion backed up by speculation those don’t make facts.

Fact, que’s are LONGER on the Horde side by a FACTOR of 4-8X and that doesn’t happen because of a participation imbalance alone…it happens because there is a population imbalance that LEADS to a participation imbalance.

You guys need to take some statistics classes. If the populations were equal, there would be almost no difference in que times because the distribution of the people playing the different parts of the game would vary only within a small percentage. The fact that the que’s are MASSIVELY different is because there is a population imbalance between the playing of the two factions.

If i have 100 players Alliance and 100 players on the Horde. The participation rates of the playerbase could vary wildly, as the population goes up in scale though, those populations balance out as the number gets highers so that by the time you are talking about 1 million Alliance players to 1 million Horde players the distribution of people playing the different parts of the game is about equal. The ONLY thing that changes at that point is if the population changes.

That is why the Horde que’s change only minimally from peak to trough time of play (from primetime to 4am). At primetime you have about a 10 min wait in que…while at 4am the wait time is about 12 mins. At the same time the Alliance que is constant at about 2 mins.

The population of the player playing 120 toons is imbalanced between the factions…that is a FACT.

When Ion gets replaced.

I saw various friendly posts here and other sections that gave small good ideas, tried to give a small few of my own, but it all gets drowned out with either the trolly defeatism arguments or nip-picks back and forth honestly. I mean PR is a thing at blizzard is it not? I think them investing in something in that regards…like I have said before…is one small step or option. But honestly its hard to give quality feedback whenever its just bickering…I resorted to give most of my feedback in the Help-Ingame menu personally.

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The population at 120 skews noticeably Horde going by the various census and achievement data, but not by the several times reflected in queue times, raid stats, and premade listings. Alliance’s problem is largely participation; we’re full of people who just don’t really do much.