When is faction imbalance going to be addressed?

Never, because all the devs main Horde it’s a “pillar of the game”.

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I think its actually split down the middle isn’t it?
I mean, honestly, how would you fix the participation issue? You can only dumb down the game so much.
Maybe through media?
I dunno…it doesn’t help most of the time alliance is going “OMG ITS NOT FAIR HORDE BIAS!” constantly. So they look whiny and immature.


Here is a shocking thought…how did they “fix” it before?

This is garbage because children don’t understand criticism and reality. It is however kind of funny how much you complain about the “complainers”.

I have no idea what you are trying to articulate besides being spiteful that your opinion is not being taken seriously.

Exactly, they pretend like the faction divide is le pillar of the game while one side is woefully underrepresented in serious content.

But that is what happens when all of the devs play horde and have a blatant horde bias


Give Alliance better racials to attract players, give them better races to attract players. I mean Horde gets Vulpera and Ally get DiaperGnomes. They get Zandalari Trolls and Ally get fat Humans. Come on!


Of course you do, you just don’t want to go there and actually have to look at all that Blizzard did to “fix” the imbalance when the Horde population was light. And using big words like articulate doesn’t make you seem any smarter to anyone.

If my opinion wasn’t being taken seriously…i wouldn’t have the highest upvoted post of the thread. Furthermore if it wasn’t there wouldn’t be multiple threads about the same subject every week.

As far as spiteful, i am having fun at your expense, that is not spiteful. It is just entertainment.

What else is someone supposed to do while waiting in the long Horde que’s to do content?

This is nothing but a complaint with nothing to suggest how to fix it. You can only yell the same phrase over and over before you start being ignored.
Here is the thing, raiding has always been done in single digits, same for PvPing.
All that is happening is that percentage is bouncing from one side to the next. The rest of the population doesn’t do anything, so the issue is participation, and getting that population that doesnt raid to do so.

Otherwise, you’re just…complaining that the raiders aren’t with you this expansion.

No…no I don’t. I can’t understand someone who chooses to speak unintelligibly.

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Oh that’s right, never mind. That whole logic and you don’t work. That explains why you all of a sudden are trying to use big words and make folks out to seem “spiteful” and “angry”.

Toodles with that.

You mean before…when there was an actual population imbalance, and not factions pretty similar in over all population but one side choosing not to participate?

Two different situations.


No, it’s not. And no amount of you pointing to “garbage” data from a third party website will change that.

As we talked about in the previous thread when you tried to say the same thing and left when i pointed out the ridiculous position of your assertion that 46% of the population just doesn’t want to do content, that hasn’t changed. And it won’t change as long as you hold onto that flawed logic.

There is NO AMOUNT of saying it is a participation problem and not a population problem that will change reality, no matter how much flawed logic you want to throw at it…whether it is useless third party “data” or that almost 1/2 of the population of the game doesn’t want to do endgame because they are playing Alliance.


Give me some data that shows the population balance is out of whack. The over all population.

I eagerly await your well thought out reply that will be backed by data.

I stopped responding in the other thread, because I said what I wanted to say. And sometimes, when people only respond in the most irrational way possible and refuse to listen to anything…I am trying to teach myself to back away.


I am not going to change the way I express myself because you are intimidated by my vocabulary.
When you have something of substance to say, then we can have a discussion. Otherwise, this is just you being venomous.

So the alliance is terribly outnumbered that third party sites are also demonstrated a 7:3 split as it did in Vanilla? The data says no, and I am quite sure the devs at one point stated the populations were balanced.

Yes…yes there is.
Way back in MoP when LFR came out the devs stated explicitly that those doing raiding and pvp was in the single digits percentile wise. That LFR was the reason participation had grown within the single digit percentile and why it justified them making more raiding content.

So if only a single digit percentile was raiding back in MoP, when the alliance was where the top guilds were located, then participation was, and still is the predominant factor.
That is the reality of the situation.
You can acknowledge the facts, and admit it is participation, or remain intentionally oblivious to it.

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They fixed it, or most likely fixed it unintentionally because humans had the top racial in wod and many people were on both factions because horde as usual was big but people had a reason to join the alliance being the op racial and due to that a competitive community as well.

The people who are whining now are hordies who enjoy he status quo of horde dominating since legion so they don’t want to see a fix sto this problem.

I am pretty sure he is referring to TBC when blood elves were given to the horde. It was an underhanded high elf request.

Because the very participation imbalance you are referring to still happened in Wod when it came to raiding.

I didnt realize your alliance panderan was horde.


And the solution of the disbalance is:
Genius Blizzard Dev: Mechagnome!!!
All devs: /Clap
My: /Facepalm

How do you propose they fix this issue? You realize it’s because the majority of players are Horde, right? That’s why Alliance PVP queues are short and get the honor buff and etc. People right now prefer Horde and that’s okay. The faction “Balance” has always shifted from expansion to expansion.

That’s surprising. On the other hand though, the only memory I have of running BGs as horde is getting placed against premades from Kel’Thuzad almost every single game and losing horribly. That was years ago though.

But on topic, I agree with the OP. There’s a definite problem and nothing is being done to fix it. In fact I’m sure it will get worse once the foxes are out.

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Horde has been dominating since legion. They ve been dominating for 2 expansions now and there’s nothing stopping them from continuing to a 3rd one.

Before that issue fixed itself with Devs alternating strong racials in an attempt to balance them. They haven’t done that nw and aren’t planning to meaning It will continue

Try the new AV…take note that the leveling is ALL ONE QUE. That means you are playing it from level 10 to level 119 as one large group. Alliance que is under 2 mins…while my Horde toons are ALMOST 15 min que’s.

Now you tell me if the populations are equal, why is the Horde que ALMOST 8X as long for leveling toons?

Yes i am sure you did. Because i am so irrational in all of my posts. Just like here. It is kind of funny you and the other guy say that only after i refute your position of the ridiculously flawed logic that 46% of the population doesn’t want to do content.

The reality is that i am not irrational, that is what you want to say because you can say nothing else other then to point to me and say i am angry and irrational or something else that is ridiculous like i am “unintelligibly” saying something. Those are argument tactics of those that have nothing to refute or rebutt with to try to make themselves out to look like they have the “better” position.

Still doesn’t change the reality of the situation or you guys flawed logic of making an argument using ADMITTEDLY useless “data” that is nothing more then you picking a number from thin air.