When is faction imbalance going to be addressed?

Perception is always more believable than reality with this subject.


Most players don’t actually care about the health of a server/game retail has always been alright thanks to the massive amount of servers it has. Classic servers are a good example of faction imbalances created by the playerbase. Private servers are these faction balances taken to the extreme with 70/30 splits level of inbalance.

I have seen the many attempts private servers have tried to even out factions they have not worked very well. Not sure what blizzard could do differently that would work, as long as players have a choice most will go with the bigger population faction for raiding ah etc.

Maybe getting a “win” in game instead of a developer going “Do you remember that thing you did a year ago? You don’t? Well you won it either way. Shut up.” would help people want to play the Alliance


It’s great seeing casual horde act like they’re anything but lucky that their side ended up being the one to stack for endgame content. Some don’t even realise some of the best horde players are ex-alliance.

The problem with alliance getting off their butt is it’s easier to drop a token or relevel horde than to convince 19-24 others (MINIMUM) to stick around as climb out of the gutter. Realistically though for mythic raiding your need more than one team on the server or faction otherwise as soon as one player quits you’re done.

I think most of the alliance guilds still raiding are either EU or oceanic, anyway. I don’t even know if NA has many left?

And here comes the final problem. Excusing that “op racials for alliance” is a terrible idea, once you do create a massive faction shift you probably just completely killed oceanic horde.

I think hardcore raiding is just slowly on the way out and there’s not much to do about it but wait it out or seek out the most populous side

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Okay, and what is the issue with this statement? All I am seeing is you complaining about the facts regarding the number. a 7% population difference means that it is certainly a participation issue. Nothing in your long rant at all addresses it.
You’re just complaining. A long. long, long rant of complaining.

You want to change things? Get to changing them.


Yep, that’s it. Has NOTHING to do with the fact that this type of logic (your logic) is that 46% of the playerbase is playing the game and just doesn’t want to do content. Nope, almost 1/2 the playerbase just plays Alliance to NOT DO CONTENT.

You’re right, it’s just a rant, it doesn’t point out how ridiculous the position that almost 1/2 the playerbase just plays the game to not do content. It’s all just a participation problem. Nothing to see here, everything is fine.

No imbalance in quality or quantity of content. No lob-sided story telling, no issues at all everything is all good.

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What are you a broken record? “not do content” “not do content”.
They are doing content, just not content that is end game.
Alliance participation is low because of individuals such as yourself who wish to complain about the issue rather than solve it. Are you creating mythic raids? Mythic + runs? Are you engaging in high end PvP? Are you recruiting and promoting it?

The answer is no.
That is why you sit on an unleveled gnome because you’d rather complain and wait for someone to solve an issue that is literally the communities problem.


Oh the irony.

Yes of course, when all of that population Alliance side is Horde alts that happens. Or maybe you just think that the population difference really is 54/46 because some third party website tells you so. So if they are alts
then they are busy Horde side mostly aren’t they?

My participation in this thread directly refutes that but continue please.


I have to admit, you have that broken record thing DOWN!

Yep sure is. But for you, it’s not a population problem (which it is) and just a participation problem because you think if you look at surface statistics and populations of 120’s that everything is fine when nothing could be further from the truth.

Hence why this issue keeps being brought up despite your trying to say that 46% of the population just doesn’t want to do endgame content.

You’re using this word improperly. It does not mean what you think it means.

Thank you for agreeing.

I do, because it is the best data that we have currently. Do you have data which demonstrates the opposite? If so. Present it. Otherwise, this is what we have.

Cool, and what are you doing to deal with this issue? I have seen absolutely no suggestions from you.

Touch a nerve? Sorry.

Can’t defend your stance? Pretend you have echolalia and just repeat what the other person says. You’re not helping your cause.

Glad we agree. So what are your proposals? Or are you absent of any?

Also, lets note the fact that I asked what you were doing to fix this issue such as recruitement, and you did not respond at all. Which means, you are here only to complain, and not actually solve the issue. You’re just playing into the alliance victim mentality trope.

Enjoy the last word, I know you will provide nothing of substance.


its not a faction imbalance its a participation problem friend realmpop is acutally a very good source of active players and there is a 6% differential thats not big. the problem is most alliance are casual collectors or RP’s who tend to not participate in endgame activities. you want things to change go sit in gold shire and tell the sweaty nerds to take their hands off their junk for 10 min and play the game.

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First of all, there is no faction imbalance, there is a participation imbalance.
Second of all, Blizzard can’t do much about participation since it is by players choice whether they chose to do the content or not.


Even if (and they wont) but even if Blizz fixed racials on the alliance side (and the Alliance do have some really great racials) and then they opened up free faction changes and realm transfers how are they going to make people change?

What if only 1/3 of a guild wants to change? Do you really believe 5-8 people are willing to leave an 8/8 mythic guild that has EP down on farm, so they can take a chance on the alliance side?

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Maybe they could pay Method to switch sides and see if some lemmings started to follow?

There is no problem, because problems have a solution that can be created. The only way balance can return is if Horde players simply decide to change factions for no reason other than because they want to, bringing their play-style and practices with them.

I won’t go into the finer points of population imbalance without having the devs metrics on active accounts at max level, while excluding their alts that are not active on one side or another, realmpop has been notoriously bad in the past. I will say I think its more of PR problem that would require blizzard to actually ya know spend money advertising and promoting certain things on alliance side, ya know in Q&A’s and blizzcons ect. The goal being not to pull horde characters but attract new players and attract them to endgame content fresh blood with a sense of pride.

LOL, it means EXACTLY what i think it means
you just don’t like that it got used on you.

Sarcasm is a lost art on the internet.

There is data
we KNOW IT IS WRONG but we are still going to use it because it’s “data” we have. And you see no flaw in logic in this shockingly, well no not really shockingly.

LOL, you mean do i have data that shows the split is 46/54 (which is what opposite would mean but i know you and logic don’t really go together)?

So you have numbers in the dark, ok I’ll use my own numbers since that is the value of what you have, in my “data” the population imbalance is 60/40 Horde/Alliance, there we go. There is your new “data”. No wait, this just coming in, fresh data
Let’s use “participation” rate of the guilds completing content, there is some “data” for you.

Having a conversation with you and putting my 2 cents out there for others to read, just like you.

Go read my post history, lots of suggestions there.

More like touched an untruth because as we have seen time and again, you don’t use logic
you clearly do no research into anything. And just so we are clear the “unleveled” toon is level 120.

NOT that level would matter anyways or even achievements or anything else about this toon that i post with.

Nope, just pointing out reality of you and that broken record.

I am pointing out not ONLY the irony of your statement but also the hypocrisy of your “point” of being a broken record and shoving back at you. I know logic isn’t your thing but at least try a little bit.

Answered above.

Not true, already asked and answered.

Again, logic fails you.

Because you are unable to use logic, follow a conversation or even bring up your own suggestions for fixing the problem that you YOURSELF clearly recognize.

Edit: i can see you furiously typing away
i thought you were giving me the last word?

So, anyone have suggestions? Or is this just a complaint thread where people hope for someone to agree, and they don’t, so they get angry in response?

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Wow, 9 minutes and this is all you came up with?

I mean you were typing furiously
then it stopped, then more typing, then stopped. All that time and you came up with one sentence with nothing to add?


Do you have any suggestions? Since you seem to want everyone else’s suggestions.

See, and that is the thing. Everyone is hoping Blizzard will come in and do something to resolve this issue, and the honest truth is that they really can’t do anything. Raiders always tend to gravitate towards whatever is most competitive, and currently, both are equal in the raiding scene. So they aren’t going to move from their current faction without reason.
Even if they did, that doesn’t mean 46% of the population is going to do end game content.
Its still the same people doing the same content.