When is faction imbalance going to be addressed?

Lifelong Alliance player. Trying to make progress in raids and PVP. Can confirm this is exactly how I feel.

It’s not that the Horde has an advantage. It’s that the Alliance has a broken mentality.


This dude is a terrible troll, it’s sad he gets some of y’all so worked up. You deserve it tho, taking that bait so easily.


Honestly, if it wasn’t because merc mode is not open for you and that doesn’t allow us to group up anyway, I’d gladly try my best to help you out… if I would get back and practice with my disc priest, heh.

The whole war story being Genn going rogue to kill a now Warchief Sylvanas, against Anduin’s wishes, would have made far more sense. Since she killed his son, destroyed his home, and (in his eyes) got Varian killed… but the Alliance can’t be the bad guys, you guys.


Step one: don’t care about your faction. Also known as: “–insert faction name-- is nothing!”

See you say he’s trolling and baiting us, but something tells me he’s quite serious in his infinite stupidity

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Admittedly, it’s hard to tell, he’s not the only one making these kind of topics and, tbh, I haven’t seen him around that often.


Only in the forums though…Alliance do just fine in random BG’s and WPvP in the game .

I don’t know about raids and dungeons as I don’t have a ally toon.

Across all toons my winrate is slightly below 50% n BGs, but I can guarantee that they at least talk about how their defeat is inevitable. Constantly.

That stuff needs to stop. There’s absolutely nothing stopping Alliance from actually winning games.

Alliance actually does very well in dungeons, but they can’t seem to complete the Hall of Fame for raids, so getting raid groups together is definitely a problem.

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Your win rate is pretty standard … most horde have the same.

And the negative talk is the same on the horde side too.

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Yeah sorry if I wasn’t clear. I didn’t mean to imply that it wasn’t standard. It’s just the “you guys ready to lose?” “GG Horde” crap gets to me and puts me on tilt.

The effect itself is different from the narrative, but the narrative is still annoying.

This is your “faction” imbalance. Generally speaking the average Alliance player wants to farm mounts/mogs, do pet battles, and role-play. They’ve adopted a victim mentality and feel they deserve special rewards for PvP, M+, and raiding. They don’t see that pushing content is in itself the reward.


You are the exact reason why a lot of people hate alliance players. You’re not even making an effort to run relevant content. You’ve run maybe a wing or two of LFR and that’s it.

Btw, BGs aren’t the reason why people switched to horde.


Well Horde Pandarian are petty dumb…you’d think Ji Firepaw would of gtfo once he met Garrosh who went on and on about killing other Pandarians… shoulda been a pretty big red flag.

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I think the OP is basically right. Not sure why he is getting all this blow back. Is it because of the fact that his name and Panda avatar remind people of Ralph Wiggum, and everyone just reflexively hates him?

I think all of this is true.

Is it because the OP did not offer a solution? Well - his point is that there is a problem and Blizzard is not addressing it. The first step is admitting a problem. Blizz has to do that. Than we can establish a frame work for how this can be addressed. Because it needs to be.

I play mostly Horde. But I do play a little Alliance. I have 435ish characters on both Factions, and the Alliance side has alot less stuff going on. Less options. Less people doing stuff.

My PvP Alt is my Alliance Rogue because he gets queues of less than 2 minutes and he does OK as far as victories. If I play my Horde characters in BGs, its almost always merc mode for faster queues. Merc mode is working as intended as far as I am concerned - but merc mode doesn’t solve the problem. It alleviates a portion of it. (And it sucks that if I want to PvP as my Horde Characters, I have to wait 8 or 9 minutes while Merc mode and Alliance are like 2 mins).

I would suggest cross Faction grouping for PvE (raids and dungeons but perhaps not world content or PvP?) as a way to reduce the balance issue for PvE. But I just hope Blizz does something.

Perhaps from most, but I agree with you guys. I play Alliance as well, and I notice a difference.


Because while Alliance doesn’t have the advantage they had prior to Legion, they still have plenty of characters to realistically keep up with the Horde. Dunno if they could surpass Horde, but at the very least they could catch up… if they tried to.

It is true most guilds moved to Horde, but considering the rampant seemingly defeatist attitude, it would make sense for guilds to want to be on the side that focuses on getting content done over anything else.

And they mentioned the problem, but really, what can they do? Give them broken racials like they did in WoD only to then balance things again and have everyone switch over again?

Blizz can’t do much if the attitude of the playerbase doesn’t change.


Everything you guys are saying about alliance and not fair and no groups and dead and yata yata i can say the exact same thing about horde, I think the world is to big, everyone is so spread out it makes it feel this way.
My server is dead, queues for bgs are awful and i see more alliance then horde.
I think its different for everyone.
The problem is something that blizzard has to work out and needs to A lot more merging and faction locking servers to keep the balance.

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In other words “I am benefiting too much from the status quo so they shouldnt fix the problem”

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Look at my profile dude, I haven’t done content since MoP. I’m not benefitting from anything and I win and lose as many random BGs as any average player, including Alliance ones.

The problem is not something blizzard can fix, it’s something you guys have to fix.

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