When is faction imbalance going to be addressed?

They used to be Alliance, many many moons ago. When Alliance had the best racial in the game (remember EMFH before it was nerfed?, and don’t forget about the bonus rep they get).

The reality is that there really isn’t a faction imbalance. Most sites that track faction populations have Horde:Alliance pretty close…

WowProgress shows the ratio at H 55:A 45 of raiding characters
RealmPop shows the ratio at H 49.5:A 50.5 of all characters (including lowbies)
RealmPop shows the ratio at H 53.4:A 46.6 of level 120 characters

Even if you think RealmPop is crap (and they aren’t, but Alliance loves to say they are), the ratio from WoWProgress is very close to the same and I doubt anyone is going to claim WoWProgress is crap.

The “imbalance” is in participation, not in actual population.

Blizzard can’t force Alliance players to raid or PvP or collect pets or dance by the SW fountain. Heck, back with they did the Orange County Choppers thing and there was a significantly higher population on Alliance side, Horde still won the “free” chopper (which they can no longer get, btw…Alliance can still buy theirs…OMG, that’s some Horde Bias if I ever saw it) because Horde actually participated in the contest.

If you want to “fix” the faction imbalance, participate in the content provided to you by the game. Get out of LFR/LFD, stop complaining about not being able to do things “because reasons” and DO STUFF!!

Happy Gaming!! :smiling_face_with_three_hearts:

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On live realm alliance consistently performs better in completing keys than the horde do.
on MDI, it is all alliance teams.
If the most competitive team are thinking “alliance is the best faction for this content”, and yet the alliance faction doesn’t participate the same way, then this is a matter of participation and not a matter of game balance.

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Thanks for the conclusive “data” that shows absolutely nothing at all.

You are being irrational. I ask for data on how there is a faction imbalance and your reply is “look at queue times for the AV anniversary event” while wanting to ignore usrealmpop numbers?

That is irrational.

That is not logical.

That is why I stopped responding. Its a joke.


:confused: :roll_eyes:
You spent a lot of words to explain something the thread already knew. My (half-joking) suggestion was to pay the best PVE guild to switch sides in the hopes it would alter the perception that if you want to do PVE content you have to be on the Horde.

Bwahaha alliance…doing ANYTHING in yhe story? Thatll be the day, remember back in mop we had our content cut in favor for the hordes when we got that stupid mechanical cat. Hell at the start of the expansion blizzard outright admitted that they ignored the vindicar just so they could burn down teldrassil


Crushing what?

Berserk is useless? Since when? Isnt that a mini lust for trolls? How is that useless?

Forget about it.
My question is…if I were to root you repeatedly in a puddle…would that kill you?

As much as people get excited over it, the mini lust it provides isn’t nearly as meaningful as people think.

I honestly thought it was one of the beat pve racials out there

Naw, the void elf racial gives out better damage.

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This thread is full of reply’s, and an OP, that state there in an imbalance where there is not one. Some of us realize it is a fallacy, others, however, do not. I was making a statement to the folks who don’t quite get it, not really you.

This was actually the only part of my post that was directly replying to you… Method’s raid team used to be Alliance, they moved Horde for better recruitment opportunities several years back…for raiding only. They moved during Kil’Jaeden, almost exclusively for Goblin Rocket Jump (to help with the knockbacks), which is not even a very good racial.

Currently, the racials for both factions are pretty balanced, those teams just never moved back. And why would they? The expense isn’t outweighed by any gain and they loose nothing staying where they are for raiding.

Their PvP and MDI teams are still Alliance across the board. Always have been. This alone should show that the “forum perceived imbalance” is a non-issue.

Method actually plays both factions. Only the raid team (lead by Sco, who is the most “well known” member) is Horde.

You can roll your eyes at me all you like, I don’t care. I am long winded. I like it. If you don’t, feel free to pass my posts up.

Have a fantastic day! :love_you_gesture:

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Umm… That is a participation issue, not a population issue. More Horde are queuing than Alliance, so Alliance get in faster while Horde has to wait for more Alliance to queue.

You’re proving the participation point. Thanks for that.

Population has zero to do with how many players choose to queue for content.

You actually kind of are. Every website that shows faction populations shows them at a relatively close ratio. You not wanting to see, believe, whatever, that data because it’s from a 3rd party site while making unfounded claims you can’t back up with any data at all other than things that support the participation issue is pretty irrational.

Quoted for truth. Alliance is pretty damn boring.

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It’s going to take a lot more than some decent Alliance-centric lore to restore its high end raiding and PvP scenes. There’s no shortage of solo players, pet battlers, lore enthusiasts, and transmog collectors who don’t engage in higher tiers of content on the Alliance side. With each passing raid tier, more guilds make the switch if anything just to have like-minded people to play with, making the problem worse since the raider pool become more centralized with little reason to go back.

So…you say Realm pop sucks…but you’re going to use a completely anecdotally based observation to make your argument?

You really are being irrational considering how you justified your view.

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Except when you are horde.

And you complain about EMFH.

Then Blizzard caters to you and nerfs EMFH into the ground.

Only then sitting there and waiting for an advantage to be handed to you will fix the issue.

Good one.

That won’t happen until the Alliance stops being so casual

I like how you guys are so stuck on this, but forget that EMFH was so overpowered it resulted in mercenary mode being designed.

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I can tell you dont know the difference between live realms and tournament ones.

As i say, MDI is a really smart portion and those people playing in the MDI when they aint in a tournament are actually playing on Horde. The horde dominates Mythic+ too in live realms, pretty easy to check it.

I never talked about it being a game balance issue, it’s a high end population issue.

Alliance: Hey your racials are overpowered and cause high-end raiders to favor your side more which influences balance.

Alliance: has emfh, dominates pvp

Can’t win with people like you, fam