When is faction imbalance going to be addressed?

Not really. I do believe they have the capabilities of doing it and the numbers too. The defeatist attitude we see here it’s only one side of it, but it does seem to be an issue.

But if people likes Alliance they should stay on Alliance and try to get content done where they want to get it done.

We’re not talking about the super compeititve .1%, we’re talking about the general population.

Sitting there and waiting for advantages to be handed to them won’t get content done and fix the issue. Looking for like-minded people and getting content done will.


Because the forums are visited by all the alliance players. You do realize really few people come here.

Theres probably more people in Moonguard Goldshire doing ERP right now that people in the forums.

Alliance should PvP more. It’s not Blizzard fault that players who enjoy PvP are more heavily inclined to play a certain faction with other like-minded players.

That’s because there are more Horde players interested in PvP.

To help fix the queue times.

because the recruiting pool for players that are interested in pushing content is deeper on the red team.

Stormwind is also known as Windstorm. Players come up with nicknames for all sorts of stuff.

The real question, OP, is what you YOU doing to make positive changes within your own faction?

Maybe we’re doing both.

Is not an issue, most people you see being defeatist probably dont even do real content. They just do casual stuff like WPvP or Queueable stuff.

Is more important to get content done, it really doesnt matter where.

And again, name me one content alliance aint doing? Because the upper echelons of PvP is favorable to the alliance, Mythic Raiding and Mythic+ is done too without an issue.

The thing is just plain and simple that there are MORE players looking to push higher end content in the horde that in the alliance.

And yet you talk about waiting for advantages, yet is something that was done for the horde back in the day with the imbalance that we saw in Vanilla when the alliance dominates.

Me personally im not waiting for anything and im just simply starting to switch to horde.

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Then they’re complaining just for the sake of complaining?

I mean, I’m not saying it’s completely impossible. This is the WoW forums after all, but still, it wasn’t just one Alliance player I’ve seen saying that they’ve seen a similar attitude around.

If that’s the case, then those people don’t affect population as much, because Horde has had guilds leaving the faction for Alliance before and yet, the raiding scene remained active.

Don’t tell me this, tell that to those that believe there’s an issue.

Then why are we even in this thread? What about all these that claim there’s an imbalance issue? Why is this suddenly a problem when guilds and people that are competing for AotC or world first or whatever, have switched from one faction of another since these became a thing?

Why do we have people claiming that there’s an issue Blizz should address?

Because the playerbases, the numbers, were completely tilted towards one side. That was not a matter of participation in content, having grossly imalanced factions will affect everyone.

Never said you did, but if you go and scroll up, you’ll see the OP even calling the bonuses the Alliance has had this xpac as not good enough.

So yes, it’s hard not to think that some are sitting there, twiddling their thumbs and demanding for advantages, not equal treatment.

The thing is not switching the thing is how ofter and way more guilds have switched to the horde, specially the ones looking to push high end content. Again many of those guilds you see in the World First were actually alliance raids before. Guess why they switched? I even put a extract of an interview in a replay before not far away.

The thing is the population pushing high end content has indeed been stacked in just one side in European and North American servers.

Alliance can do it, is just less hassle in the horde.

The thing here is that a lot of players went to one faction, leaving the high end content being harder to done in the other.

And this is something happening right now, back in MoP or WoD the alliance wasnt winning the World First Race but had a way more healthy population for it and for the exception of WoD PvP it has been dominated by horde.

Making more people switch to horde and it just snowballs. If it keeps it this pace we gonna have the samething that you said “having grossly imalanced factions”.

You can already check sites like Realmpop showing more players are 120 in the horde that the alliance, which wasnt near as big in Legion and in WoD is was pretty much tied.

I didnt waste my time reading OP.

Well tbh is the same you read in this forums, everyone wasnt their class/spec giving advantages so they can press 2 buttons and have tons of DPS.

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Legion and BFA was Alliance favored if anything what’s your point

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Haha, this gave me a good laugh. Thanks.

As for the other guy, don’t worry about him, he is mostly trolling. That is why he can never rebutt anything i say.

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I don’t know where you get that from? You play on the over populated faction, you have merc mode and get the best of both worlds in pvp.

How is a player problem my fault?

How do i get the best of both worlds on PVP?

Is it a joke? It is information collected by a third party USING AH ACTIVITY. It’s not anywhere NEAR accurate as everyone in here already knows AND admits.

Yes i used que times for comparison. I am fine with my 2 min que’s on Alliance side and i only have to put up with 10-15 min que’s for a short time on my few Horde toons but it is an ACCURATE MEASUREMENT of the difference.

Get back to me when you have an accurate measurement of population, oh wait you can’t because you won’t without Blizzard and they don’t give it out. Realmpop is garbage, everyone knows this. At BEST it is an educated guess, at worst it has almost no value at all. What we can say realmpop is good for is to at least show there is a population imbalance but how bad it is, any educated guess is as good as realmpop.

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How is a player problem my fault?

I never ever said it was your fault

How do i get the best of both worlds on PVP?

You can merc mode in retail play pvp for both factions.

Maybe if the Alliance wasn’t a bunch of limp wristed pansy’s people would want to play on it commit a few genocides nuke a town or two burn down a world tree or w/e no one wants to play on the boring side

Yeah yeah. Most Alliance have horde toons anyway.

What’s bad about merc mode?

It allows the “favored faction” to go against their own faction and give the “ignored faction” better chances for winning.

Once again I never said there was anything “bad” lol. You’re making up your own story there. I’m off to bed. Have a good night!

How does this mean Horde favoritism?

Edit: Actually i am missing a majority of why any of this means Horde favoritism.

Was there a problem with Alliance “participation” before Blizzard turned the horde welfare dial to 11?

Damn this thread took off while I was away.

But I certainly got one hell of a laugh seeing Motor’s little cheeks getting clapped all up and down this thread.

Funniest way to wake up this morning. Bravo Midare and Itlatn.