When is faction imbalance going to be addressed?

I mean, it’s an important distinction to make. A lot of people seem to think adding things like story, and faction mounts, and insert other cosmetic here will somehow fix the imbalance. When the reality is, such things will in no way shift the participation imbalance.

Heck those exact same players could simply make alliance toons to acquire those same benefits as well, while still maining their Horde characters for organized content.


Only blizzard has the accurate population numbers honestly, realmpop stuff takes AH hits on various servers to gain population information but can’t account for alts on same account cross faction and or alts used for storage/gathering or to play AH. Leader boards are used as a reference for participation numbers along with que times as a “assumption” about current states by players.

LOL, this is all you have, the ENTIRE time from your first reply. No matter how much logic i use (and show you don’t), no matter how many times i disprove you or turn around your attacks about “broken records” and “Danth’s law” back on you, all that you are left with is i am mad, there is no discussion (even though you keep coming back for more) and i am raging.

Thanks for the laughs.

To be fair, wowprogress is probably as good as you’re going to get at documenting the imbalance for mythic progression raiding. And from what I’ve seen it’s quite the sea of red there.

As an example:
The world 20th horde guild is 27th overall.
The world 20th alliance guild is 134th overall.

Another way of saying that is that in the top 134 guilds… only 20 of them are alliance. (15%)


It is a pretty significant difference.
Basically, the difference in population between the two is only about 7%, but the participation rate in high end raiding and mythics is much greater between the two and can’t be accounted for with the population numbers. The correlation jut isn’t there between the two variables.

We know it is participation because only a single digit raids for both factions, and in expansions where one faction dominated, it was largely the same guilds just swapping back and forth, and dragging that single percentage about.

Think all the competitive players already went to horde as for reasons why, everyone has a different reason why.

True. The faction participation imbalance is cause largely by lack of high level raiding guilds. Who aren’t going to be swayed by such cosmetic bonuses.

The only way to fix the issue would be to encourage the high level raiding guilds to switch back to alliance, but how do you do that without causing the same issue but against the horde a few months down the line?

This is all that your response deserved.

This is Danthe’s law in effect again. You’re declaring you’re right based on your emotional arguments.

Currently most the alliance success is Oceanic servers is it not? I wasn’t sure honestly.

I don’t think it’s possible. Others here have suggested making alliance racials OP, but as you said… That’ll just flip the imbalance with the same end-result.

That’s why I’m personally for taking a third route, which is cross-faction raiding/guilds. No the faction imbalance won’t be affected, but the problem that comes with it (crappy alliance gameplay, recruiting, etc) will be improved.

10/10 pun :smiley:

LOL, yes i guess when you have nothing you can refute from the facts i have provided and laid them out then you have nothing you can say. Seems about right. For once you used logic.

I am not emotional, no matter how many times you say it, it still isn’t true. Just like

This is still not how it’s spelled (already commented and corrected previously). But if you want to keep saying something that doesn’t exist…that would be in keeping with your logic, or lack thereof as the case may be.

If you weren’t, then you wouldn’t

Be focused on an intentional typographical error. The fact you are using it to try and argue a point is illogical, and emotional. It just proves my point with how you express yourself.

Read your posts out loud dude. You’re very unaware of yourself.

I am not arguing a point, i am pointing out a FACTUAL inaccuracy on your part. There is no point to argue, you have now twice (and been corrected twice) pointed to some obscure internet thing to try to bolster your flailing around as you have no rebuttal of substance and i just corrected your usage of it.

If you would prefer i can continue to let you state a non-existent “Law” and let you look even more foolish then you already do. There is no emotion expressed either way, it just is what it is.

Says the guy constantly trying to say i am angry and unintelligible and emotional. Might want to look in the mirror.

The ONLY thing i am doing is laughing at you and your inability to come up with anything other then i am angry and unintelligible and unaware of myself in a thread about population imbalance.

Toodles, gtg for a bit. Feel free to continue your silliness.

My goodness Motors and Itlatn…you make me feel inadequate. https://imgur.com/a/32EqPGF

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That is because you are allowing emotion to rule over logic. You’re not interesting in having a discussion, you’re interesting in feeling you are right. It is an emotional argument, just like the rest of this post that I am not bothering to waste time on reading.

only interested in those with tentacles, not people who drown if they stand in puddles

By a long shot. It’s basically the opposite situation on OCE servers except the majority faction also gets all the bonuses for being a “minority” 30% warmode bonus, Against all Odds, increased bg rewards etc.

BfA actually screwed the hell out of OCE servers. They gave all of the participation incentives to the overwhelming majority faction whilst the minority suffered.
The amount of people that faction and realm swapped to Alliance since BoD has been ridiculous.

Also it’s hard proof that racials and “faction bias” is a fallacy. Population and participation are key.
If Horde was so good the numbers wouldn’t mean anything and Horde would still be dominant.


Sadly, the only reason I’m not a gnome. :frowning: Can’t stand the whole being forced to swim through a tiny puddle situation.

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Simple: most of the horde posts here don’t even recognize a problem that Ion, a guy who ONLY plays horde, says is a serious problem that they are trying to fix.
Ergo, they shouldn’t have a problem if Blizz changes things and the Alliance starts getting win rates and guild transfers, etc…

How, be specific, do you propose to fix the issue?

Yeah its why i deleted my gnome as well. Too many inconveniences.