When is blizzard going to get rid of

Isn’t raider IO player created?

It is, i think OP is wanting Blizzard to stop them.

Though I don’t see any basis.

People don’t realize that without Raider IO it would make pugging even worse.

And then you’d just invite players based on their armory.

Nice try, but you are wrong.

that only works if you set up a “main” in your raid io profile.

Try harder next time.

And you have to set it to show main’s on your raid io addon too.

i didnt touch the rio website at all and it showed my mains io, i had the app idk if that affected it but i didnt set up anything

You’re trying to treat the symptoms instead of the cause buddy.

Symptom: Raider IO
Cause: Players want to reduce the risk of getting a player that performs poorly
Treating symptom: Remove RaiderIO
Result: Players still want to reduce the risk of getting a poor performing player so they use another method to gatekeep.

Your problem lies with the community not software. What if instead of being declined from a group because you have a low RIO score the group instead would just have different expectations of the outcome? So they’d invite you with say a 50 RIO score and know you may not do as well as someone with 4000. You wouldn’t have a problem with RIO then would you? RaiderIO isn’t doing anything wrong to you it’s the community and how they are using the information.

That player mentality is always going to be that way, but the philosophy of raid IO is counter productive.

Think of it this way, you need to have a high raid IO for people to be inviting you.

But get this you need to do those dungeons to get a high IO, but how can you do that if no one invites you?

I think the right, incentive to this is gear. I’ve seen people with crappy gear but their main is “2k io or up” that shouldn’t be invited.

Wow 480 and 2.5k IO, impressive. What’s even more impressive is that you got to that point without a guild that can help carry your alts through M+, making raider IO irrelivent.

I see this same argument with getting AOTC and I know people don’t like hearing “join a guild” but that’s really the only way. You gotta align with people to get what you want. I haven’t been in a guild in years and don’t really have friends I play wow with and I realize that’s the answer.

Actually, I managed that by pugging, early on. I never had an alt until now.

It was easier to pug early on since everyone is on almost equal footing.

Actually AOTC Is a lot easier to join than Raid IO. I’ve been into raid groups that invited me without an AOTC.

At the very minimum anyone’s armory can be viewed, even if it’s hidden. You get basically the same information from the armory as you do from the addon, except that one is simply more accessible.

Ummmm you do realize this has nothing to do with Blizzard right? Blizzard didn’t make this. So basically you are wanting that site, wowprogress (since they pull the data basically the same way), etc. all removed (which Blizzard has no control over) because you are too scared to make your own group or join a guild that runs m+ or raids. Yeah, okay.

why dont you run some low dungeons and raise your rating?

BLizzard got rid of some addons. You know this right?

10s is a low dungeon. and a lot of people want someone to be 2k+

Just make your own group and quit crying because people don’t want to let you into THEIR group. You’re acting like a child wanting to play with the older kids and don’t realize how awkward you are and how uncomfortable you’d make them feel but you demand mommy blizzard to force you into groups where you’re not wanted.

TL;DR Make your own groups. I do +15’s or higher on 8 toons and don’t demand handouts from anyone else and I just came back not too long ago so there’s literally no excuse why you can’t do it for yourself.

Again I addressed this, the key that i have is the one that I dont particularly need.

Keep doing your key over and over until you get the one you want. It’s not hard.

Either this, or they’ll make keys so that there is no fear in losing it to a bad PUG. People would be more apt to allow people to join, it would remove the wall that blocks casuals from progressing and remove the need for toxicity in M+.

Umm, raid IO is basically the reason M+ has become so popular. People need a high score to strive for.