When is blizzard going to get rid of

Sure, keep doing my keys instead of actually doing the keys I need.

itS nOt Hard

It’s literally not hard. If you want to be brought into groups then doing those keys you get and timing them will increase your IO score. I personally don’t care about IO and just get my weekly done for each toon and call it a day.

Link your main so we can see what you’re doing wrong.

Why is pugging, getting handouts? I don’t understand that concept.

I guess he doesn’t understand that people want to invite higher io scores already even though they need to do those dungeons at get go to get a high io scores.

you definitely dont need 2k rating for 10s. i do 15s weekly with only 1719 io. and my alt does 14/15s with only around 1400 io. idk what your rating is at, but is your ilvl a bit low? 470+ gives you some leeway.

if nothing low on your end, hope your luck improves. if i can do it, i bet you can too!!

I don’t know about this part because I’m not big into M+ but

This is true, I play harder when there’s a leaderboard.

Just link your main so we can help you. If you’re in all blues and using wrong azerite talents or something like wearing all pvp gear then changing those things will get you into groups.

My main is not the main issue. To prove that I’ve done things, you can literally look at this dk’s profile and search for the mindborer mount that you get from doing al 15s in season 4.

I can get in groups easily between 15-21 on my main given that I’m geared and have a decent IO to boot.

The issue is that my alt and other new alts getting in pugging.

The only reason I get invited on my alt is because I link them the season 4 achievement.

I don’t have to do that if raid io as an addon or philosophy should not be allowed in the first place because it is very counter productive.

The community can go back to going with ilvl, thats fine with me, that’s a better system than IO.

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Well if I can do it then so can you. If you have done as high as a 21 it shows on your raider io on alts if you bothered to link your toons. If you haven’t done it then do it now and by tomorrow when the addon updates then you’ll easily get into groups.

This is literally a nonissue, just link your toons to your account and this whole post can be deleted.

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Even if IO was removed, that wouldn’t stop the community from finding ways for obscene requirements. I could see people requesting armory links or specific M+ achievements. Problem is, those achievements can be bought so some may not be legitimately earned.

The solution is to incentive the building up of lesser players.

I think you’re just a troll or a liar at this point. Quit trying to make the casuals here cry for no reason.

Maybe if they did a random queue system of some sorts.

You queue up for a random M+, you can only get into ones 1 above the last you completed on that character. Example, if this character cleared a M8, I can queue up for as high as M9.

Eliminate the keys so that there is no risks, the need for toxic 3rd party addon. It works in Diablo 3 for the various levels of Torment and nobody complains.

It gives you a “score” that in some cases isn’t that relevant and basically labels you as “good” or bad".

I’ve timed ML16 once and 15 a few times, the thing is quite easy but it takes me 2 hours to get an invite for a 15 I don’t even want to do but have to because m+ gets a free 475 and residuum from the weekly chest. Do Tol Dagor or Siege of Boralus runs matter to run ML?.

I have a few tales of “high IO” folks getting killed by ML last boss twice or wiping the group with extra pulls as mage.

Tbh I also am starting to loathe IO, it might even be against the ToS considering it’s an addon that is blocking people from content.

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The only reason I get invited on my alt is because I link them my season 4 achievement and going on my borer mount that you get it from.

Here’s what you don’t understand, the issue is,
Raid IO is a counter-productive system where it warrants people that have done said dungeons, but here’s the thing you need to d o them in the first place but people wont invite you if you haven’t yet which begs the question how can you do them to get a higher io if they expect you to have 2k at get go?

Maybe it offers a little incentive, but I set a goal for myself to complete a +20 in every dungeon on time by the end of the expansion since I’d never done that, score or no score.

I’m out, you can be a liar to these people but I’m not taking the bait. You guys can cry together in a circle over a made up issue.

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That could happen in lower keys, but higher end keys would likely request for specific experiance. I’m personally running 20s and up now days. I’d look to see if said person had a minimum of 18 done in the dungeon. It’s a different ball game from a 15.

How am I a liar? YOu can literally look at my profile and go check my mounts. To prove i have the season 4 mount which you can only get if you do all of the dungeons in 15s.

ItS nOt HarD

The only way you can remove such systems is to remove the invite/kick option from players and have it all be queued with a never changing ilvl requirement.

Tbh no, blizzard had in the past made certain addons un useable. and they can do it with this one.