When I tell boys I play WoW they back away

I hear ya. You know I was being sarcastic earlier about a lot of quality ppl being at goldshire or was that lost in translation?

What is your dream date?

Mine would be to go horseback riding in the woods and then go to the atm and withdraw a bunch of money and start handing it out to strangers to maybe make their night a little brighter.


Lots of substance like dis ^


Oh yes. Iā€™m beginning to see the issue, here. Karma be like that, sometimes but working as intended :+1:

And what Karma should I receive?

The good kind :stuck_out_tongue_closed_eyes:

Same to you.

I thought this was just a silly thread. No?

I donā€™t knowā€¦ Both games have top-tier waifu material with Elves VS Cat-girls, and both have Snu-snu Amazonsā€¦ but FF wins in my book with the Bunny-girls VS Vulpera.

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Nah. Thatā€™s whatā€™s being sold. Thereā€™s some truth within theseā€¦ā€œjokesā€.

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Plot twist. OP is another guy pretending to be a girl who is looking for some MoonGuard erp.


There is but I was here for fun.

Hey! Iā€™m from MG and I donā€™t make bait post like this :rage:

My wife married me after I showed her a picture of my cute catgirl in FF14.

Incoming ladies, get ready:



Oh, you think itā€™s just a female thing?

One time some people found out who I am, and I spent weeks dealing with non-stop deviants.

Fun is subjective.

one of us. one of us.

Man, the forum trolls who reroll to Moon Guard and all the other tourists during Shadowlands makes it look worse day by day.

I couldnā€™t imagine caring what people thought about what MMORPG I play IRL, or the perceived reputations of said MMOs online. Real Chads play and conquer in as many games as they can. If you limit yourself and stan for one game or genre, I feel sorry for you.

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lolz this stuff writes itself

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I played that game way too much as a kid. I think I was around 7 yrs old when my dad got it secondhand for a few bucks. Played it enough to actually figure it out and beat it, although it just loops when you ā€œwinā€ like all the old games.
I was very surprised when I learned it was deeply hated by so many people once the internet became a thing.

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