When I tell boys I play WoW they back away

I see, well just dont tell them you play wow or any kinda of video games, i dont think its wow it self thats a turn off, not alot of non gamers heard of wow, its video games in general … unless it something serious and they gonna live with you and see you play it lol

They probably think you are playing a dps, you should let them know you are a healer next time.


Short of someone telling me “My favorite game ever is Unlimited SaGa/Superman 64” I’m not gonna write someone off for video game preferences. Dumb.

My favorite game is Atari E.T.


That’s nice…fidgets with a very visible and shiny wedding band

there is definitely fetish for that

Must have terrible luck if even your God given goods can’t land you a guy.

Beggars can’t be choosers.

Is this what it’s really about? :roll_eyes:

Ah, it’s not that you’re having issues finding any guy but the “right” guy. Sorry, no matter how amazing nor terrible WoW is nor lies about playing Final Fantasy you make, won’t produce the “right” guy.

What a low blow to your fellow sisters. Sadly, this still wouldn’t matter to getting any guy.

They all want the same thing.

I definitely hide my WoW gaming from others in a conversation. But even in general, I don’t bring up gaming because I grew up with family and friends who had and still view the activity in a negative light.

So, there’s that.

:earth_americas: :sunflower: :dragon: :ocean:

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Oh I know lol

Ur gross bye

I like being open, changing other people’s perspectives and all that.


Why you gotta be a debbie downer?

I’m not “charmed” btw.

/hair flip

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Stating the truth is not gross.

I think you’re gross (personality wise) but still giving you a good tip to land any guy. They’re not here to just please us, you know? Gotta give something back, in return.

I’m not. Maybe you and the OP are.

Protip: It is probably you mentioning your server and that is why they back off.

I love to give back uwu

karma karma karma karma karma chameleon

They’ll probably want an inv and a personal performance.

my biggest turn off is when they just expect things. um no lol lets have a conversation first to determine whether you are even my type. then we can take things from there.

Next time I’m doing LFR, on one of my low geared Mt.Dew chadbears, I hope I’m not the last one living like last time. A girl can dream :pleading_face:

Watch outs for some of the glads that hang at goldshire. Some kinda skill issue with how they treat ppl.

i like substance and most people there are shallower than a kiddie pool