When I tell boys I play WoW they back away

Guess you should just not mention WoW at all then and instead hold onto it like some dark secret inevitably tearing away at your guilty soul for withholding such life changing information from your future partner.

Standard relationship stuff :stuck_out_tongue:

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This was the case about 10 years ago where I worked.
I casually mentioned I played to someone and they said something along the lines of “you mean the game that Bob plays? At least you have a girlfriend but most people who play that are weirdos.” Bob(not their real name) was just a quiet dude who fit the nerd stereotype so everyone thought of him as a weirdo and outcast.
Usually if I mention I play games I don’t get into specifics since that day so I don’t get snap judgements. I also play a lot more than just WoW, not that it matters, so if someone digs deeper I’ll start naming more modern stuff.

Number of people playing the game is not the same number of people who don’t find it cringe as hell to talk about in their social circles.

Then date men.

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I’m sort of jealous of the married couples that play together. I’ve had girlfriends that would play and that just doesn’t jive in my experience lol.

Please, normies don’t even know what World of Warcraft even is nowdays.

We have a niche hobby now, boys.

I’ve honestly never played it but I watched a video and couldn’t figure out why it was hated so much.

What a Chad.

This is me and the wife. We met in game and she’s still my amazing healer to this day. I hope you find your match too

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Oh I’ve got mine finally, she’s just not much of a gamer. I’m happy for you guys though!

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Never had that problem. Might be something else.

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What do you expect with how terrible BFA and SL was? Meanwhile FF14 has a rich narrative story and fun gameplay if you can adjust to the higher GCD and find the perfect job for you.

You seem to forget wow isn’t wow as it was 2010.

FF14 doesn’t make you hamster wheel dailies all day everyday like a worker to farm $$ for shareholders. They respect and care about their players.

Current WoW is all about making you do dailies/weeklies then content dries up fast after that and you run into rated PVP or M+ or raiding. The crafting economy might as well be declared dead because crafting isn’t worth anything other then legendaries.

In the context of people aware of the genre:
FFXIV is absolutely perceived better than WoW. EVERYTHING you hear about WoW outside of WoW is extremely negative, all the time.

It’s the opposite for FFXIV. Positive vibes all the time.

The only way WoW is perceived better is if you’re talking to another WoW player.

In the context of running into someone IRL who either doesn’t care about gaming (or worse: thinks playing games as an adult is childish / weird):

It literally does not matter. WoW is no different than FFXIV.

Either they won’t care at all and will probably only get negative about it if you won’t shut up about this thing they don’t care about…

Or they’ll immediately think of something like this no matter which game is mentioned:

It could literally be the best game ever made.

It’s still an ultra weebfest.

In the context of people who are not aware of the genre, wow is 10,000 percent more normal

Do you scream it at them or have anything odd hanging from your mouth when you say it? It could be something else making them back away. “Hey, check out this gun I have pointed at you. I play Warcraft btw.”


Sounds like your just a racist then. Did you know? Weeb actually means not what you think? A “weeb” is someone overly-obsesed with Japanese culture, like to a very unhealthy degree. People took that to the internet and it became a degenerate term for anyone who likes anime anything cause…internet.


Not liking the over the top anime style and theme of a video game is racist?

Are you sure this is the hill you want to die on?

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I highly doubt many men would refuse to date you over you playing WoW. I can see maybe a few stuck up people not liking it, but those people wouldn’t be worth dating in the first place.

No it’s not, you can not like anime style games or themes. But you go out of your way to insult a whole group of people who do like that and call them “ultra weebs” which is racist. Your that big bad bully who has issues and wants to put others down to feel better about yourself.