When Does Destro Stop Being Fun?

oh boy, you will suffer.

Well, I’m level 120 now. As i was working on my Priest a bit.

I have to say… Destruction is the bomb.

Demo was cool at first and i almost flipped… but that took a nose dive and it just feels messy and not worth it.

Destro… man i am tossing big juicy Chaos Bolts and it feels good. Destroying other DPS when my rotation is on point.

I do take into account when in some dungeon runs, we are getting carried by a random 400+ and we are chump change… but the class feels good.

Only issue i have… mobility… and i feel like a stick in the mud when i need to cast. I have to just stand my ground and do what i can… im basically a stone, can’t move or DPS drops haaaaaard.

And our little rock summon… the 3min cooldown beast. What a waste… 3 effing minutes… just depressing. He’s so strong and brings a little something different to the spec besides farm shards for Chaos B.

Oh well… looking forward to M+.

This baby 120 at ilvl 247 has some work to do.

I love the 'lock, love the lore, the pets, the closet, the stones, the feel a Warlock brings.

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Good to hear it, have fun with your lock. And yeeeah, I miss some skills to use when move, i miss things like portals from legion and kil’jaeden talent. Have you already got the essences?

Destro stops being fun the instant it takes more than 2 chaos bolts to kill a player.

I got this guy geared up a bit and OH MAH GAWD. The faster casting from haste is amazing. Just wait till you get that guy geared. Visions of perfection. Highly recommended


In Shadowlands, for a good 6-12 months it’ll be trash.

  1. No essences
  2. No azerite traits
  3. No cloak
  4. No corruptions

I know Shadowlands will have its own rental power systems but we have no idea what that’s going to be.

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ive got none of that so far, curious what additional boosts and spells im able to grab.

Visions of perfection - You’ll get summon rng infernal that generate more shards and works with supremacy.
Memory of lucid dreams for some shard gen.

Azerite gear:
Flashpoint for tons of haste
Rolling havoc for a beautiful cleave
Crashing chaos for more damage with chaosbolt and faster infernals

With visions and flashpoint only is already great

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Been about a year since i deleted the warlock in BFA. Brought the boy back… is currently doing his 4 button rotation in Shadowlands now and you know… Chaos Bolt farming.

It’s a simple change of pace from the priest again, definitely worthy of the spot. Glad to have him back.

A real bummer to be mediocre af and middle of the pack compared to other specs… especially how my priest is feeling, but that’s how it goes.

Once again tried affliction and demo… no thanks. Destro.

Cinders i guess is bis… and it does the job.

That one talent that makes incin become aoe is what makes destro fun to me

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You would’ve loved Warlord of Draenor Fire and Brimstone

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Oh for sure. DoS mob in arden wing… numbers everywhere.

It stops being fun when questing, so start casting immolate and about to conflag into a ‘big’ chaos bolt…

And a melee runs in and kills the mob in a couple globals.

I find it stupid fun while questing. The best way to tag things before a melee gets to use is just to use a curse. I out tag melee players all the time from a range and they just stop and look at me all angry if they’re not my faction.

That or just conflag to tag the mob. We have some nice range tagging abilities that are instant.

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Its stopped being fun on November 13, 2014 (when Wowlolrds of Draenor launched).



nah destro was fun in legion. we had like 6 infernals and portals that gave us insta chaos bolts. We died during bfa.

I would say that Legion Destro had some neat and and flashy “fire and forget” type mechanics, but I think that was a step down from original Fire and Brimstone and the Havoc + SBurn sniping gameplay that we had in MoP. YMMV I guess.

I really miss havoc shadowburn sniping. It’s such a poor shadow of its former glorious self.


It was essentially the same spec in WoD outside of Rain of Fire dealing absolutely 0 damage. It pretty much remained that way all xpac. We had AoE Chaos Bolts on Fire and Brimstone and that was the biggest plus of all of WoD.