When did the WoW community get so political?

There, i fixed it for you so your students do not seem so dumb.


Ah, an anecdote portraying white people as opposing something because they’re racist.


When the country (The US) is more divided than its ever been the bleed over goes into everything.


At this point I’m trying very hard to stay out of most political debates. They get me too stressed and angry anymore because there is no more people wanting to learn and grow. It’s all a darn brick wall now, and you’re better off finding other places to talk about it.


True story: Steve Bannon modeled a lot of his ideas about social engineering on the Warcraft community, that he worked with extensively as the head of IGE, a goldselling firm. He saw the depths of vitriol showed by the angry and disaffected dudes who played it. He observed how said angry dudes could be manipulated into passionately taking up a conflict with an energy that had been channeled into console vs. PC or Alliance vs. Horde or Star Trek vs. Star Wars in previous times, and observed how that energy could be shifted to politics.

What Steve Bannon brought to the table for Trump was the information he’d gleaned about how to turn the troll masses to his cause. Granted, I think he probably would have peddled his theories to anyone who would listen, the Trump campaign was just the only one who took him up on it.

All from Warcraft and these very forums…yay?




It’s people who come here Illegally or want to come here illegally that we call “illegals” If you want to claim asylum or refugee status then you do so by entering at a port of entry and filing for refugee status. Then you wait your turn for your case to be heard and if it is a valid claim you will be let in.

With regards to asylum status you have to claim asylum at the first safe country you can get to. Many of the Honduran immigrants were granted Asylum in Mexico but refused it to go to the United States instead which would then invalidate their claims

There’s this false notion that people hate immigrants or are against brown skin people. To some degree that will always exist. But the main issue that people have with immigration is the people that have no regard for the legal process and no regard for the hundreds of thousands of people in line to get into the country.

My family came from Vietnam. I helped my Grandmother study to pass her immigration test when I was little. I saw all the hard work she put in trying to assimilate to the American culture. And I was there when she was sworn in to become a citizen. She did things the right way with respect to the laws.


I think he gave a bad example. A better one would be if he posted his views on gender quotas, immigration, etc on his personal facebook page or twitter he would be subject to termination from his company, which happens all the time.

OP afraid to tell you but Theirs a bunch of political correctness these days I dont really agree with alot of it and find it silly.

But best you can do is keep your head down or it will be torn off your shoulders and you will get branded with the racist brander even if what your saying is not racist.

A good example is your fine with legal immigrates who come here legally but if you dont want illegal ones and especially dont want your tax money paying for their health care.

Then in Liberal eyes your nothing but an evil racist who must die and be executed basically…

And no I am not a Republican but not Democrat either I am a mix of those too things.

But both parties have gotten a bit extreme lately especially liberals with their PC.

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That’s just a reflection of the world at present. The world has been embracing populism, radicalism, fascism, communism… this is the most tumult the world has been in politically since the 1940s, and certainly the most polarized the USA has been.

It’s not just wow. It’s every facet of daily life. I think it’s going to get worse, with some sort of catastrophe to correct us.


We all have intrinsic biases. I do to. But it’s much better to be aware of them and acknowledge that they exist than to put your head in the sand.

The anecdote was clearly abridged. But I felt really frustrated at the moment. These students of mine were spouting of extremely vile rhetoric against all immigrants. About how useless we are, and what a burden on society we are.
I worked my tail off to get to where I am and so yeah, I felt grated by their comments and confronted them about it. They did tell me that I was ok but couldn’t justify why. So I asked them if it was because I was white, and they said yes.

Look, every country has problems. And we should all try to work together to fix them. Do we have a huge population on welfare? OK how do we address that? Do we have a problem with illegal immigration? Ok how do we address that?

One of the biggest challenges with high school students is to get them to stop thinking in binary. Everything is either good or bad. People or either good or bad. When we use blanket statements in our rhetoric, then we are fueling division and hampering progress.

Blizkareeg supposedly “fixed” my students responses earlier in this thread by saying that 68% of immigrants are on welfare. That means that 32% of them are not. Is there a problem? Clearly yes. Are all immigrants useless lazy sacks of sh!t? Clearly not. Let’s try to not be so divisive.


I would say roughly near the end of 2004.

This is the easiest way to employ Trevor’s Axiom my friend. Make a small political comment and sit back and get some kicks out of it.

America has massive issue Both Republicans and Democrats dont do much to deport the illegal ones who should not be in this country their a burden on the system and its unfair to legal immigrates who came here legally and pay all their taxes…

Illegals due to contribute to the system just not as much as a legal one would. They end up costing the goverment more in taxes and with how CA is going I am expected to pay for their health care ya right I wont.

I already dont make much money but now I am suppose to let illegals get free health care ? where is my free health care ?


Well said. I welcome anybody from anywhere who wants to come here and is willing to go through the legal and correct process to do so be that someone seeking asylum or someone simply wanting to immigrate here. But if your first act upon entering our country is to defy our laws and disrespect our way of doing things (culture) than you are not welcome as far as I am concerned. White, brown or otherwise.


A goverments duty is to look out for its own people first then foreigners any country that cant even do that is no longer a goverment for the people. If it betrays the purpose it was founded for.


You’re right. I shouldn’t participate in these threads. It’s not like you ever really feel good after reading these posts anyway. Oh well… I get baited too easily XD

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Well, there are consequences from expressing your opinions that way: if you start badmouthing a friend on FB and your friend finds out, surely your friend won’t just let it happen, a reaction is to be expected.

If you publicly criticize the company you work for and the company can read it, I mean, what are they supposed to do? Just ignore that a current employee can “talk trash” or expose them without repercussions on a public platform that anyone can read?

Even if the trash is the absolute truth, most companies do not want their dirty laundry to be aired to the public and considering that most companies are in states with a ‘at-will’ employment, something like this is enough to get the employee fired.

Granted, the employee could fight back with the Whistleblower Protection Act but this protection is restricted to some categories; certainly, publicly raging against policies enacted by the HR department (such as diversity quotas) are unlikely to be protected unless they are in violation of the law.

TL; DR: Pick your battles.

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Like a good ol’ fashioned Reichstag fire?

Some people want us to have a civil war because they’ll profit from it, that’s why they’re pushing such a big divide


Well considering how Americans are at each other throats over issues that should be easy to solve with one word yet people wont do it becuse their too soft and this ends up causing big divides between half of America.

I can say quite well yes something bloody is going to happen.

Democrats and Republicans hate each others guts and both ignore alot of the rules in goverment and dont follow it…

If both sides would follow it And stop trying to destroy our bill of rights and amendments (Namely Democrats but Republicans have a hand in it too)

And if both sides would actually do something about illegal immigration and put a stop to it then I believe country could start to heal.

But as it stands both sides profit from illegal immigration meanwhile Working class people like me suffer from it.


It’s honestly not, it’s a WoW thing. I rarely hear about politics in any of the other online games I play. I haven’t played WoW in like almost a month now and I honestly haven’t heard about anything political except for when I check the news.