When did the WoW community get so political?

It seems I can’t get away from it.
Its on Guild Chat, its on Trade Chat, its on Group Chat, its on the forums.

Its seems everyone is complaining whatever is headlining that week or going back to the old classics like Feminists, SJW or Political Correctness.

What is going on? I fully admit I have probably played a combined subscription period of 6 months in the past 5 or so years but when did it get like this?


Not a WoW thing. It’s a world thing.


Usually it’s just people trying to get under the skin of other people for kicks.

Just ignore them.


You ask this like trolls haven’t been inciting political arguments for ages.


I have never seen this.
I played regularly during MoP and the most I recall were thunderfury memes.

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I don’t want politics in my escape from the world. It’s annoying. Also has trade chat ever been used to sell things :upside_down_face:

Did somebody say [Thunderfury, Blessed Blade of the Windseeker]?


Well the simple reason is that we are no longer allowed to say our opinions in real life, so we do it here where we are anonymous.


It’s an issue all over media, not just WoW. there is in fact an agenda being pushed on a mas amount of modern media towards political correctness and forced diversity, however I don’t think WoW has fallen down that hole yet. I can understand why people are cautious though.

I’d hope Blizzard would keep real life political problems out of WoW, because it doesn’t belong in a fantasy game.


It didn’t, that’s mostly just trolls being trolls.


Honestly - Its because the US hasnt been this divided since the Civil War. Add in that some want control and the ability to make others conform, there is a huge back lash. I am afraid its going to get even worse before it gets better.


The world needs to be more political. The more we talk about it, the more we can understand the issues at hand. That being said, there is a time and place for everything.


You must be living in a different reality than me.


Well fantasy is often inspired by real life to a degree.

If you think about it, Anduin is a King making political decisions.

And that guy in Azunda, falondis or whatever his name was got his whole people cursed due to ‘botched politics’.

Lol give it a few years. You’ll be cynical enough to laugh at when you read it again.

I don’t know if every server is like mine. I hope not. But, I agree there’s too much politics in WoW mainly because there’s non-stop spewing of fox “news” idiocy and right wing conspiracy theories in our Org general chat. I mean, non-stop. And yet these are the people who complain about too much politics in WoW. If anyone calls them on their BS or says anything remotely left of center it’s suddenly “Oh, there’s too much politics in WoW!” “It’s getting too PC here” “Is political correctness killing WoW?” etc. Politics in WoW is fine to them as long as it’s what they want to hear.


If I was to go to a job interview, and said what I really thought of the gender quotas, immigration, you name it…I would be shown the door.


aye but i mean real life political problems, and companies using their games as a means for political propaganda. I don’t see this happening in WoW though, and i hope it doesn’t ever.

Partially trolls just wanting to push people off

Partially America genuinely becoming more politically active, specifically millenials.

Combine both those things and you get politics all the time in WoW. It’s annoying, but it’s not necessarily a bad thing. The more we talk about politics, the less likely we are to accept our politicians BS.


Um you haven’t noticed them say “sylvanas is much more than just another raid boss”…

What about Garrosh, was he more than just raid fodder? No…because he was a MAN.