When did the community opinion on Calia change?

Good. Because maybe the Horde of yesterday was pretty horrible and unless you want to become villain batted for the I forget how many times, the Horde needs to be more like the Alliance.

And with the future of the factions even more influx now and faction war stories possibly being things of the past Calia could easily be the start of the story of the undead and living humans of Lordaeron burying the hatchet. Midnight will tell.

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That Calia irks me so much its unreal.

yet another opinion not shared by anyone but yourself.


I don’t know Erevien, for the most part Blizzard seems to make the story that makes me pretty happy.

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because for the most time Metzen who is the peak of all that is MHPness. Danuser showed us a better way people should have listened to him more.

and Blizzard stopped caring for anyone who isn’t either human or one of their various sidekicks. Blizzard never had any real plan how to write the Horde and BFA was the hammer that showed it to the world.

Never thought you would be one to support Danuser. You do realize he was still one of the lore guys of BfA, which thanks to the Kul Tiran had a pretty good amount of human lore.

BFA was all on Afrasiabi and he lost his job due to it. Danuser limited the damage of the anti Sylvanas streak.

Danuser really didn’t.
He wrote that true sylvanas hated horde sylvanas and didn’t agree with her.

Wasn’t til the forsaken heritage that nu sylvanas had anything positive for forsaken players.

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Whenever I hear people just blame Afrasiabi for all of BfA and SL’s faults all I can think of is this:

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The Alliance’s domestic storytelling is abysmal. How long did it take for the Dwarves to get any lime light? It’s basically been the Human Show with some asides for Elf Strangling.

Even in War Within we get Anduin being bummed out. And Alleria being bummed out but kind of twitchy about it.

The Horde has 17 seconds of screen time and we’ve Thrall explaining the nature of the elements, Voss on spycraft and how only true death is the end, Liadrin showing up to honor even the oldest of pacts and Gazlowe planning new opportunities.

The Horde was barely there and managed to include 4 decidedly disparate factions. Meanwhile the Alliance had full spotlight and only managed to have four different blonde people looking sad after the dwarves left.

The Horde decidedly should not be more like the Alliance. Because the Horde is a band where every instrument matters. And the Alliance is the Human show where maybe if you’re a very good boy you’ll be thrashed to give a blonde man some character development.


Man shut yo blue azz


you say that like elf strangling is a bad thing


No, it is also for the horde. After Garrosh, the need of a warchief should have been a huge warning alert for them. It took for the mad queen Sylvanas to eventually go and say “maybe having a warcheif telling all of us what to do isn’t a good thing”. The horde is a group of outcasts, why are they following the will of one leader if their ways doesn’t follow the will of the people?

The taurans and blood elves hated the blight that the forsaken were using. So them following along with Sylvanas was literally against their own cultural code but they did it anyways…because she’s warchief? F that. I am glad they became more of a council. The horde of old with orcs only is long gone and for a reason, the horde is no longer just orcs.


Nope, I agree with them. If not, the blood elves that you love will just be a whipping boy for the orcs.

I can understand that. She never seemed to like the Horde. I am not a fan of hers at all. I guess that someone likes her? She is all over the place, god knows why.

Maybe because she is a Forsaken Character who the Alliance Players might have some neutral interaction with from Cata?

Lilian Voss is like the metaphorical shoe horn for Calia - if Calia is a chisel, Lilian is the hammer fisted attempt to cram that chisel into the spine of the Forsaken

But, I am not a big Forsaken player, so I defer to Forsaken fans, when it comes to her.

I don’t care at all for Voss or Calia, but Blizzard needs to give the Alliance friends to lead the Horde, it seems.


That is some grade A BS. Where are the stories of the goblins, the stories of the Vulpera? The stories of the tauran or did you not remember Bain just being sidelined throughout a whole expansion for the love of elf and human undeads and orcs.

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Here’s a thing a lot of people on this forum won’t be able to stomach. Lore wise, Forsaken and blood elves do not like the horde at all. They are with them out of resources and necessities. Not because they agree with the horde or even like them. The blood elves have way more in common with the alliance to the point, in the lore books, they trade with them a lot still.

The forsaken are using the horde as a meat shield but a lot of them still just see themselves as people of Lorderon and think the orcs are savages mongrels but are just with them because of said shield. Let us not even get into the elves with the trolls, that is a huge can of worms.

TBH, if it wasn’t for the sunwell being corrupted, the high elves would have wiped out the orcs by now.


Citation needed.

The alliance have a supreme commander. Opinion dismissed.



Orcs are the best.

Weird fantasy you have.

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And that makes me happy.

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