When did the community opinion on Calia change?

You know that power is gone now, yes? There is no more high king of the alliance.

You saying why tells me all I needed to know about you knowing about the races of the horde.

uh huh

Whatever you say

That explains a lot.

Role held by Turalyon.

I am a Fan while you look for ways to minimiss our presence which is how we had TWW.

I would Main them If Blizzard finally unlocked fel orcs and dragonmaw Options.

Yes :blush:

Baine sucks. Many people agree.

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:+1: :roll_eyes: (10 char)


Not present yet to be fair. But idk where the Hell are the Lightforged? Hell where are the Stromgardi even?

The Horde brushed on three factions in the blink of the eye. The Alliance had focused spotlight and gave us humans, high elves, and half elves. So. 2/3 aren’t even playable.

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I mean, come on. One questline about the venture co? It is like the gnomes that get sidelined as well. That is why I am hoping the next patch is all about the goblins.

Good question? Where are the Dreanei? Not just the lightforged.

Bingo, that is my point. The horde only focused on elves and undead elves or forsaken but more human looking and orcs. The alliance is elves and humans until now, which is finally getting more dwarf lore.

I actually enjoy the Arathi as well, the old human and high elves leaving over thousands of years ago and making their own culture is fun. It is a look into a world where the high elves and humans intermingled more.

The Sin’Dorei are a cameo at best. Thrall and Orcs being a focus of the Horde is just, kinda their thing. The human looking undead is Calia. Voss has one of the more gruesome appearances avaliable with what appears to be a stabled on face and orifices that were woven shut.

The Trolls I’m hoping will get screentime when the Harronir do. And Tauren kind of don’t have any theme to grasp on here. But you could always staple on Huln or Mayla or whomever if need be.


Whoa, let us not forget about Sylvana’s boy toy. He was more front and center than most Horde leaders during Legion.

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Voss i’v found to be very hit and miss with forsaken fans, cause for all of her on screen life she has not been a member of the forsaken, she has actively decried them for using necromancy and then all of a sudden she is pro forsaken in bfa cause the writers couldn’t think of a character to use, Its hard to like a character when the character never gets arcs to grow and instead just flips between what is essentially two different characters


Thick thighs
Raspy voice
Strong women
Shrimple as


And yet that is exactly what the Horde is, slowly transforming into. Luckily.

And on the flip side the Alliance has also slowly morphed closer to the whole “Alliance is family and also has plenty of outcasts”.

Lets see in Wrath we had the Bronzebeard brothers reunite and we learned about the titanic nature of the dwarves.

Cata to MoP was dealing with Moira and ultimately her and the Dark Iron’s intgration into dwarven society and the Alliance as a whole. Then we had Magni basically be speaker. Hell, Exploring Northrend was all Bronzebeard and not to mention has a positive gay romance as a nice plot that tied it all together.

And in TWW we saw Moira finally fix her relationship to her dad. Her son, Dagran slowly become his own character and from what I can tell grown into a new type of leader.

I would also point out we saw Anduin finally have a conclusion to his light problem(unlike Thrall) that culimates in probably the most positive Alliance cinematic(no Sylvanas ruining it this time) we have had since Legion.

I also enjoy Orc women, but I also enjoy the Goblin women…and the Dreanei women…worgen women…vulpera…hmmmm


its not like any of the horde races get that much domestic spotlight outside of villain batting lately

The orc heritage was legitimately great, especially compared to the Tauren one, but aside from that…

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This lady being a former forsaken for a decade, neither cares for her or recognizes her as a leader of the Forsaken of any kind. No hunched back, no bones showing.
Of course, this lady is now a human… An unfortunate change to the alliance sadly my group made. And I didn’t want to leave her behind. (Heh, I think their plan was to get me to main something else, HAH!)

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This has bothered me since it came out. I connected to Sylvanas BECAUSE I understand being so hurt and furious that I just wanted to make the entire world scream out in agony with me. I worked to get better. I still have trouble, but I improved without some mystical mumbo-jumbo to wave it all away. I truly wanted to see Undead Sylvanas improve/heal as she is, as a person to connect to. To have the “true” Sylvanas show up and change the “Horde” Sylvanas just felt like they were diminishing the struggle people can go through in real life to overcome their pain and trauma. We have to work for it: she was given a bit of a pass by saying she was just nuts because her better half was locked away and all they had to do was re-integrate the better half and she changed.

Not anger aimed at you, Dreadmore, just frustration at how the story was used.

For the Dark Lady, always and forever.


Blizzard has an issue where they don’t care about their playerbase. They care that you subscribe, and buy their books, but they don’t care if you actually like their product or not if you aren’t a night elf, human, or alliance high/void elf fan.

Sylvanas (and also Garrosh, I guess) are massive examples of this. They took racial leaders for the playerbase and used them to attack their own fanbases (and also the other fanbases, alliance, etc.) While I think Garrosh was a well written villain, they didn’t really care about the outcome of that choice with Sylvanas – We saw how orcs reacted to Garrosh. We didn’t see how Forsaken reacted to her. We didn’t see Sylvanas loyalists or Horde loyalists outside of the chains in orgrimmar phasing that occurred after Saurfang died. The Forsaken (and Horde in general) had nothing to do with Sylvanas in Shadowlands.

They had their toy, and they played with it, and they didn’t care how you or I felt about the topic when they broke its pieces.


We agree yes.

You mean more like how the Horde used to be? Last I checked, it’s the Alliance that became like the Horde, except will none of the equality and representation that the Horde was famous for pioneering in gaming.


You mean a murderous bunch who caused multiple genocides? Well the Horde certainly did become that.


Its really funny you say the Horde was some bastion of representation when it was big damn sausage fest for years and took I would say until BfA before it even got to a more even status. Hell, the first prominent gay couple in WoW is in the Alliance and Jaina was a defacto female lead of the Alliance back in Warcraft 3(mostly because we didnt know what happened to the rest of the Alliance)

The Horde was a facist dictatorship thanks to their warchief. Now they are more of an olygarchy which is more so how the Alliance functions.

Look, with any luck Anduin marries Faerin and we can have a black female heir to Stormwind. That would be fun.

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thinking the Horde caused multiple genocides



It’s him. He’s an alliance extremist. He will justify EVERYTHING if it means keeping the pure as snow version alliance that he has in his head alive.