When did the community opinion on Calia change?

Order of events buddy. The Forsaken hostility towards the living came as a result of the Alliance and Scarlet Crusade’s indiscriminate hunting of them.


His next words will be telling you how it was actually Sylvanas’ treatment of Garithos.

Best not to start one of these.


Good point, thanks for the reminder. I’ve had this debate a few hundred times too many for one lifetime. :unamused:


I’ve never played TFT. What are some examples of this?

I think she was created for a specific planned storyline (since we know Blizzard directed Christie Golden to write someone raised into undeath by the Light), but I’m wondering now if that storyline has been scrapped.


The Crusade was aggressive to everyone, living or dead. As for the Alliance, she Betrayed and killed Garithos men long before she tried to make peace with the Alliance.

Jojo theme intensifies


Its funny how everyone can predict what comes next every time


Because its that truth. We know people knew what happened to Garithos and his men. If that info spreaded before Sylvanas’ emmisaries ever got to Stormwind then Stormwind would have a reason to either not want anything with the Forsaken or worse.

Like the Nerubians the Forsaken had a sympathetic background in Warcraft 3. But they were far from good(and probably borderline evil especially considering their banshees forced control bodies of third parties) and only slowly get sanded off to become more palatable.

Whatever you got to tell yourself


If they were going to have Calia be the new Forsaken leader, they shouldn’t have wussed out. Raise her from the dead for real, not that Lightbound BS. Then now-sociopath-adjacent Calia launches a coup against Sylvanas to claim her birthright.

Long Live the Queen. The Menethil dynasty reigns forever.


They weren’t going to do it that way because the whole reason she died was so she could become a Light Zombie. We know Blizzard told Christie Golden to create a Light Zombie, and she’s the one who decided that Calia should be the one to have that happen.


I mean, they got rid of Sylvanas and replaced her with Calia. So I am pretty happy.

I would have preferred Calia remain living or focused on actually bridging the human and undead divide but hey now we can be both dislike her current direction.

Who knows maybe she will still do that in the future or knowing Blizzard we will deal with the fallout of her finding out her dead daughter she never found the body of remains alive to this day.

That would have been AWESOME. But no they wanted squeaky clean whitewashed Forsaken instead.

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No, they got rid of Sylvanas and replaced her with a council.

Even in terms of being the “face” of the Forsaken, Calia at best shares that with Lillian Voss.


My issue with Calia remains consistent in that she is the avatar and personification of Lordaerons identity crisis and blizzards attempts to pave over the kingdom’s history to collectivize undead humans/elves under a single banner.

Scarlet Crusade zealotry or not, their ranks are composed of the living remnants of Lordaeron and Calia wiped her hands of humanity in what was basically her first act in undeath.

She is such a bizarre and completely unwieldy character.

Oh mah gawd!


As long as said council doesnt do anythinv against the Alliance I will take it over Sylvanas any day.

They introduced Derek Proudmoore and Thomas Zelling in the same expansion, two characters who got to experience and represent the condensed Forsaken experience in their short period of relevancy.

So someone on the team still understands the general theme of the Forsaken, I don’t understand why Calia had to be written the way she was.


I think Calia was blizzs attempt at making the forsaken more sympathetic.

Who knows at this point though and I doubt many even care anymore

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I feel like it was one or more of the following reasons

  • Give the Forsaken instant “good boy” cred so there wasn’t too much complaints about them not being punished harder post-Teldrassil
  • Christie Golden really liked her character and talked about going to bat for her on Twitter
  • Introduce COOL NEW HOLY FORSAKEN as a potential future concept/customization.
  • Non Sylvanas forsaken characters were largely left undeveloped outside of Voss showing up in a few places post-Cata, and they didn’t want to give the seat to Voss or a character most people wouldn’t know.