When did the community opinion on Calia change?

Same here with you.

You’re the one who brought up other threads like it mattered. Lying saying no one else thinks he’s canon.

Whatever you say dude. You’re still wrong.

Thankfully I’ve got the lore support.

No, you got a tweet from a fired and disgraced man. The actual lore ignores him.

A tweet from someone fired is lore, yeah.

No, it literally isn’t.

Getting fired doesn’t remove your work unless they say.

They are removing his works. They removed a lot of his NPCs in the game and what not. Where have you been? They also started to retcon his story beats as well.

This dude SA employees. They are trying hard to get rid of his stuff.

If they want to get rid of it they should say “his work is all noncanon”. But they haven’t. Or “here’s a list of his work that’s no longer canon”. They haven’t.

Jesus. Whatever you say dude. You are hopeless.

That’s how I feel about you. You don’t care about canon but just vibes.

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You are so hopeless

Right back at ya.

:roll_eyes::+1: (10 char)

:grinning: :wave:(10 char).

I don’t want to see a faction war any time either. But I could live with some friction and skirmishes, especially if they’re the kind where both sides feel like they have a point.

And I really hate what Before the Storm did to human-forsaken relations, showing that humans are totally open to living with their zombie relatives and the zombies are the ones at fault.


Zombies are always at fault

look, i did try to warn you

I’m a masochist at heart.

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