When did the community opinion on Calia change?

He’s on the explicitly canon comic.

That comic isn’t canon. Only certain events in it are, right until med’an comes in. They literally ignore ever med’an story beats

The comic is canon. Only certain events in it aren’t.

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Exactly, the part with med’an aren’t canon. Since his whole story revolves of him being the guardian, which isn’t canon

Wrong. His existence is still canon. They explicitly said that.

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One person said that and his stuff are deleted. He isn’t canon

They didn’t say his interview was wrong. Until then, canon.

Lol okay, be a contrarian. Doesn’t bother me.

But everything med’an did has been retcon that adventures did it. I guess the name is canon, but the character itself isn’t.

Just the truth. I don’t like Medan but I’m honest about what happened.

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So am I. It is like saying Rian Johnson is still making a star wars sequel. We know it isn’t going to happen but people claim he still is because Lucas films say so

When all evidence shows that blizzard left him behind, he is left behind and isn’t considered to be part of the story or even thought about. That makes him not canon.

Even retcon his story beats and gave it to adventurers

Those aren’t the same thing because either she is or isn’t working on it, which is an active process. Whereas canon is whatever exists in the material, which they said he does. He could literally never appear again and still be canon.

That is the most illogical thing you said. He exists because one dude who was fired said he did back in 2016. Let’s just ignore they retcon him out of everything

But you can think he is canon. I don’t care. Everyone else does not think he is canon. Many threads saying that.

How do you go about deleting a character out of Everything if the only time he made an appearance was in a comic from the cata era?

The same comic that’s been heavily retconned too mind you. But I get what you’re trying to get across

Basically every story beat of us, that was supposed to be included in wow, was retcon out that adventurers did it. That is what I mean they retcon his achievements out of everything.

It is like reading the comic book now but every time med’an shows up, you replace him with a group of adventurers. That is basically what they did to his character.

For all intents and purposes, blizzard retcon him out of the story. But they don’t want to go full on and say he wasn’t canon back in 2016 because they wanted people to still buy those books.

That’s how the lore works, yeah.

Let’s see in this thread from what I remember.

So 2 people and you while literally threads going back to 2016 saying he isn’t. Okay.

I can link you other threads saying he’s canon if you want.

I can link many that say he isn’t and how blizzard treats him, I agree with him not being canon.

Doesn’t matter how many wrong threads you link.