When did the community opinion on Calia change?

:partying_face::kiss::kissing_closed_eyes::heart::onion::heart::onion::kissing_closed_eyes::kissing_closed_eyes::kiss::onion::heart:. (10)

It is canon stay mad about it.

:joy::grin::rofl::roll_eyes::+1: (10 char)

What? Hate being wrong?

How bored are you?

That’s a rabbit hole you don’t want to go down. Trust me. :dracthyr_nod:

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I don’t even know what’s canon half of the times for the lore. I mean that Comic Artbook style back in the early 2000s was 100% wasted plus ruined valeera’s character arc of freeing herself from that dreadlord with the fel crystal.

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That wasn’t my take away.

After all the humans at the Gathering were the ones vetted to go and even then not all the humans who went could bring themselves to actually meet with their Forsaken relatives/friends. Case in point, Annie Lansing who was so excited to see her living mother again, only to be rejected at the last minute.

It’s more than just that, though. There’s also the fact that the Forsaken want to flee their own society to live in the Alliance. Also, the way that Sylvanas is actively rooting for the whole thing to fail while Anduin and Calia are showing openness and compassion to the zombies, to the point of creating a heart-tugging graveyard for them that actually got put into the game. It all really undermines the concept of “Forsaken.”



There really isn’t a single thing in that book worth a damn, not a single thing

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Nate thinking for himself was nice.

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Not much of an alternative. She’s certainly no warrior, nor a woman of subtle skills. The priesthood is the only alternative for a woman of quality that doesn’t want to be married off.

except she was married, just not off, priesthood had nothing to do with it

I didn’t see it as the Forsaken defectors wanting to flee from their society, but more them not wanting to depart from their living kin. Like Parqual Fintallas doesn’t believe that there will be another Gathering, picked up on Sylvanas didn’t like the idea of the Gathering in the first place, and really didn’t want to depart from his daughter. Him defecting to the Alliance was a means to the end of staying with his daughter.

Though I do see where you’re coming from with your other points.

Also to be a foil to her brother. She’s a priest, him a paladin. Both died and raised from the dead. One bringing ruin to the Kingdom, the other Trying to reunite the people. One of filled with light, the other with death and domination.

Yeah it was basically one long attack on the Forsaken race fantasy. Calia really started as she meant to go on.