When did the community opinion on Calia change?

Exactly, never listen to twitter is my point.

Med’an is canon. Him being Guardian is not.


Mate, he isn’t canon.

I never really hated Calia it’s just that she didn’t really do much of anything epic at all to earn the huge respect from the Forsaken Fandom since Undead and Blood Elf Fans still really loved Sylvanas at the time and Calia in general during BFA didn’t really do a whole lot at all besides being a side character that only showed up and never did to the extreme like what jaina, lor’thermar, tyrande, sylvanas, and others did.


Yeah, they were explicit about that.

we’d need a common definition of this word to have a good conversation about it, but unfortunately such luxuries are usually found in the company of people who know what they’re talking about


The last official word we had on him was that he is canon. Just him becoming Guardian was not.

Though any potential future he has is currently unknown.

Dude, I know what they said, back in 2016. The person who said such things have been fired, tarred and feathered from the company and they are slowly removing everything he did and everything he said.

No, Med’an isn’t canon. They literally 404d him in chronicles. Dude is never ever going to be talked about outside the comic series. There is no mediv son in the lore outside the comic. There is no half orc, half human, half dreanei dude.

He doesn’t exist. He is basically an elseworld character now. He only exists in the story he was in, for the greater story, he doesn’t even acknowledged or talked about.

He isn’t canon

I bet you think Jaina is a dreadlord too.

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already perhaps too much credit given

That doesn’t make sense.

Oh, my love, you are back!

In The Chronicle 2 index under dreadlord it says “see Jaina Proudmoore” or something. Since Jaina being a dreadlord is a popular meme.

That’s funny. Guess that explains the hero of the storm thing. But no, jaina isn’t a dreadlord.

But med’an also doesn’t exist. Outside of the whole chronicles cheeky 404 of him, they are also deleting everything about him outside the comics.

lol wait sorry why do we care if chronicles 404ed medan? even if that meant anything at all, don’t all know wE CAn’T trUsT ChRoNiCLes?

There’s nothing to delete. He never showed up much outside the explicitly canon comic.

Which makes him canon.

Bingo (10char)

Which makes him not canon. If he is only in one comic series and the majority of his story, the guardian bit, isn’t considered real, then he really isn’t a character. He isn’t anything

Thelgrim, I missed you so much

A character only needs to be in canon material to be canon.

Thinking otherwise is dishonest.

And he isn’t in anything canon but one interview from a man who was fired and his stuff being removed.