When did the community opinion on Calia change?

Really? Correct me if I’m wrong but wasn’t he part of the very old Benedictus questline for the staff?

He wasen’t a forsaken even then, he was undead, forsaken is a political affiliation, undead is a racial one

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What staff, Benediction and Anathema? Not that I know of.

Archbishop Benedictus had some quests. But I don’t think Foal showed up at all before Legion.

Man, then I must be buggin.

I don’t necessarily want the Alliance to be respectful of Forsaken property. Conflict is good for the story, and the Alliance being aggressive is a welcome change of pace.


I’d find Calia more redeeming if she showed some mild Forsakenly qualities.

  • If they did an interrogation scene that had some horror antics & old-school Forsaken vibes to it, I think I’d enjoy that with her.

For instance:

It’d be cool for her to slowly walk up to an enemy that the other Forsaken couldn’t break, only to put her hand on their head - have some light shine through her hand, have the enemy smile comfortably at first … Then the smile quickly turn into a frown, have Calia smirk and then have the enemy scream in horrific pain and open their eyes widen with eyes glowing with searing light and steam giving off them, as their veins start to glow too and shout out repeatedly for it to stop — Only for Calia to smile more as the screams grow more desperate – Until another Forsaken stops her, to which the enemy then spills the beans on the info they need & with tears in their eyes beg the other Forsaken to keep her away from them.

Give us a “Horror” aspect to the lightforged Forsaken. :dracthyr_nod:

Problem is, Calia’s personality has been firmly established as sweetness and light. She has no dark side.

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They could simply apply a soft-application that it’s not the first time.

Have a follower of hers be like: “I thought you only used that on demons … I haven’t seen you use that since the invasion of the burning legion!”

Only for Calia to respond:

“Sometimes desperate times call for desperate measures. You, the people of Lordaeron – The Forsaken, are my people. And for my people — I will do … What is necessary.”

I am glad we are walking away from horde vs alliance stuff. That has been played out since wrath.

I am more interested in smaller conflicts or other things. Let us get some goblin on goblin cartel fighting.

I’d have agreed wholeheartedly about six years ago, but BfA sailed that ship into an inferno. That was this franchise’s moment for an aggressive Alliance and they still recycled MoP’s “evil Horde, war criminal warchief” script, only with a dash of genocide and a cast of enablers. Nothing the Alliance does in WoW’s lifetime is going to undo the damage and knowing that, my enthusiasm for and investment in faction conflict, at least as a Horde player, is nil.

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I’d still fire off a round in her vicinity if given the opportunity.

I’ll fire a round at her as well if you know what I mean.

If your character who is a race leader is only adored by the enemy faction you are doing it wrong.

Man, you would be a terrible political leader lol.

He didn’t lose his job to that, the Sexual Harassment panda paid him a visit.


I think I can flip to finding some enjoyment for her character if everything she has shown us is some grand deception for the throne. This situation regarding her “PR” might change if she turns out to be a cruel tyrant, Blizz will most certainly get a well played from me.

There are ways to salvage this misplaced character but until she is changed in some way she will never be Forsaken.

Bonus points if her “honor guard” are raised Silverhand Paladins that Arthas killed on his way to Uther.

Because she isn’t a forsaken, she is an ambassador. She won’t be a tyrant.

She is not very popular and the twitter crowd is rabit on it.

Nobody should ever listen to twitter people. If they did, they would have said how Concord was such a massive success.

A lot of people on Twitter hated on Concord.

But people shouldn’t listen to it because it is even more hyperbolic and unhinged.