When did the community opinion on Calia change?

It’s meant to be a political power move. Before, Sylvanas and the forsaken had almost very little legit reasons to be in the ruins. Yes, the undead were the people of Lorderon but many refugees that survived and didn’t turn undead lost their home and now see only their dead relatives, the scourge in their eyes, in their home.

Sylvanas being the “queen” is kinda of a spit on their whole royalty and what not. So having Cali coming in, well it is basically giving them a legitimate claim to the land. Especially now after BFA and Shadowlands where people are actually coming to terms that the forsaken are still their loved ones. They are still there.

Its a power move that falls flat on its face, they always had a legitimate claim. If the living could not accept that they were there loved ones when sylvanas was queen then they don’t deserve to be a part of the forsaken’s future, sylvanas was the leader they chose

I don’t know, I think Belmont’s onto something. I imagine the Alliance will be a bit more respectful of Forsaken property with an undead Menethil to contend with instead of a genocidal usurper from Quel’Thalas.

That literally is not what the still human Lorderon people thought. Hell, many of them became part of the scarlet crusade because of this.

Not every forsaken followed the Banshee Queen. That is also why you had a lot of forsaken in the Argent Crusade.

So to me, it doesn’t really fall on its face. They tried to do a Princess Diana thing with Calia but meh.

It does not matter what the still living humans think, they don’t matter cause they spat on the forsaken when an offer of friendship was extended

OKay, you’re role playing I see.

No that’s the state of human/forsaken relations, they don’t get to have a say in how the forsaken are run

I can see why you are not part of the forsaken council lol

Because i’m not an npc in a video game, subject to the whims of blizzards writing team


“You see, our apothecaries have been having a little too much fun with their new Blight recipes and turns out the air around here got infected with some hallucinogenic that caused this strange collective vision of a lightforged undead that was, get this, ARTHA’S SISTER OF ALL PEOPLE, HAH! Even Alonsus himself got a whiff of the thing and started seeing things. Anyway, don’t you worry your pretty little nerves over it, we cleansed the air. Mostly.”


It’s a testament to how badly this character broke people’s brains that Calia can reject the Alliance to sign on with the Forsaken, deliver Lordaeron back to the Forsaken, exist as a one-woman deterrent to Alliance invasions of Forsaken territory, and still have detractors out here like “and this is somehow meant to be a positive!?”

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lol aye, I am not even going to try anymore. They just see her and see the alliance. Which is weird because she specifically isn’t part of the alliance. She just has good ties with royalty, like many other forsaken do, with the alliance.

People forget about Alonsus, or the forsaken in the argent crusade.

But her, she breaks their brain.

Instead of seeing this as some political drama with royality, legitime claims of a land, what are people etc etc. Nope, they won’t see it as that, they see it as “THE FORSAKEN NEED NO PERMESSION!!!”.

Yeah, the point just goes over their head.

Nah who likes alonsus, he was also just bolted on for calia’s sake

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I like Alonsus Faol. Dude literally created the paladin order for humans. Him being sane and a light wielder was the thing that broke through to Anduin that the forsaken could be talked to all the way back then.

Okay and? cool he did stuff for the living should go hang out over there

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I like Alonsus.

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Alonsus and calia are just part of the problem with bfa and onward forsaken writing where they bolt on character who matter more to the living and the light instead of using the characters the forsaken already had and growing the forsaken’s unique culture and faith


Alonsus was there way before BFA though. They just finally gave him the spotlight more in bfa but he was around for a long time for priest characters.

Cool why should i care, not every undead is part of the forsaken, pretty sure alonsus even makes clear he isn’t joining the forsaken just standing by calia

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Long time? He only showed up as forsaken in Legion. That’s not really way before BfA.