When did the community opinion on Calia change?

I have zero memory of what they did to her there.

Calia makes no sense as Forsaken. See link above. Her sole purpose is to be nice to the alliance. She has zero love for the Horde.

Do the words “Purge of Dalaran” ring any bells?

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Gotcha my little buddy.

It seems I have to repeat myself now:


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Never claimed she wasn’t popular with the alliance. That is kinda good thing for them though, that keeps them from getting holy light nuked by the Lightforged.

No it isn’t. It shows Calia doesn’t work as Horde character since she has no friends among them and only exists to make MHPs brag more about their claim to Lordaeron. Stop being dishonest.

Okay, whatever fits your shoes.

She should have stayed alive and normal. This way she steals screentime from real Forsaken characters like Mortuus, Black Bride, some dark clerics, etc. the holy light has no place in Forsaken society since they have a whole different religion.

At the bareet minimum, she needs nezmith’s character design.

That’s literally scourges gen 2 death knight.

There was the tyrants of the legion who were just shadow using paladins

Although i doubt that forsaken will ever get paladins since they reversed there “all races get all classes” decision

… are you daft? Calia’s presence among the Forsaken is a gigantic, skeletal middle finger to the Alliance’s claims to Lordaeron; she’s a “powerful shield against the worst of the Alliance,” to quote Belmont.


Calia is an alliance character. No story retcon will change this fact.

You got it, her being there is literally a shield against the alliance and also a way for the forsaken to kinda open trade to their lost loved ones.

Her being there is a huge political win and shield for the forsaken.

What’s funny is that he, or the Erevien alter that occasionally LARPs as a blood elf fan, has advocated in the past for a Sunstrider restoration specifically to serve Calia’s purpose vis-a-vis void elf/high elf designs on Quel’Thalas.

Kael’thas is the original blood elf leader. He did never not fit with Quel’thalas.

Eh, that seems like questionable logic. Seeing as humans haven’t really been shown to respect the property rights of the undead. You can just came back at any point for your stuff? Feels like they’d just be like naw, we don’t have to follow that.

No but you see calia has an important name which means the living will suddenly treat her better then they will literally any other undead, and this is somehow meant to be a positive