When did Stormwind become the capital city that most people base in?

Stormwind looks better, open-air, and better music…

Nuff’ said.

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Nah. It is a nice, simple layout, with an auction house available wherever you go, and everything on the wheel. You have to actively work to get lost in Undercity.

Everything is so much closer there too. Orgimmar professions and bank / AH are forever away.

IF is where you’ll find all the authentic Classic players. Dwarves, the Great Forge, and room to strut in front of the Auction House/Bank. If you’re in SW you’re just telegraphing you’re a noob.

Fight me.


I rarely visit SW, but could see why people in their mid to late 20’s do, stockade spamming seems to be a valid leveling strategy.

I think IF will win out in the end.

I started in '06. My friend told me that IF is where I should bind my hearth. I did, and hated it. Sure, the AH, inn, mail box and bank were convenient… But so was the one in SW. SW was always more comfy. I appreciated the lack of crowds in Darnassus, but everything was so spread out.

TBC seemed to lean toward SW because of the dark portal. WotLK seemed to rely on the docks. SW seemed to be the alliance capitol ever since.

I’m on Remulos, since you asked so politely…

Yes, i’ve seen people there, but few and far between, most seem to be passing through as opposed to basing their operations out of one city.

Sorry if you think i’m trolling, I was attempting to have a conversation.


Wow finally let me change my icon to classic. Woot.

At the moment I am actually bouncing between all 3 cities, but tending to find Ironforge more useful. Darn has no mage trainer. Early on, chasing si7 quests, mage quests, leads me back to stormwind. Later, I expect explorers league to focus it back on Ironforge.

After 30 now, and as I level, 10silver won’t matter and I’ll be using mage port more often.

The game will move back to Ironforge on alliance side. It is basically center map beyond leveling.

This got me thinking, what was the Horde capital aka most used city to base in back in Vanilla ? and now in Classic ?

I honestly wouldn’t know because the only horde I’ve ever been near have always been dead shortly after.

I personally remember spending most of my time in Stormwind in BC… so I have no idea why you would think that.

Then we all went to Dalaran.

BC is not Classic bruh.

Yup, cause BC brought about the shift to SW from what had been Ironforge for the previous 2 years, once you got to 60 you then went to Shattrath.

Thunder Bluff is the absolute champion for this though. Bank, AH, Flight Master, Inn, Forge, Anvil, All tradeskill trainers within 5 seconds. It’s a bank alt’s wet dream.

No idea why people park their bank alts in Orgrimmar when Thunder Bluff exists.


My guess would be few know.

Reached a critical mass of Human Male Paladin units.

Yeah, and it needs to be buried. Or sealed off like Grim Batol lol.

She’s right. Accept it. Terrible layout, dreary, bland, dim… and all those damn gnomes everywhere.

That’s what the lava pit in the center is for. If only we could get the NPC’s to go for a swim too.

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Awww yeah Aewendil knows what’s up.

Certainly if you’re a miner, it’s the place to be.

Is this what Tauren’s use their horns for ??..I finally get it.