When did Stormwind become the capital city that most people base in?

The inn thing is made up for by the placement of the portal entrance in SW, I think its mostly that the majority of the players are still a lower level. IF will be the hub again soon enough.


Canā€™t speak for everybody else but Iā€™ll probably switch when I get tired of the WoW music and turn it off. Until then, the Stormwind music is iconic and I love hearing it.


I dunno if itā€™s just me or not, but the SW music gives a Russian vibe to me, though i guess itā€™s better than Ironforgeā€™s depression tune lol.

A lot of the reason is because Stormwind is the capital closest to all the lower level hubs. Westfall, Elwynn, Duskwood, Redridge, Stranglethorn, all relatively lower level, and while Ironforge has Loch Modan and Wetlands, it also has the end-game stuff closer to it.

Personally, I prefer Ironforge. The canals just make Stormwind so windy that without a mount it gets kinda frustrating.

People will migrate. In time.

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Started with the BC prelaunch event and then really took over with Wrath. So, since sometime in 2006. But hey, you do you.

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But Ironforge has way better music.


IF closer to boats to Kalimdor, closer to pretty much all level 60 dungeons (Strat, Scholo, BRS/BRD) and closer to MC. Also at release, IF was the only place that had an AH IIRC.

Ironforge was the main city in Classic since it was the only city with the AH, like wise with OG for the Horde. This got changed later in Classic but the trend was already set for what the main cities were.

During BC - Shatttath become a hub for most players in Outland, though Ironforge was still the main place to be alliance sideā€¦

WOTLK had the boat that went to Northrend at Stormwind so that changed it all right there and made Stormwind the main city.


ā€¦what? IF has the most straight-forward connection of the bank, mailbox, and AH. Itā€™s a literal straight line with nothing between them. In stormwind you have to run around corners and double-back to get from the bank to the auction house.


early on IF was the only alliance city that had an auction house. this changed in later patches. later expansions also put more focus on SW and IF faded into the background

I always based out of Undercity.

Agreed, IF is so ugly.

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Stormwind is Fugly, terrible place to run around, confusing as hell, the canals are a pain in the rump, no AH or Bank in the Dwarven District . . .

Even when new expansions added new capital cities to go afk in, like Shattrath and Dalaran, if I ever went back to one of the original cities, it was either Darnassus or Iron Forge.

I find Iron Forge pleasing to look at. It has a pleasing geometry to it and a very orderly layout. The ONLY thing the Stormwind has over Iron Forge, is the officer hall for pvp. That is it.


Itā€™s been that way since they put AHs in all the cities. They are in all the cities in classic.

My troll mage bases out of SW. Come get some!

No really tho till a couple weeks ago I have been diehard Alliance (only horde now because I wanted to play with friends and family) and IF was just a better feeling city.


Once im 60 ill make base in org. Right now its sw. I like sw better personallyā€¦ however at 60 the travel is less important with mounts. Also at that point if is simply closer to EVERYTHING the sw.
BRM check
Scholo/strat check
All of kalimdor check.
At 60 there is no reason to base in sw.

This was the way it was for me back in Vanilla and imagine it will be similar in Classic once Iā€™m closer to max level. Back in Vanilla I mostly used SW until I got higher in level and then I was in IF more often.

No, Iron Forge is easy to get around. Undercity is the city that is not so good to navigate. OK, Undercity is better to navigate than Thunder Bluff. But Iā€™m a Blood Elf so Undercity is like my 2nd home.

I guess Iā€™m in the minority too. My Night Elves are still based out of Darnassus and my Blood Elves are based out of Silvermoon. Their hearthstone are still set there too. Whenever I need to do my professions or anything else, Iā€™m always running around Darnassus & Silvermoon. I pretty much have all their NPC location memorized and Iā€™ll get lost in Stormwind & Orgrimmar.

The Auction House.

Sorry, Iā€™m too big a fan of Undercity

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