When did Stormwind become the capital city that most people base in?

Ironforge was closer to a lot of the level 60 instances: LBRS, UBRS, Molten Core, and Blackwing Lair.

In the beginning maybe. Faster travel to endgame from IF. Plain and simple.

The auction house. The only other Alliance AH is in Darnassus, but the only way for humans, dwarves, and gnomes to get to it is via boat from Menethil Hrbor to Darkshore then boat or rent-a-bird to Rut’theran Village.

Stormwind was less desirable until Burning Crusade released.

Stormwind became the place everyone hung out in with Cataclysm. Up until then, Ironforge was basically the center of everything. With Cata, the Menethil boat was switched to Stormwind. And portals and all that.

Edit: Err no wait maybe it was in WotLK. I don’t remember, I switched to Horde around then :stuck_out_tongue:

In oceanic servers all npc have not spawned in IF after nightly resets multiple times so you can get stuck in a city with no flight master and need to run to another area. Far safer to use SW.

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saw the entire layer i was on standing around AFK in ironforge earlier today. business as usual

People eventually migrated to SW/Org because those were the only two locations that housed a lot of things, like certain vendors. It became worse over time as they added more and more things to SW/Org, and all other locations were basically left to rot. This always irritated me to no end because I’m really not a huge fan of either location…I always preferred Ironforge and Undercity.

This. I’m new to playing Alliance as I only ever played Horde in vanilla, and I spent a good amount of time running around SW wondering if there was a more obvious/closer mailbox to the AH that I just didn’t see.

IF is horribly designed yet artistically beautiful.

Early game SW
End game IF

SW is far worse… IF is radial. SW is a bunch of tight little enclaves separated by canals and bridges. It’s obscenely difficult to navigate. I really don’t understand the affection for it.

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IF is the far better city. It is positioned better for faster travel to the big raids and since it is a circle it is far quicker to navigate.

That’s because they added everything to SW and the other cities got nothing and were left to go to pot.

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The bank the AH and a repair person are literally 5 seconds apart in sw.

Which sw have you been going to?

This. The Inn, Bank, and AH are really close together and SW is no further away from Blackrock Mountain than IF is, and closer to ZG and Booty Bay.

IF is indeed a terrible city.


The bank, AH, and repair vendor are within 10 seconds of each other in IF. It may be a little further than SW, though I don’t think it’s significant if it is. There’s no statues or corners to run around either, it’s open and direct. Everything is easy to see and within view. SW is tight, packed, pokey and uncomfortable.

Yeah where’s your meat vendor, Stormwind?



Last i checked 10 seconds is twice as bad as 5 seconds.

IF may be beautiful but it’s still terribly designed lol

If you read what I wrote, I think your approximation of 5 seconds is less than it actually is. So it’s much closer than that anyway - as if a couple of seconds matter anyway.

You’re really stretching to defend if at this point …

What? You’ve made a claim as to why SW is “better”. It’s wrong. If you like SW, no problem. I prefer IF.

As I said before though, if you’re not in IF you’re doing it wrong…

So it’s all preference if you enjoy running further distances to get to things?

Gotcha I’ll keep doing it wrong in SW i guess lol.