When did KSM become so devalued?

Yeah, I only wish the interrupts on details accounted for Mighty bash/typhoon for ferals. Cause it was ridiculous.

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People can see you have KSM because your score is right there, so it’s redundant. Linking it probably works against your favor for that reason. Further, since KSH is here people don’t really consider KSM a challenging achievement. It is more the “I run enough keys to get to 2500” in my mind. I think if you had KSH though it still probably wouldn’t be a good idea to link it.

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Yeah, listening to my buddy go through the pug list is pretty funny. Someone links their score, or says “xyz on main” he instantly declines. Then has a brief back and forth followed by an ignore. He runs way higher keys than me even.

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Folks on this forum keep pretending that raids aren’t pugged because Mythic Raids are “just too hard” and yet people put harder M+ content in this game and harder raids in FF.

Part of me thinks the reason we have these ancient lockouts is simply to create a false impression of their difficulty. By making it impossible to pug due to artificial mechanics, raiders can pretend their raid achievements mean something. That’s honestly my only guess, and also why I think CRZ doesn’t open until HOF is full. False impressions of difficulty.

Did you finally tire of trolling the arena forums?

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I stick mostly with 15s because I just want my vault. At that level I find the “Number of 15-20 Keys On Time” to be the most reliable. Someone who’s timed 100+ 15+ keys this season (which is easily achievable if you’ve been maxing your vault every week) is going to at least know the mechanics, which is all that’s really required to time.

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Like others have pointed out, it can be easily bought and thus it’s value greatly decreases. Also you whispered the group maker. I don’t know about others but when my tank buddy and I are putting together a group the ppl who whisper him are auto declined. We see it as you trying to bypass our selection process and thus you disqualify yourself.

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Hmm. The valor system lets pretty much everyone get KSM. As long as you can interrupt rebellious fist you can kind of face roll em’.

Because ksm is incredibly easy to achieve. People are pushing into 30+ right now. Getting what dungeons done in 15 is basically childs play especially with how nerfed dungeons are at this point.


Although not “particularly” as openly obvious this season, the boost culture of the past has certainly led to the devaluation of such an achieved metric.

Also 21.7% of all NA/OCE characters in the m+ database (remember this does not mean all characters ever made or all those at 60) have KSM.


Including the season 3 data so you can see your rough percentile. As for why blizzard doesn’t include this natively in the game to “temper” peoples understanding of their placement in the population? I don’t know, blizzard has a belief thinking information has a tendency to overwhelm people so they like to hide that sort of stuff.

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KSM, the achievement means nothing. What matters is your run history. Low key groups might invite based on score as the primary metric, but higher keys will focus more on the number of timed runs and run history in specific dungeons you are applying for.


KSM to the true KSM players was never that valuable. Aside from getting KSM in the first week it was available to flex the mount when nobody else had it, it’s really not a big deal. Most hardcore key pushers will go well beyond the KSM requirement while “under geared” in week 1.

Blizzard devalued the KSM achievement even further when they made it so that failed keys could contribute to the title. It made an easy achievement much easier. That and most players at this point in the patch pushing KSM means nothing. As stated above, people were getting KSM in this patch w/ like 240-250 ilvl, and no double legos yet. My alts on classes I’m not even that good at get KSM around 240’ish ilvl and without double legos still.

IMO when you take away the challenge of something like KSM, it devalues the prestige. It becomes too easy, too accessible. Also, Keystone Hero is now the new KSM. Players push that pretty fast and also go well beyond it, but it’s at least more rare than KSM. It’s meant to be a challenge, but Blizzard caves to the players that act like they are entitled to all of the achievements because they pay a sub. Like why even have hard modes?

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The hard mode in their eyes is the time-limited aspect of things and “”realm-first/best”” accomplishments: HoF, rank 1, other titles.

And not even sweating it.

A lot of WoW players underestimate how bad they actually are. The skill gap in this game is massive. It is hard to articulate well because most plebs don’t understand math, but it’s like the difference between an obese man and an Olympian in many cases. Of course these people then try to reject the analogy, and when you try to use math to back up said analogy you lose them because they fell asleep in stats class.


I know that I am bad but even I like seeing the stats, keeps that progression I could have in perspective. And reality checks others who tend to have overinflated metrics.

Like I would see no issue to have a percentile attached to ratings in pvp and m+. And a rolling earned % of pop having X achievement. Cause getting people to check that outside the game and then cry foul on api usage is enough hassle as is.

Nothing, we can see log and run history to see if you got carried or know what you are doing.

Name checks out.

Forgot to mention, KSM is also devalued due to the players themselves. I don’t trust 2500 IO players or give respect to their IO because I’ve been selling players timed 15 runs since the start of the patch. The massive portion of players who just get tokens and pay us is ruining the credibility of the overall unknown player base. These days I assume people just pay for carries and that’s why they are bad.

13 was an educated guess, the answer is actually 14+ I believe due to time bonuses which add upto 15 rating per dungeon.

The timed bonus essentially removes a key level as both are equal to 7.5 rating.

Yeah, we went over this earlier as being a mistake. My comment was based on something from another thread awhile ago about the introduction of Tazavesh which apparently was inaccurate.
So that 2100 thing is not relevant and was wrong. :slight_smile:

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OOF! Poor rdruid, new bdks are very frustrating to heal.