When did Gnome democracy die?

That’s pretty much the dwarven perspective on it (for some strange reason). Even though they are murdered in front of their home.
The way the females are talking to them, trying to comfort them and reassure them it will be fine is heart breaking.



You insisting they aren’t kids makes you wrong regardless.


You insisting they are kids doesn’t make it true.

Except the part where they are kids…in lore…that doesn’t dispute the fact they are kids.


That part that doesn’t exist.

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They’re still kids. Whelp literally means a CHILD of a MAMMAL and trolls are mammals. This isn’t difficult to understand. You’re wrong and your headcannon isn’t going to change that. End of discussion.


Whelp has several uses. One is a young dog or carnivore. Another is a young man. Neither of these are necessarily children and the common use of the dog aspect is just that, for things like dogs or seals. Now this is semantics because that’s not how the word is actually used given a fraction of a cherry picked definition. You’re wrong and your headcannon isn’t going to change that.

Again, this was already discussed! You missed it.

Whelp(Noun): The young of a mammal , especially of a dog or wolf. Whelp(Noun): An insolent youth.
Since you’re still confused. What part of YOUNG OF A MAMMAL are you not understanding?


So you’re saying kids were never called whelps in lore? You’re simply wrong and really trolling at this point.



There you go.

Literal definition is Whelp(Noun): The young of a mammal , especially of a dog or wolf. Whelp(Noun): An insolent youth.


You are 100% wrong.


You want dwarven perspectives??

When freak natural disasters rocked Azeroth, just prior to the Cataclysm, dwarven lands were not spared from calamity. A series of quakes tore through areas surrounding Ironforge, reducing settlements to rubble and taking the lives of many innocent dwarves. The quakes roused numerous troggs from their subterranean dwellings and drove the bestial creatures toward the dwarven settlement of Anvilmar in Coldridge Valley. The sudden influx of troggs also caused the savage frostmane trolls to abandon their usual holdings on shimmer ridge and encroach upon dwarf-occupied areas. Threatened on two fronts, Dun Morogh’s mountaineers are spread thin. Without additional assistance, the prized lands of Dun Morogh might soon fall to the dwarves’ barbarous foes.

The literal words from starting a new dwarf character from the voice. The Frost trolls left their homes, those caves are not frostmane homes, they are encroaching on dwarven lands.

The first quest to attack trolls. The trolls’re acting up. More than usual, I’d say. We’ve seen them put together war parties before, but this time it’s… different.

What matters most, however, is the continued protection of Anvilmar. I’ve no intention to let those trolls flank Anvilmar while its attention is turned towards troggs. Go thin their ranks a bit. They need to know that we’re still not without defenses

This literally states that the trolls are always making war bands to assault the dwarves.

Soren did well to send you out on recon. That’s some good information you have right there.

Trouble is, this just adds more work for us to do. The trolls, confused as they are right now, still would like to kick the dwarves right out of Coldridge. And I’m certainly not going to let some fiery demon turn our snowy valley into a mountain lake.

The troll leader, his servants, and the fire creature, should all be in the cave to the southeast. Take 'em all out.

This literally states the trolls are using a fire elemental to take over the valley!


No. I don’t in that case. The dwarves did destroy the Frostmanes kingdom.

A kingdom using child soldiers and fire elemental weapons.


One definition that is ignoring the ‘especially’ aspect is 100% cherry picked.

Google’s Definition.


  1. a puppy.


  1. (of a female dog) give birth to (a puppy).
    “Copper whelped seven puppies”

Merrian Webster
\ ˈ(h)welp \

Definition of whelp

1 : any of the young of various carnivorous mammals and especially of the dog
2 : a young boy or girl

Dictionary .com



the young of a carnivore, as a dog, bear, lion, seal, etc.
a youth, especially an impudent or despised one.

This isn’t hard, it is either slang for a younger person or specifically the young of an animal. Again, you’re dishonestly ignoring ‘especially of a dog or wolf’ in picking out one website because that’s not the common use. Hence why the definition isn’t listed as ‘a child of a mammal’.

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Young…Young means child…You know what, forget it. You’re being so intellectually dishonest and simply can’t admit when you’re wrong, like so many people on these forums.


That’s a not true and you know it. Also the kingdom is destroyed.
And I don’t respond any better, because my time is limited right now.

Look at him going crazy.

And ignoring that literal children were called whelps before.

Young isn’t necessarily being a child, no. Is English your second language? I don’t ask out of disrespect but to understand your confusion.

Dude, do you even read your posts? You’re going to come with half a cherry picked definition arguing that’s the common use then claim someone is being dishonest?

Get out of here, Troll.

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If they are not child soldiers why are they wielding weapons and attacking dwarven lands? Your trolls are no better than these dwarves defending their land, they are child soldiers. It’s a dirty tactic these trolls use.