When did Gnome democracy die?

So the lie was unrelated to the part you quoted where I said the Trolls in Dun Morogh aren’t the same size as some of the others, got it.

Not ignored, we’ve disagreed on these things. But there’s nothing else to go over. Being more than half, not the typical use, and everyone being casual about it is the context.

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Doubt that. If it was as straight forward as a dwarf saying to go and kill some kids this convo wouldnt have happened. The log would just be posted and that would be it.

Which, again, is my point. Dead kids have happened over the course of the story. Obviously. But we’re not the cause nor do we see the act itself. At most the grisly outcome. But here, back in Vanilla, there are quests where fresh dwarfs and gnomes are just… cutting down troll kids by the dozens? Sorry but that sticks out like a pretty sore thumb among an otherwise pretty consistent avoidance of that particular imagery.

Even the forsaken stuff doesnt get that dark. And they’re designed for dark subject material.


Here. I can actually link pictures.

I mean, to me, it looks pretty very obvious that the whelps are child sized compared to non-whelps.


That’s a lie too. They are, I was often next to them.
And yes in lore they are larger than humans too.

And the whole point of your lie was your insane argument (that in all those years you are the first I see arguing for lol) about Frostmane whelps not “being children”, however nonsensical that is.

Yes you ignored it, as I corrected you. You can’t disagree with something that literally happened.

Yep you are ignoring everything. Even the context and especially the matrons observing and comforting the children.

It really doesn’t matter if you doubt it. It is that way. It was very normal for Blizzard to do this to Trolls back in the day. Don’t forget they are portrayed as “savage, animistic pests” that you have to kill and that’s it.

That’s what happened yes. No matter how you feel about it. I also have no idea why you’re ignoring the warbringer.


I’d be inclined to agree if Blizzard kind of didn’t have a habit of this kind of stuff when it comes to Trolls (among others). They’re regularly dehumanized and treated as unreasonable savages that can be regularly slaughtered -even by their former allies- without the slightest bit of guilt. And it’s often justified, if not by the narrative itself, then by and audience.

I have no doubt that there wouldn’t be this much debate if players had been tasked specifically with killing “Night Elf whelps” or “Tauren whelps” or “Worgen whelps” that are less than half the size of normal adults.


Indeed it’s very clear. He is simply trolling.

And the gnome doesn’t like to murder children (I can understand that). That’s all there is to it.

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You can literally see the screenshots. You’re saying Thrall’s eyes are blue.

You didn’t correct me, you just disagreed. Again, insisting doesn’t make something fact. Saying there isn’t anything to argue doesn’t make it so.

To each their own. Thanks for putting in the pictures.

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Indeed. As I said you are lying and shifting the goalpost because your lie was called out.

Wrong. You can go over any of the old books featuring the Horde. Whelp was often used to describe children.

I mean if you can’t see how obvious it is, something is wrong. There is no question. The intent is clear. You are literally the first person I ever saw arguing such a nonsensical point ever.

Edit: Go over there and listen to the conversation the matrons are having with those whelps.

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Ahh. So you have little to no evidence to actually support the point. You’re making assumptions and then acting like those assumptions need to be taken as fact.


Because it had nothing to do with my point. Our character neither killed or are responsible for the dead kids in that movie. We dont even see them get killed (heck I’m pretty sure we get more footage of the girls doll laying forlornly on the floor then of the actual bodies)

So it’s not relevant commentary on a quest where the developers are supposedly asking the players to kill children. They are two very separate things.


The goalpost has always been the same, they aren’t children and there are human sized Frostmanes.

I’ll make sure to go through all the old Troll books for this.

If you think it is so clear, there’s a problem with how you’re looking at it. This isn’t very hard. Look at the situation, you should be able to parse it out.

No. It’s a common thing they did a lot in their stories in the early days of WoW with Trolls.
Even in Chronicles Trolls were hunted like game and yes this was used literally in case of the Amani.

  1. They are children.
  2. No they aren’t human sized. They are dwarf sized.
  3. Human sized would be extremely small for any Troll.

Indeed it is very clear, by everything in context. They are children.

Why are you even ignoring their matrons? Because you know you have nothing.

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I wasn’t saying the whelps were human sized. It was that there were human sized adults.

It would be smaller, but that was the point, they had smaller adults.

Because I searched Frostmane Matron and don’t see it. Do you mean the Soothsayers? I don’t think there’s anything odd about their text. We’re engaged in fighting them and they’re discussing plans.

I’ll agree you’re a victim if it means that much to you.

Not in lore and you very clearly see the whelps are dwarf sized, there is no “if or what” about their size or them. In every context they are children.

I don’t have time right now and don’t remember the npc name. The females guarding and comforting them.
Yes they have a unique text they emote (not sure if only during the quest or always have to check again).


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Here’s a suggestion, perhaps whelp means new and in troll case young warrior? Orcs begin weapon training at 6 and are considered battle ready at 12! If the trolls even remotely follow this kind of culture of training young, those are full fledged troll warriors.

Secondly this is a dwarven starting zone. If the dwarf player isn’t pretending to be some 300 year old senior, it’s likely that the devs see it as young dwarves vs young trolls, the dwarves aren’t exactly sending military tanks to end the frostmane.

Lastly even if they were in human terms children which is a dumb way to view it because these aren’t human. These are full fledged warriors at a younger age, the dwarves a stubborn and practical people are not likely to talk details of age when their own people might be considered young at 30 or more. These trolls are warriors and wielding weapons against dwarven people.


As a gnome player, I am a little disappointed that the story has been moving away from what made gnomish society unique to just another monarchy/autocracy. Gnomes have always been more progressive and egalitarian, eschewing concepts like caste, class, nobility, hereditary succession, and “might makes right” as a basis for governance. When Prince Erazmin unilaterally pledged Mechagon to Mekkatorque, I was a bit frustrated that the mechagnomes traded one king for another, given that they had just seen what could go wrong when one person wields too much power (even if Mekkatorque himself seems like a good and competent leader).

I was hoping that the gnome heritage armor plotline would involve an election for High Tinker. It would be a chance to introduce new gnome characters and show some of the competing interests and visions for the future among different gnomish factions. Even if Mekkatorque were re-elected to preserve the status quo in-game, it would give Gnomeregan some development and us players a better insight into what different gnomes want and what role they want to play in the world. Maybe we can still get a story like this in a patch some day.


The Titans aren’t a proper civilization, they’re a group of a dozen beings… tops. They’re more like an Uber Pantheon… in fact that’s exactly how they are described when we’re told how Sargeras killed them all.

What we call Titan “cities” are really colossal single purpose engines so large we can walk through them. Some are so huge they have their own rapid transit, presumably for various servitor drones since the Titans themselves would be too huge to ride on them.

Nope. And you know Tauren are also larger in lore than in game right? Right?

That’s simply a game play thing, nothing else (if it’s not a Berserker or anything special).


There isn’t any question about that. We know they aren’t small. And yes I linked the most actual portrayal, they aren’t small. Ice Trolls are known to be large.

That’s some silly, nonsense right there.

Uff… So if it’s “dump” to call them children what else would you call them?

That’s a lie disproved in game.

You are still ignoring their matrons lol.

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Alright I tried to leave you innocent but you leave me no choice! I’ll call them what they are, Child Soldiers. The frostmane are using child soldiers so the dwarves still have to fight them, saying that somehow matrons makes things ok means nothing female trolls are just as deadly as male trolls.


Whelp(Noun): The young of a mammal , especially of a dog or wolf. Whelp(Noun): An insolent youth.
Whelp(Noun): one of several wooden strips to prevent wear on a windlass on a clipper-era ship.

Incase people like Irenaus aare confused on what Whelp means. Those troll whelps were children. End of story.


Except Tauren aren’t typically three sizes like this.

There’s no gameplay reason to have one somewhat shorter group other than to portray them as smaller.

If you read my prior posts, you’d see this point was addressed before. Language is descriptive, not prescriptive.