When did Gnome democracy die?

You damn well know those trolls were kids, but sure, go ahead and continue being obtuse about it and insisting your way just HAS to be the right way.

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I don’t think my way has to be the right way.

I very well may be wrong. Obviously I think I’m correct. As I’ve said before, I can’t force anyone to change their opinion on the evidence. But I’m not going to pretend I think otherwise about it.

  1. They are talking to the female in fear, they are at home. And it’s called self defense.
  2. Trolls are learned since before they can walk to use and throw axes, for the hunt and war (well it’s from Lands of Conflict…).
  3. I didn’t say the dwarves are bad. In fact I like that they are more pragmatic and not holier than thou.

You are wrong. There is no debate about it.
And you are still ignoring everything. Even the matrons. This has to be trolling.
They are children.


I don’t think I am.

Then you don’t need to respond to me.

I’ve literally addressed every point raised.

This has to be trolling.

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Nothing to be confused about and I’m sorry you don’t understand what young means. That really isn’t my problem.


Most people that are wrong don’t think they are.

Simply stop trolling and you will have your peace.

If you would be serious you would at least try to address the: Whelps was used to describe children.
The matrons, comforting the children.

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It is ok to be wrong. You can leave if you don’t want to consider my viewpoint. Young is not a 1:1 for a child, sorry.

Yeah, clearly you do not.

I’m not, so I doubt you’ll ever stop trolling.

I’ve already addressed it. That the game terms are still crouched in human language and you haven’t even sourced the point when Trolls do this. Just vaguely alluded to it.

Read the post you responded to, addressed there.

You clearly didn’t. You simply ignored it.

Again you didn’t.

That’s all you said. You are ignoring every bit of context.

Whelp was also often used as an insult like “you child” from Orcs.
But hey I guess dwarf sized Trolls are full grown. Lol.

Fear of the cataclysm, the dwarf quest specifically states that the valley is Dwarf land. The Shimmer Ridge is their home.

So either of fighting age or child soldiers. You can’t get mad at dwarves for fighting a soldier sent at them or encroaching on their lands.

Indeed, thank you for that, the whole situation is not ideal for either side. The conflict is only happening because of troggs pushing trolls out, but that relies on trolls to be diplomatic not dwarves to be aware of troll problems.


The word doesn’t mean what you think it means. It has various uses and you’re applying it incorrectly.

That is me addressing it, that isn’t ignoring it.

Troll women talking about battle plans and encouraging younger warriors isn’t indicitve of children, just being younger.

That’s me addressing it, not ignoring it, again.

There’s nothing odd about someone discussing plans and encouraging younger warriors, again, not ignoring.

That’s specifically in line with what that one poster said earlier.

Also Orcs, not Trolls, but whatever.

I don’t necessarily think they’re full grown, good strawman though.

The Dwarves SHOULD be aware of why the trolls are suddenly migrating to areas they normally avoid. Being too lazy to figure out what is causing the trolls to migrate to the valley is just, well like I said, it’s laziness on the dwarves part

I don’t remember from what to be honest. The point still stands. Now yes. Chronlices however describes Dun’morogh was at one point the Frostmane kingdom (before the dwarves awoke).

I don’t hate them for it, I like those aspects of the game. It’s still something to bring up though.
And they were in front of their own huts.

The only reason why I’m even arguing here about is, because one person is insisting that whelps are not children. That’s really the only reason.

Let’s end it with that. Not full grown (and therefore not even worthy to become soldiers, because they didn’t had their trials yet.)

I don’t know enough about specific Troll lore/tribe lore and trials for that comment, but sure. They might not have necessarily been soldiers.

Be aware and then what just give up their homes because the trolls can’t or won’t fight for theirs? These are long time rivals, and dwarves are not known for forgiving.

Pretty much all land was troll land at some point just like it was Black Empire before that. Will we be judging the blood elves for stealing Amani land?

Temporary huts put up in dwarven land.

I don’t care if they are children or not. They are warriors, fully trained and dangerous. Confused and frightened but still warriors.

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No. But saying they shouldn’t try and figure out what’s causing the trolls to migrate is pure laziness. I never said anything about dwarves giving up their homes. Respond to what I said, not what you think I implied.


Migrate and take over dwarf lands. If they migrated out of Dun Morogh the dwarves wouldn’t be fighting them, but no they migrated into dwarf lands.

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Because of the troggs. And you said that the dwarves shouldn’t get off their asses and try to figure that part out.

Troggs are not dwarves, the dwarves are also dealing with troggs. It’s not the dwarves job to watch the health of their long time rivals. The frostmane are lucky they were wiped out, a darker race would’ve. The dwarves gotta deal with their own people and a faction war.


Well… yes. :wink: I really don’t want to go there in this thread though (in both cases not). But:

Well better than dying? They knew in the past it was theirs. But that’s it from me to this point here (we could start a new thread).

Not warriors, not full trained. I can understand the dwarfes. My only point of debate here was the children part.

Learn how to fight and hunt for war since they can walk! They are warriors.

Or just leaving Dun Morogh or going to any part of the region that isn’t next to a dwarf town? (Probably should)