I’m not well read on Gnome lore. I recall they were one of the few societies that did vote for their leader. And it normally went to the most accomplished gnome who invented something. Gelbin got this I believe since he invented the mechnostrider (pretty sure I’m spelling this wrong).
Over the years he’s taken the name King of the Gnomes. So do they no longer vote anymore for high tinker? He’s just king now?
Prior to BfA, King of the Gnomes was just a fancy title he fully admitted was just to sound cool, and had no actual monarchical power. Then, in 8.3, he was made into an actual King of both mechagnomes and gnomes out of pretty much nowhere, and it’s a legit title now. Given that it’s gnomes, I don’t expect any expansion on this title or its power at any point.
Gelbins rule is only problematic if his stay is extended due to his will. As far as we know the Gnomish people adore him and he holds the position because they want him to.
I’m not big on Alliance lore, but I don’t really have a problem with Mekkatorque. I guess if everyone likes him, why complain. Not sure why everyone does, though. has he been inventing cool stuff? Because from my perspective, whoever invents the coolest stuff should get to be their leader.
The Alliance has been sliding into “Generic fantasy kingdom” territory about as fast as the Horde has been losing everything that it was built up to be with Thrall and co in WC3. Blame the writers for turning the story into generic fantasy slop.
I don’t think “Do any reasonable Gnomes disapprove of Meckatorque seizing power for life?” is something Blizzard’s ever going to come up with as a plot point. So yeah, I don’t expect this to be a concern any time soon either.
I think it’s generally a mix of inventing cool stuff (he was initially made High Tinker for the Mechanostriders, but more recently he pilots his own personal mech), and the fact he’s been successfully leading the Gnomes of Gnomeregan through the most tumultuous period of their history, the Fall of Gnomeregan. You’ll generally find he also embodies the qualities which Gnomes prize the most, which surprisingly aren’t all about intelligence and innovation. He’s kind, patient, and loyal as well.
You do understand that meritocracy is just a means of choosing, not a system of government. You can use meritocracy to choose an autocrat for life. Technically Mekkatorque IS the most meritous gnome out there. He’s both technically innovative and he’s also high in the Heroic Sacrifice category as well.
There is a quote that comes to mind, but since I cannot find it, I shall paraphrase.
“The villain should not be afraid when the righteous and just take up arms against them, but when those who are kind and gentle are stirred to action, for then they know they have crossed a terrible threshold.”
Close, but not quite. The one I’m thinking of didn’t mention demons. Or war, for that matter.
Attempted to restore the Amani and Gurubashi Empires to wage a war of genocide and racial supremacy on the rest of Azeroth.
Gathered what remained of these tribes and attempted to conquer Pandaria and bring back their ancient allies, the Mogu, by reviving one of the greatest tyrants in the planet’s history, Lei Shen the Thunder King.
Attacked the nation of Kul Tiras alongside the Horde, before the Alliance had attacked them.
Funny, from what I recall of the raid, the Alliance:
Declared that civilian casualties were unacceptable and made sure to keep Civilians out of the fighting.
Raided the Treasury to recover an artifact of Kul Tiras that the Horde stole.
Demanded Rastakan surrender, and then killed him when he refused.
Yea, the good guys certainly do make sure to minimize civilian casualties, take back only what was stolen from them, and try to end conflicts prematurely before too much life is lost by going for the head of state in the hopes of a surrender.
Also, I had to laugh a bit about looting the treasury. The Alliance takes back the Tide Sage’s relic, but Gallywix is over there stripping gold from sacred temples.
Gnomes have a meritocracy to the point where their achievements or knowledge focus literally becomes their earned surname. The leader of the Gnomes is voted on based purely on their contributions to gnomish society and their own skills, and then they can pick any title they want for themselves during that duration.
This has been upset because Mekkatorque was elected, and then the Fall of Gnomeregan happened. As a result, the vast majority of Gnomes are now dead, or lepers, and this very much includes those Gnomes who were candidates to replace him. Basically, it’s still a meritocracy but there’s… no one left who actually has as much merit, or even nearly as much merit, compared to him.
The apparent near-extinction of the gnomes is so weird to me because it’s been a thing since Wrath, and you’d think it’d mean that most gnomes would prefer to sit and contribute by staying home and producing war supplies and inventions for the Alliance, but nope, they’re often out in the front lines too.
During more low-stakes conflicts you’d think the other Alliance leaders would politely ask gnomish soldiers and adventurers to go home and repopulate or something.
You’d think that, but remember that the purely sacrificial force that served as a distraction before the Battle of Dazar’alor was mostly made up of night elves, void elves, and worgen. And was led by one of the few named Lightforged draenei. Apparently, Alliance high command prefers to throw low-population members into the meat grinder.