When did Gnome democracy die?

There is nothing to argue about, it is lore. Or have you anything to prove otherwise? No, I thought so.

Then stop trolling.

I brought it up before and I’m not to happy about it, but it’s not for me to judge, that’s for the Gnome fans. It seems to me some Gnomes should get upset about it and it’s taking away something unique from their culture. Perhaps they vote on the next king or something.

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You’re the one arguing that whelp doesn’t mean a child and are questioning that trolls of the size of a dwarf aren’t children. When trolls are much taller than dwarves.

You’re either dishonest or obtuse.

I also took a picture have a look :


Adult frostmane are bigger than darkspear troll woman and frotmane adult women are the size of Darkspear women, the troll kids are barely reaching the hip level, it means that they couldn’t be young adults, they’re equivalent of pre-teens.

You’re the one who is dishonest.

They’re towering if they’re standing upright. It means that they’re much taller and they’re taller than humans.

And you’re wrong again, Frostame are either as tall if not taller than Darkspears.


He’s trolling ignore him, it’s the best course of action.

No one can be this blind.


There’s just more of your useless insisting.

Whelp doesn’t typically mean child in the context of humanoids.

And you’re literally lying about the size of Frostmane adults. I don’t have to question the dishonesty of why a pair of Troll posters want to make the Trolls seem like more of a victim.

Because you chose not to take picture of the average npcs. The Frostmane builder next to you is shorter, whereas the Soothsayers use larger models. Ones like Snowstriders are shorter as well.

Which isn’t their average stance so it is irrelevant. 99.9% of the time their slouching.

You can see it plain as day.

Trolls being Trolls, I expected better. I don’t know why. Instead of being honest, just lying for pity.


I don’t argue about facts known in lore. It’s funny your simply trolling and not even responding.

In fact yes it is, even Orcs use it that way.

No. You are the one lying. I don’t get why you would think people are too lazy simply to fly over to Dun’morogh, or to look at them in Dazar’alor. Even screenshots are not good enough for you.
That’s some strange mental gymnastics.

Frostmanes are normal sized Trolls, that’s also a known fact in lore.

That’s a whelp. You liar. Don’t hide his name.

So you’re simply here to troll, I see.

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It is funny that these are both more declarative statements instead of arguing still.
Then you say to ignore me, but then also respond to me.
Then also address my points. When all this time you could be making a new thread about Trolls.

I don’t know where you were raised, it isn’t used that way in my country. And it was assigned as such by Blizzard writers.

I already posted the screenshots. People can see them for themselves as much as you want to lie otherwise. I can’t provide more than that.

Ignore the in-game stuff if you want.

That’s the hills above Kharanos, lol.
Same dude, Snowstrider.

If people are going to call me a liar, I’m not going to pretend they don’t have ulterior motives when they’re both Troll posters.

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Troll Threads are the new Sylvanas/Lordaeron threads. Embrace the change!


There’s noting to argue about literally. If you would argue about Thrall not having blue eyes I would say the same thing.

Indeed, you’re a troll right now at this moment I get it. But I won’t let you get away with lies.

Because Orcs and Trolls are a thing in our reality right? You know you lost this silly point. Yes whelp is often used in fantasy settings for humanoid children. Yes it’s used in WoW to describe children. Yes Orcs are using that term too.

I don’t, they are the same.

You know all trolls are that size, also Darkspear in fighting animation right? And were should I know from you don’t use something to make you larger?

You are a liar and a pretty bad one.



Yeah look how “human sized” and “small” even “smaller than Darkspear” those Frostmanes are lol. The one in Dung’morogh are the same.

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Well. This thread certainly went places.

But on the kind of side note? WoW has typically gone out of it’s way to not show child death. Let alone have us be the people causing it, at least not directly. So the idea that these Whelps are meant to be seen as literal children whatever the size, even in the “rougher” era of Vanilla WoW, seems dubious.


I can force a sporeling child to fight to their death for my amusement. That’s 'bout all I got.

It’s pretty messed up tho.


Dude, you’re the one lying about the Frostmane sizes. I went there on troll toon in purpose to show you how it looks like. And it’s not about making trolls look like a victims (which they are if their kids are targeted) but about showing the truth.

Whut? Frostmane builder is average Frostmane Adult, I also took a picture of Frostmane berserker, also an adult.
Then I went to Soothsayer who is a female frostmane who is the size of Darkspear woman, and then I went to a whelp who is reaching Darkspear’s woman hip.

Which clearly shows that frostmane whelps are troll KIDS.

You’re delusional if you argue with these facts.

I also made a screenshots which are plainas day clear, I was looking for said NPC and I couldn’t find it.
And I went there Today.
Berserkers and Builders are average Frostmane adults. That particular NPC could’ve been young adult or actual teen. But Not a full grown troll, the full grown trolls are the ones I shown.

Which proves you wrong. Because you were the one who was hell bent on claiming that ice trolls are human sized. Which is neither true by lore nor true in game.


Not at all. There were no Troll children models back then (and even now only Zandalari). Even the quest giver says it’s unusual.
Whelp was often used in lore to describe children.

And ignoring they are only half the size of the adults (at best) and are being comforted from adults and are running around in fear… that’s dubious. It can’t be more clear.

As for not showing dead children only one example: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=t6LIty6Uea4


Not talking about what models were or were not available. I’m talking about whether it was the developers intention that the Whelps be considered children.

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The names ascribed to their models is couched in how words are used to us. Feel free to link were Orcs use it, but it doesn’t really apply to Trolls or common use. It doesn’t come up much besides dragons.

I can retake showing my messy UI if you really want.
You can see there are three Troll sizes. These are the Blades and Snowstriders right around human size. The whelps which are a fair bit smaller. And then some NPCs that are proper Troll height.

The ones in Dun Morogh are not the same. Hence why they’re the ones at question. I’ve already mentioned the named outliers. Look at the above screenshot.


They were tiny sized compared to their non whelp counterparts.

It’s pretty clear what was going down.


It was. You can look at the quest givers reaction.

Yes and no. Perhaps not killing most of the time, while we see a lot of dead children. And you certainly remember the Scourge monster made out of children and women, or the Draenei girl from Legion.

Also again: They are half the size of adults, at best and yes whelp was used in lore before that point to describe children. There is no if, or what about it.

Yes they are 100% you liar.

Sure. Like it’s always with races etc. Whelps are still very clear and very distinct extremely small.


Look at the screenshots, you can see the height difference right there lol. You’re literally saying Thrall has blue eyes.


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I did, I know all of them, you lying troll.

You are disproving you own point with it.

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Frostmane Warriors and seers are bigger than humans.
Snowstriders, builders, and Frostmane Blades are human sized.
Whelps are smaller than humans.

There’s no lie, the evidence is right there to see.

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Yes there is a lie. You are claiming the whelps, are not children for some gigantic stupid reason. Even ignoring they are at best halve sized. Ignoring whelp was used to describe children before, and the whole context. That’s an insane amount of mental gymnastics you’re doing.