When are you going to stop allowing multiboxxing?

Well, have you tried to pay for people’s subscriptions in exchange for their aid? Well there’s your missing step. MBers pay for the aid. “If you want something done right, do it your self.”

I can’t believe we’re still talking about automation…

You are all talking about 1 specific instance of playing the game that is bothering you and that is gold farmers, you all sound like the competitors to those gold farmers.

Guess what Gold Farmers have figured recently? That Multiboxing their gold farming operations can be scaled, what they do one 1, they can do 10x.

No, automation would be if I press that keystroke onces and then it REPEATEDLY sends the key signal to the SAME client until I STOP it.

Sending 1 Key to a client, then the client wait for another key Is not automation.

Now, what I’m ok with, is you haters asking for blizzard to ban multiboxing. And what i’m gonna say is, please blizzard don’t ban us, we are following your rules and we aren’t cheating, we are playing the game you provided.

All Blizzard can do is change the game to “hinder” multiboxers, like remove “follow”. If they did that I would just play 1 account. Because the game is still fun, and also half the multiboxers would stop multiboxing, because we are out there following each other but guess what. AFK farmers will never go away. because key broadcasting isn’t automation.

I wouldn’t be too concerned with Blizz banning multiboxing, if anything they are going to nerf aspects of it that would also affect everyone here (multitap nodes, mob farming, wpvp) and then of course “thanks multiboxers” :rofl:

Lisa learns to multibox:

See how she still had to move her arm in the motion of the letters? Well that’s because it wasn’t being done for her automatically. It wasn’t automation, like this example:

The operator just pushes a button, and any and all subsequent button presses are done without the aid of human interference.

There is a MASSIVE difference in multi boxing & botting. If you still don’t agree, then you’re just being disingenuous.

Doubt it. Bad players takes the easy way out. Cheating. They can’t play the game hard and do mechanics.

Apologies, but what is “soloboxing”? Do you mean a single player playing a single instance of the game? That’s quite a weird label to throw out there.

Multiboxing falls squarely into the “just because it’s legal doesn’t make it right” category for a lot of folks. And I don’t blame them, largely because changes in game has changed the effects of it over time.

Every single one of those are done by one person using one instance of WoW. How people choose to use their time is totally up to them (AH addons being a totally separate debate).

Multiboxing isn’t a “playstyle” in the same sense at all. If I can get one action/minute doing something, the only thing that differentiates me from someone else is how many minutes I choose to complete actions. Multiboxing 8 accounts give you 8 actions/minute. It is clearly a mechanical advantage and not just some “different way to play the game.”

This argument USED to hold more water in a PvP setting. But that’s not the current issue. If anything, multi-tapping nodes is what caused the problem. Blizzard hasn’t gimped anything in that regard. If I get two items per node, a multiboxer using 8 accounts is getting 16. Yes, each account is getting the same as 8 players individually doing the same thing, but each player is not getting the same benefit out of it. Out of those 16 items, if the “main account” isn’t getting more benefit out of it, it would be an utter waste of time.

I run war mode on this character, and to be frank, I don’t think I’ve run into a multiboxer doing PvP out in the wild for the entirety of this expansion. Yet I can go to Nazjatar and see packs of druids flying between flowers all the time. There is a reason for that.

That is 100% different. Loot funneling in a mythic raid guild looking for world first benefits everyone in the group because the goal is to down the boss. When the goal is to make as much gold for yourself, the goal isn’t shared among multiple accounts funneling all of the loot to a single person.

Calling multibox farming a “playstyle” is just silly. Brazilian jiu jitsu is a fighting style. Entering the octagon with seven other people on your side isn’t.

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It amazes me people get upset with multi-boxing when the actual impact is non existent.

and why these threads are a waste of their time but I do enjoy getting to chat with everyone lol

Soloboxing, w/e it’s all the same to me. Just to show that playing 1 or 8 is OK. And as a multiboxer I see all clients as a box. It just depends how i 'm feeling and how many i’ll load. (1, 3, 5).

That’s an opinion and the only opinion that matters for us is Blizzard’s. They allow us to play, we play. You ask to change it, we ask they don’t.

I agree, with AoE loot, multitap nodes and shared loot drops. It’s become more convenient to multibox farm. (I personally never farm, it’s a waste of fun game time). But farmers will farm, some solo players farm for 15h a day.

Yes and the Disadvantage is I have to be aware of 8 different characters, some people can’t even raid proprely on 1 character. Dealing with 8 requires skill and awareness.

For farming, a multiboxer saves time when tapping nodes. But you just assume it’s funneled to 1. What player do with their time is totally up to them. IF I want to give all my mats farmed with my wife to her, then I can. Why do you have a say what I do? When I play with her and we tap nodes together, I share my mats. It’s what teammates do, they help each other. Guildies give each other consumables for free, sometimes they farm together. You don’t know all the players, you’re just assuming stuff to get your opinion through.

Exactly, you’re just assuming in a “farming” environement where the goal of the player who multibox’s is doing it only for gold reward. Gold farmer will make gold, it’s their playstyle. Thats what they want to do with their time. Even a soloboxer could make more gold than farming nodes, selling carries, getting BoE’s in mythic raids… stuff like that a multiboxer can’t do at high level, so they farm herbs and funnel the herb to 1 account to sell it on AH. But not all players are into gold making and not all multiboxers are into gold making.

And the reason is blizzard failing to provide new Patterns that require herbs/ores that don’t come from 1 single zone for 2 content patch in a row. Sending EVERYONE farming into 1 zone.

But who cares what they do with their time? If they want to hoard gold and not use it. It’s their choice. I think its dumb to multibox for gold because might aswell spend all that money on wow tokens and flip on AH… and all the monthly subs. But again, I don’t judge their playstyle.

Does the ring allow for more people in it? If not then we don’t bring more people.

Multiboxers play by the rules.

It’s a play style. It’s my play style, you don’t say my playstyle is invalid. I’m having fun playing the game this way. I barely farm gold, mostly passive from assaults and emissary. I pay for my sub with $$. I sometime solobox, triplebox or 5box. Depends how I feel and who’s online to play with. If no one is online, i’ll multibox WQ’s Dungeons, Islands, Warfronts LFR. IF friends are online i’ll take my main and go mythic raid with them. Thats my playstyle, I’m a multiboxer and you want to cancel me.

If you have a problem with how gold is being farmed, make a thread about that, not about the legitimacy of multiboxing. Ask blizzards to slow gold, remove multitap nodes, remove shared loots and slow down spawn rates. There I fixed all your issues.

Don’t be disengenuous. That’s not equivalent, an equivalent would be paying someone’s monthly sub, and then their being obligated to give you all loot that they get that month/be expected to grind as often and as much as you want.

Multiboxing is just paying for a loot multiplier with extra steps. If Blizzard is okay with that, fine, but it should just be selling loot multipliers in the blizzard store at that point. Let me pay 30 a month for twice the loot, or 120 for 8x the loot.

I actually find this interesting conceptually. One button pressed by an operator that starts up 8 different robots is actually different than 8 robots all having their own button that needs pushed. I think that’s where the argument lies, since there is a difference between a guy in a room controlling 8 robots with one button vs. a guy that has to run to 8 different rooms and press each button individually. It’s the running to each room that is under scrutiny, not what the robot does after the button is pressed.

They do. It’s called the WoW Token. You can buy that with real money, then exchange for gold in game. In turn, your gold can be exchanged for loot.

Once again, the problem people have with multiboxing is that it is a form of pay to win. No matter what you say will not take that away.

WoW has always been a game which had no formal P2W elements in its design.
Multiboxing is the only officially allowed P2W method by Blizzard, that why the community which treasures the No P2W rule have a problem with multiboxing. Just because Blizzard allows it does not mean it is always right.

You paying $150 a month for 10 accounts and making 1 million gold and me paying $15 a month for 1 account making 100k gold is the definition of Pay to Win. You say you have to sustain all 10 accounts, but many people are just using the method to acquire the gold for their main account. They can multibox for 2 months and acquire the amount of resource which would take a normal player 1 year to acquire. That is in every sense P2W.

So no, its not a “playstyle”.

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Human beings have a tendency to not like what they consider to be cheating, even if it doesn’t impact them directly. If personal impact was all that mattered, I shouldn’t care if I studied hard to get an A on a test and someone else cheated to get an A, since I got an A individually and independently from what someone else was doing. They chose to do something else rather than study, why should I care?

Some of the things you can do, can definitely ‘look’ like automation.

Especially to those without much or any knowledge of what is actually possible.

Which is why I report them all and let Blizzard sort them out :wink:


No its not. If I wanted I could pay to win and be full of 465-475 with a fresh 120 in a day. All I have to do is buy a ton of wow token and get carried in M+, Visions, Mythic Nya. Also buy the 475 BoE after. There I win?

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Not even remotely equivalent, and I think you know that.

20 dollars for a set amount of gold, is not 20 dollars for a loot multiplier for a month.

There’s no taking that one token, and using it to pay for itself and then some.

That’s the entirety of the argument.

If you press one key and send a command to 8 clients, that is unequivocally a form of automation. Whether or not Blizzard defines it as such for their specific terms is up to them, but pretending that it is anything but from an objective standpoint is nonsensical.

Computers don’t natively send keystrokes to multiple pieces of software at once. WoW doesn’t natively listen for keystrokes in the background. The scripts and software used to multibox act as a layer between the player, the computer and multiple instances of WoW to automate a process that would otherwise require many, many more interactions to achieve.

Without this software in place; each action on each client would require, at minimum, a press of alt-tab or a click on a task in between to perform. To send one keystroke to 8 clients without using a software layer to automate the process requires, at minimum, 8 keystrokes and 8 mouseclicks, or many, MANY more keystrokes given the way that windows sorts previously accessed tabs while alt-tabbing.

Multiboxing is inescapably a process of automation. It is a process of automation that Blizzard has decided to semantically argue around by defining it on a per-client basis, but it is a process of automation nontheless.

And so are addons. Blizzard draw the lines.