Yep then again i view that stormhiem arc as filler and hand waving pvp dailies not like sylvabas didn’t have 2 spare lives at the tine.
What more logic is required? They Already did attack, and said “Oops, LOL!!! We had bad intel LOL!!!”
What excuse will it be next?
What’s worse is that Anduin actually thought sending spies to Orgrimmar would keep the peace after that. The only thing dumber than Anduin is his spy network.
Of course the Alliance was going to attack, not out of cruelty, but stupidity.
Her justifucation was that the alliance might possably maybe one day attack not that they had attacked from my understanding.
Then again blood elf you likely treat the purge as a greater loss than teld
Yeah, and Saurfang’s justification to himself, which followed-was that they already did. Imagine those things being related.
Well from our point of view, at the time, you guys gtfo, betrayed us and our king died because of you, by your logic i could consider this a casus beli and go all deus vult on you, so yea its not very sound logic.
We know better because we are players and know vol jin got infected by demon aids and was dying.
Nothing wrong with sending spies, justified given Sylvanas is a shady individual full of schemes and plans to wipe out humanity.
Only stupidity is using those spies for intimidation purposes and putting Horde on edge, which yeah is gonna wear down on individuals like Saurfang who don’t want war.
I’m still more upset about how the burning happened than it actually burning.
Seriously, catapults from the shore of the mainland all the way to freaking Teldrassil. Even with the shrunken in game distance it’s still absolutely ludicrous. Not to mention how an alive, magical tree in the ocean managed to burn down so easily anyway.
They could have at least made it Azerite to give us an early display of its power. Not even in my drunkest state would I think the way they did it seemed reasonable.
And not only that! But the majority of forsaken are Lordaeron humans.
Where was said person from again?
Hey, terror of darkshore was also moment of pride.
ruined in a permanent limbo but is something!
Actually, Sylvanas didn’t bring that up at all. All she said was that there were elements in the Alliance that would never stand to have the Horde be a part of Azeroth. And she isn’t wrong. Stormheim is proof that there are those that want to openly attack the Horde or elements of the Horde.
It was Saurfang who thought of Stormheim, and how little Anduin did to rebuke them for blatantly disobeying orders. Especially since that attack failed, got a bunch of their own killed and destroyed a majority of the assets they had in the region to fight the Legion.
So it wasnt even worth mentioning by sylvanas herself instead having to have somone not involved despite it bring the best justification. How odd.
That was one of the greatest bait and switches I have seen in gaming.
I try to forget Terror of Darkshore even exists.
I’m honestly not sure how much more A Good War could hammer this point home, but its very unlikely that Sylvanas holds the same reasons for wanting this conflict as those she gave to Saurfang. There are several times in that short story that she downright contradicts the ascribed goals of very plan she gave him after all. She gave Saurfang reasons to get involved in this conflict that she believed would work on Saurfang; and let his imagination run wild to support that … IMO there was little else to it.
I think, she was trying to lead Saurfang to that, just like she was trying to open him up to an eventual attack on Stormwind. But for him to accept it, he would have had to come to that conclusion on his own.
Much like a teacher tries to lead a student to the right answer without outright giving it to them.
I am not saying she dosent hold diffrent objectives i am just saying she coukd have brought it up.“sone poeople in the allince dint want peace remember how they tried to kill me” perfect attacking your leader when under a truce tebds to be good enough.
“Some people in the alliance dont want peace”
“Zug zug you mean like stormhiem”
“Yeah that is thd orefect example”
I have a feeling Sylvanas isn’t the type to want to go into detail of exactly what happened in Stormheim that much. With her secret dealings with Heyla and her attempted enslavement of Eyir … perhaps she’s of the mind that keeping focus off that encounter will keep it more in the camp of “Greymane and Rogers attacked us for no reason”?
This is one of the victims of zone Scaling in Legion. The Alliance started to find intelligence on what Sylvanas was going to do in Stormheim and acted.
Given saurfang knows genn attacked then and btings it up as an example we can assume eother he knows what she did and doesn’t care or the horde never asked beyond she got attacked.
I think, correct me if I am wrong. But canonically, Stormheim was the first zone either faction went to. At which point, neither side was able to gather than bit of intelligence before Genn’s attack.
It’s Azuna that we were supposed to go to first.
There is no canon order of leveling zones for Legion. Blizzard scrapped that idea.
The intro to Stormheim has Rogers delineate the mission, then Genn outright says he intends to kill Sylvanas regardless. They do not mention the note or its contents or her mission.
Assuming Azuna happened first and assuming Genn is aware of that note is based off a zone order timeline that Blizzard scrapped before Legion was even released.
There is no statement by Blizz if there is a canon order or if that note reached Alliance command before Genn and Rogers left for Stormheim.
I think it worked well. Stormheim is not used enough by the Horde in story. But the one time it was used, I think it was used perfectly.
Sylvanas made the general statement that the Alliance will always be aggressive and push for war on their terms. Saurfang reflects on her words and recalls Stormheim. Then agrees.
I think it fit her style. She often talks in ways that lead people to her conclusion.
That aside - it would have been a bit incredulous that Sylvanas would be crying foul about such a thing. If she brought up Stormheim, it would seem self-serving.
I think having Saurfang recall it rather than Sylvanas was a good narrative move.