There’s a difference between combatants and civillians.
Make arbitrary distinctions all you want, you’re rationalizing genocide as being okay in some contexts.
It’s almost like the word is completely meaningless in a universe where everyone slaughters people for insignificant reasons and the word is used only on the forum to make the Horde player feel bad.
You have got to be KIDDING!!!
Lets talk about them. They were former Highborne that sided with the Legion and Xavius. After the Sundering they bread and increased their numbers for nearly 1,000 years and then started a war with the intention of wiping out their former kin. What the Night Elves did was 1, end the war and 2, make sure those demons couldn’t rise up again. If they had they would have started the war all over again. They, unlike most Highborne, knew the Legion’s intent and were going to kill off the Elves for defeating their masters.
The fact that you’re trying to eqate the Satyr War with Teldrassil is laughable, but I knew you were going to try this one. This kind of argument really belongs on the General Discussion area where no one cares about the story or sensible arguments. I asked you to back up your statement and instead of giving actual evidence you pull this out of your hat. Nice try though.
Except that’s not what they’re doing at all. By your logic, a country that’s being invaded should just surrender without a fight, because defending themselves would quantify as “genocide”.
In what world does this make sense?
Joke’s on you, no one even likes Stormwind
“When are you Night Elves going to get over Teldrassil and stop talking about it? Can’t we just go back to endless posts about why siding against Sylvanas is the worst thing you can ever do?”
Insert pro-Sylvanas post here
instant 10 likes
We are actually actively helping you get better cities.
And to bring the glory of Ironforge back.
You know very little about Sira.
Your ignorance makes it plain why you cant equate the two.
Both are prominent figures in their society but they are still B rank heroes.
A rank being Tyrande or Lorthemar.
B rank being Sira and Aethas.
Aethas is not an A rank hero.
Sorry to disappoint.
When the sun rises in the west and sets in the east. When the seas go dry and mountains blow in the wind like leaves. When Granny-boy admits his feelings for DeathIsFinal, and Night Elf players learn to respect human potential.
I’ll get over it when we can actually inflict a similar damage upon the horde, preferably the forsaken since they deserve it the most, but idk man… that sunwell is also looking pretty tasty right about now.
Unfortunally, such a thing will never happen since:
a) in any other game format but mmorpg the horde would have been at the very least defeated, if temporarily
b) anduin “goodest boi, savior of the universe” wrynn cares more about making nice with the horde than about the alliance itself
Neither can teld, ya’ll throw that word around to much when it wasent. You’re overreacting.
Sylvanas calls it a genocide. Are you going to disagree with her?
You forgot
c) Blizzard would never do anything to upset the blood elf playerbase, as they consist of the majority of the Horde (and a majority of players overall) and therefore as the most-played race on the devs’ favorite faction, can never be portrayed as anything less than perfect in the story now.
- Citation please you may need to refresh my memory.
- If so, then yes, I would still disagree, it just dosent fit the definition, one horde saved night elfs before the burning happened, and two it was a solid strtigical call at the time, with alliance reinforcements en route.
It was unfortuneate yes, but alas tough decisions sometimes have to be made.
Alright, I take it back, she doesn’t say it. I had recalled her saying or thinking something like “This is going to end the Night elves as a people” or something like that.
Not that it makes the burning not a genocide anyway. ‘Some night elves didn’t die’ does not change the horrible loss of life from the burning itself, especially since those saved Night elves (however few of them there were, and which were added late in the PTR after player complaint anyway) came after the Horde cut a bloody swathe through Ashenvale, killing every elf they came across. Strategic call or not doesn’t change the death toll at all.
Anduin specifically calls it a genocide in one of the short stories. He specifically uses the word
actually genocide as a word was used TWICE in the elegy story
I like how everyone who 'd the OP is either a Blood Elf or Forsaken.
I dunno. I’m going to need a few ladders, a climbing harness… A lot of rope…
Even in its current condition, it’ll be a lot of work and take some equipment. I’ll see if the Explorer’s League will sponsor me.
….Annnnnd on a slightly less corny note, we are still in “Fallout from War of Thorns” mode storywise. So it’s going to be a while. Buckle up, buttercup.
Exactly, does not fit the definition. Dosent fit the 5 acts quite.
I am a purple dinosaur with exactly 3 pokadots. Is that true? Just because a character or someone says something does not make it true.
Either way Im done with this. Just hate when people throw around strong words like that and misuse the word.
I just double checked, Anduin doesnt say genocide, the story itself outright states she committed genocide from an outside perspective
The World Tree was more than a city. It was an entire land, home to countless innocents. How many night elves were elsewhere in Azeroth? Far too few. Now, they were all who remained of their people.
Sylvanas Windrunner had committed genocide.
The other use of the word
Tears poured down Astarii’s face, both from the smoke and her heart.
How could this be happening? How could the Horde have gotten so far, and how—in Elune’s name, why?—had the Horde chosen to burn the World Tree?This was more than war. More than cruelty. This was madness and genocide and hatred so extreme that Astarii could not understand it.