That’s actually pretty easy. I mean it really only comes up when people claim the Alliance has never done anything wrong.
No, you are right, some people will always be claiming that.
That’s actually pretty easy. I mean it really only comes up when people claim the Alliance has never done anything wrong.
No, you are right, some people will always be claiming that.
It makes a whole lot of sense, especially if it turns out that that was Sylvannas’ attention all along, a huge event of death magic to boost her silent partner.
When Sylvanas’ head is on a pike and on display in a new NE capitol.
Most of those ships were sunk when the Tree exploded. Others were captured by Horde commandos.
And there were still enough people in the Tree and Darnassus for their collective screams to reach Darkshore. So all the attempts to minimise this atrocity break on that fact.
Not only that it pretty much puts the scotch on the assurance that the bulk of them died at peace. For all we know that was just the delusion of a dying night elf priest.
In know some were captured but I don’t remember any being sunk from falling branches nor I recall the tree exploding.
That didn’t have been audible just like those catapult should have been able to hit the tree. Just fair to point out.
No one said that a lot of them didn’t die. But a lot of them got out too. So it wasn’t what Quel’Thalas was by a long shot. The was my point.
From “Elegy”
Figures approached. She heard the frightened cries of her people, the crackle of the ships still blazing, and the grinding, heavy noises of the siege engines.
From “A Good War”
There were no sails on the horizon. A couple of kaldorei ships were frantically moving away from the World Tree as burning branches rained down upon them.
The entire tree was now engulfed in flames. Shimmers of blue and white grew and faded as the fire burned hotter and hotter. The edge of the fire circled around the tree. And then, the city of Darnassus began to burn.
Saurfang heard screams. The heat reached across the water, along with the terrible smell of an uncontrolled wildfire. The captured night elves on Darkshore shrieked and wailed, now begging and pleading for the Horde to rush into the tree, to save their families from certain death.
The sounds washed together, a symphony of horrors.
Men, women, children . . . the fire would not care. Fire had no honor, no reason, only the urge to consume until there was nothing left.
Everyone still in Darnassus would die.
So are we in a body count competition? The fire consumed everyone stil lin Darnassus, Dolanaar, Shadowglen, Starbreeze Village, several settlements of furbolgs and Harpies and a whole ecosystem.
Not sure what the thread has gotten to yet, but your OP is so distastefully smug, self-important and condescending that I felt I had to address it in kind.
I have little love for the Alliance, and hardly played my Alliance characters this expansion since the Horde is a better fit. So it’s not even that I care that much about Teldrassil or Darnassus.
But on my Blood Elf here, I will pop into a portal to Silvermoon every now and then, and run around the city, observing random events, admiring details, and generally feeling a sense of immersion and bonding between my character and his in-setting home, something that canonically still exists even if it is trapped in TBC times.
This is something I can not do with my night elf druid that I created in 2008.
I’ll spell it out for you since you seem to have more arrogance than smarts - my NE characters’ homes canonically no longer exist and have been barely addressed in-game, if at all.
Hope this helps.
Pro-tip - you can make a point, and not be so darn smug about it.
Ok so none of what you just quoted said anything about ships being sunk, or the tree exploding. Those ships very well could have made it out of there.
I’m not disputing any of this so what’s your point?
When the passage only refers to a couple of ships still sailing under Kal’dorei control, it doesn’t take rocket science to figure out that what’s happened to the rest was either capture or destruction.
So you’re just speculating then. You do know that there were dozens of Kaldorei controlled, ships that pulled away from Zoarm Gar Outpost right? There is nothing to suggest that all the rescuing ships were lost. Not to mention they had more then enough to get the army from SW back to Darkshore. This is exactly why I don’t get into debates with you.
Blizzard has stained the horde identity with Teldrassil as a fact. It is impossible to get around it because the impact for the game was too big.
This isn’t the first nor will it be the last genocide the Horde commits. Just don’t be shocked when both sides eventually have collective amnesia and forget it ever happened.
Recovering Tyrande Whisperwind
Stage 6: F
ind an alternate routeollow the new path to Tyrande
Tyrande has pushed forward. Find another way to catch up with her.NEW Stage 12: The Kaldorei Rescued
It is time to return to Ardenweald with the rescued night elves in the Soulkeeper.
We’re getting all the Kaldorei to Ardenweald, it seems.
Teldrassil 2: Anima Bugalooo
*Tyrande casts mass rez *
Are all characters forced to do it, or is it blessedly only those who sign up with Ardenweald?
Just pick another covenant and we can avoid that.
You replied, didn’t you?
Yes, you can. You talk to the bronze dragon and poof, pre-Sylvanas genocide.
Hey, please refer to -
a sense of immersion and bonding between my character and his in-setting home, something that canonically still exists even if it is trapped in TBC times.
my NE characters’ homes canonically no longer exist and have been barely addressed in-game, if at all.
I can roll a character on Vanilla WoW servers, too but it is just not the same. So to ask people in a infuriatingly smug way, as OP did, and then snidely recommend that people “get over it” in a matter that is personal and subjective is moot and not constructive in the least.
But that’s the point. There was no genocide. The capital city of a nation in a war got burned. Most of hte people in said city escaped, because magic is a thing in this universe. and tomorrow there will be endless throngs of “A_Teldrassil_Sentinel_01” NPCs in your miraculously-restored tree city, like nothing happened.
Because genocide does not exist in World of Warcraft. I’m not talking about gamey stuff like respawn or resurrections. I mean like… the entire planet has been in a constant state of war between superpowers for forty years. This is punctuated with apocalyptic events; a massive plague and army of hte undead. TWO entire demonic invasions. Three, count 'em THREE endritch abominations described as GODS awakening. Magic nukes, firestorms, and whatever jaina is, all flying around constantly blasting.
And populations are fine. Stormwind and Teldrassil and Orgrimmar and Lordaeron all still have full ranks in their armies. There is no mass starvation. No evident depopulation. No mass graves (unless you count Icecrown, I guess.) There’s always scads of new NPCs every expansion, from everyone.
Even when the game story TRIES to make genocide a thing (and funnily enough, this is only actually done with horde races) the situation remains; there’s always plenty of Darkspear trolls and Blood elves and Tauren to fill the ranks. even though barely a single generation, IF THAT, has passed between their introduction as “shattered remnants” and the current story arcs.
Even when the story tries, genocide does not exist in Warcraft.
Why are you replying to a post from nearly a year ago?