When are you going to get over Teldrassil?

'Cause the thread was near the top of the forums, and i’m a simple gnome. i see whiny night elves, i slap.


Because pointless attempts to downplay Teldrassil, and refute canonical descriptors of the event don’t have an expiration date.


I’m already over it.

It took like a month for Allaince to whine about anyone bringing up the purge of dalaran or Taraujo. It’s time to stop beating the Teldrassil dead horse.

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Dalaran : like 3 shopkeepers died.

Taurajo : Was a military outpost, Commander let the civilians escape (even if it didn’t work out as planned)


Teldrassil : Literal genocide of a big part of a single playable race

C’mon man


“3 people died in dalaran”

This is why I can’t take extremely pro alliance posters seriously. Y’all have to minimize literally everything the Alliance does wrong, then complain that the Allaince never does anything wrong…


H-have you ever actually been to Taurajo? Classic’s up right now. Go take a look.


That skinning trainer had a knife! Clearly a threat worth firebombing civillians, sicc’ing hardened criminals after, and routing the survivors straight towards the insanely obvious quillboar camp that only a complete moron would miss.

you know, because the Alliance are the good guys.


Hey, Baine’s own words. ‘‘Legitimate military target’’ Maybe not outpost, but whatever.

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I think that’s the equivalent of Trump telling you that Jellico Tennessee is a military town.
(He’s (likely) never been to Jellico and has no idea.)

The point here was just to say that comparing a small village being raided to a premeditated, deliberate genocide of a majority of a race is completely silly. Not to mention that the Horde did worse things than Taurajo in the very same expansion it occured in.


It’s more that golden wrote Baine to be a complete sub when it comes to his “friendship” to Jaina and Anduin, and has to defend Jaina even after she tore a bloody swath through civillians in the barrens.


It’s utterly impossible for the Alliance to be wrong under nu-blizzard.


If we’re quibbling, then the burning of Teldrassil was not premeditated. The plan was to occupy it and use it as a bargaining chip with the Alliance, not burn it to the ground and initiate a war for survival. Sylvanas and the catapult operators decided at the last second to burn it.


Beyond the fact that Taurajo wasn’t even the first peaceful Tauren village in the Barrens that the Alliance decided to slaughter


The Kul Tirans tried to genocide the orcs in Durotar. (and indirectly caused the Cata war due to their devastation of Durotar’s natural fauna)

Jaina tried to destroy Orgrimmar.

Theramore troops were planning on burning down Org and the Echo isles.

The Dwarves send adventurers out to kill ice troll children specifically.

The Humans tried to genocide the forest trolls

The Night elves tried to unleash the remaining plaguelands scourge on the blood elves by destroying their last remaining defenses.

The Night elves didn’t care about the Tauren being genocided by Cenarius’ children.

The draenei didn’t care that their presence on draenor meant the orcs and ogres were almost certainly going to die due to the legion annihilating every planet they had previously settled in.

The alliance can get off it’s high horse. They do the same crap, just are generally more incompetent about it.


Never did I state the Alliance was good. However the Horde is magnitudes worse, and what you listed pales in comparison to the list of atrocities the Horde committed. ESPECIALLY if you want to start playing genocide olympics, the Orcs are undisputed world champions.

Also ‘‘Jaina tried to destroyed Orgrimmar’’ (Let’s not mention that it was in response to the Horde literally wiping Theramore off the map, oh, and they ACTUALLY DID IT, unlike Jaina.)


He would look at Arthas.
If Sylvanas can be attributed to us, Arthas can absolutely be attributed to you. They’re essentially the same character, with a gender, race, and class swap.

Uhhh… no. Arthas was never leader of anything, he was a prince of the Alliance of LORDAERON, which is not the same as the current Alliance at all.

Sylvanas was literally Warchief of the current Horde for two expansions, the people who carried out the genocide are still the very same Horde that we have today. This comparison is pretty damn dumb.


Everyone knows the Horde’s done bad things. The text is very explicit and the Horde’s narrative from Vanilla through Cataclysm has been trying to atone for those unjustified wrongdoings things. From Cata to WoD, it was about failing to live up to those standards, threatening to backslide, and again trying again to set things right. And in BfA, it was about repeating that cycle again.

The argument that the Horde’s done messed up stuff is not in an of itself controversial. That they deserve to be wiped out? That the Horde is a failure? That the Horde is terrible? How does this keep happening? What is the Horde really. Always introspective. Always self reflective and self critical of its wrong doing. Especially any wrongdoing committed against the Alliance.

But yeah, the idea that the Alliance regularly engages in unjustified genocides, torture, racism, etc is indeed a very touchy subject and not one the narrative or a large percentage of the playerbase has ever really grappled with seriously. Not without making excuses or trying to reframe it as “not that bad, when you think about it.”

Because the Alliance is nearly always framed as, at worst, the lesser of two evils in every single conflict they find themselves in. I mean, sure they slip up- but why bother examining or calling them out on it? Those guys over there are even worse! Get’em!


Clearly the villain that was a human in life, was trained by an organization that was an alliance military organization, was a prince of an alliance nation, who dated a major allaince leader, had nothing to do with the Alliance silly. :wink:


Who was completely disavowed by everyone as soon as he started doing bad stuff, his former people actively fighting against him (and were the first victims). Not sure the same can be said in Sylvanas’s case huh. Only took a couple genocides and war crimes to realize ‘‘Oh, hey, maybe she’s bad’’.

Not to mention that this is silly since the Alliance of Lordaeron and the current Alliance are not the same.