When are you going to get over Teldrassil?

Imo, the consent as well as the forgiveness from aggrieved parties does have weight.

If they consented to the whole thing, as well as forgave, these criticisms stem from a personal view that is not expressed by the aggrieved parties in lore.

That would only be applicable if the consent was made known BEFORE the act.

If you murder someone in a fit of rage, and immediately afterwards you learn from their family that they wanted you to kill them, that doesn’t make you any less a murderer.

Now that is just an off topic hypothetical - but this thread is silly anyway and I dont think the OP would mind.

In your hypothetical, the victim would have plotted his own death by the killers hand, and forgave the killer.

Suicide by cop comes to mind. People try to get others to kill them, and the person who does the killing is not a murderer.

It’s the same scenario. The only difference is that in WoW, there’s nobody to prosecute like a regular court of law. Especially when the entire kingdom is complacent.

Also suicide by cop isn’t equivocal to the scenario I’m offering or the treatment of M’uru. Like… at all. The person killed goads the cop into lethal force by making themselves appear threatening to their life. M’uru did no such thing to Quel’thelas. To them, M’uru was simply a tormented and defenseless slave.

I was addressing your off topic hypothetical. Which, as you say…

Your point about murdering someone in a fit of rage does not equate to Muru’s situation either. As Muru was not murdered by Liadrin or while in her custody in the first place.

I’m equating the situation of committing an act of evil and the retroactively learning that your act of evil was banked on. Your continuous inability to pick up on metaphors is befuddling.


I do not see the need to go off topic and invent non sequitur hypotheticals, other than to obfuscate the actual lore points being discussed.

There is enough in the actual lore to discuss.

It’s not a crime to make a hypothetical situation to help relate the scenario to real life. Not so much in making reference to real life scenarios, like Pearl Harbor or Hiroshima, but situations in which the fictional one can be related to a non-fictional one.

It’s not off topic. You just don’t understand it, nor do you want to. In my opinion, it looks like you willfully refuse to get what I’m saying because you know it would call you out.

As a matter of fact, an actual event can be related to, because it has substance.

Hypotheticals with shifting and incongruent rule sets are simply an exercise in futility.

I have spoken quite plainly. I feel your hypothetical is irrelevant to the lore, and I feel Velen, Muru, and Adal have spoken for Liadrin’s actions well enough.

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There are only so many times I can watch you choose to ignore what I’m saying before it becomes obvious you’re choosing ignorance.

man this post was necroed by op, lets just move on and pretend this never happened.


The thing is, she didn’t know that at the time. She found that out later, which is cannon.

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You will never take my High Chieftain’s head, dog. We had nothing to do with the burning of that tree.

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When are they going to get over Teldrassil?

Well…before they get over Teldrassil, they probably need to get over what happened at Broken Shore.

Before that, Theramore.
Then Gilneas.
Then Southshore.
The Horde attack on the Alliance in Icecrown when Alliance was engaged with the Scourge.
The Wrathgate fiasco.
The Second War
The First War
and the Slaughter of the Draenei.

Alot of stuff some people of the Alliance haven’t gotten over and one can’t exactly blame their animosity. All the same though, the Horde remains, and will continue on as well, despite their protests and wishes.





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As long as Sylvanas doesn’t continue on I won’t protest or wish against the Horde remaining.

What about Overlord “Path of Glory 2: Electric Boogaloo” Geya’rah?

very oof thread


If the war campaign is really coming to a conclusion next patch I don’t think she’ll get any more opportunities to collect Draenei bones.

Assuming Yrel will probably end up an enemy against both the Alliance and the Horde if she shows up again, we’ll probably end up allies with Geya’rah, if anything.

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That would suck on two counts.

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