When are you going to get over Teldrassil?

I really liked Legion because monks got to go back to the Wandering Isle for their class hall. In a world where war rages everyday and there’s so much violence, monks getting to chill in a place as serene as that was awesome.

You know, this is why i hate liadrin.

You mean to tell me that she drained an angel until it almost turned into a walking black hole and only when kael started to openly vomiting evil on the carpet and Muuru did turn into a black hole she “redeemed” herself.

It WASN’T a redemption, she literally had her back against the wall with no choice other than get help or die. ****s sake, she couldn’t even clean up her own mess and then she gets a headpat and literally EVERYTHING else on a silver platter.

At the very least i got to trash her in the dk campaign, that was a balm on my embitered soul.

Oh and then she goes on to dupe the nightfallen into the horde with revisionist history (which they regret almost immediatly) and ordering the deaths of healers and wounded.

And yes, if Jaina killing civilians in the purge due to a bug counts as canon to you people then liadrin’s war crimes are also canon to me.


Liadrin had a thing in Shattrath where she spoke to A’dal and learned that M’uru let it all happen as a way to try to save the blood elves, and when she realized that it had been trying to sacrifice itself all along to help them, she became repentant and wanted to save it.


What ever “evils” people wish to toss onto Liadrin, the Naaru counted on those same actions in order to achieve their goals.

Remember - Muru granting Blood Elves direct access to the Light was the Naaru’s plan.

it counts as canon because they refer to it in game as canon.

Stop reaching. Liadrin isn’t evil at all, people are still just salty because she actually acted diplomatic in Legion while Tyrande threw her tantrums. Now let’s look at where both are?

Tyrande: homeless

Liadrin: Drinking arcwine with Valtrois in Silvermoon

And none of the history she stated was revisionist either.


Okay, first of all, not only are you wrong. What was foretold was the events that would lead to Kil’jaeden being defeated,

A’dal says: ‘At darkest hour, redemption comes, in knightly lady sworn to blood.’

Prophet Velen says: Mortal heroes, your victory here today was foretold long ago. My brother’s anguished cry of defeat will echo across the universe, bringing renewed hope to all those who still stand against the Burning Crusade.

not the sunwell getting fully restored- That was all on Velen, he could have just peaced out with Muuru’s spark and left the belves to fend for themselves.

Which was, more or less, the thing i was complaining about.

Second of all… And? Just because it was foretold does that give Liadrin a free pass to torture a living being to near death? By that logic, Arthas is also absolved of the Scourging of Quelthalas and all the atrocities comitted in his wake because the bronze dragons foretold it would lead to the horde and the alliance finding Ulduar and putting Yogg Saron back down.

Third of all, idk if you missed my point of purpose or if just didnt explain myself well enough. But my main gripe is that Liadrin got away with a slap on the wrist and then got everything served on silver platter at the end- not that the events happened in the first place.

Well, Liadrin orders the player to commit warcrimes also ingame and i have not seen any word of god saying it didnt happen.

Sounds canon to me, too.

I believe she said something to the effect “they hid in their trees while we saved the world”, glossing over the fact that the nelves tried to solo the legion

Oof, throwing cheek right off the bat? Come on, man- at least put some effort into it.

Yes, i know. And it doenst count.

It wasn’t a redemption, she didnt choose anything. It was either repent or die- she didnt choose redemption, it was handed to her on a silver platter.

Gromm hellscream (and i think doomhammer,too- but my memory is iffy) literally sacrificed his life to atone for a lifetime of ***** ups. It was his choice

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And the devs don’t seem to remember we exist, which is glorious.

Safety in obscurity. That’s why we were behind the mists in the first place.


No. I am right. You are wrong.

Muru being captured was part of the Naaru’s plan. Take it up with them.

From Gamepedia:

A’dal revealed that M’uru’s imprisonment was foretold by Prophet Velen of the draenei; M’uru willingly accepted his role in the events that unfolded, knowing that it would lead to the elves’ redemption and lead them away from the dark fate awaiting Kael’thas and his minions

So… You are wrong. Muru being captured by the Blood Elves was in the designs of the Naaru.

To paraphrase a hero of our time:

“It is what he wanted.”

Liadrin post-sunwell is a shallow, vapid character. Mana-vampires or bust.

Its almost like you didn’t read anything i posted

When i said “the events that would lead to Kil’jaeden being defeated” i also meant muuru getting captured.

I literally said i was complaining about what happened AFTER the fact, not the capture itself.

That means nothing to me, i have no idea who said that

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It is simple.

Muru willingly chose to accept the role.

Muru was down.

If your are upset at Liadrin because Muru did as he liked, that seems to be misplaced blame.

Hush Tyrande. It’s already bad enough we have so many edgy belf fans.

Look im going to say this for the third and final time: The thing I have a problem with is Velen restoring the sunwell free of charge after liadrin waited to almost the last second to ask for help, NOT Muuru letting himself get captured to begin with.

Now, if you want to continue with your delusions and once again pretend i said something else- then thats up to you.

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You seem to miss the fact that Muru’s remains are used to reestablish the Sunwell as a font of energy for the Blood Elves.

Velen did not just do it with his own power.

Again, Muru made the choice. Your gripes seem to be about Velen and Muru, yet directed at Liadrin.

Velen could have refused.

Muru or Liadrin would have been unable to do anything.
He has future vision, he would know the blood elves would betray the Draenei and try and wipe them out.

But he saved them anyway.


Liadrin did not compel Velen. That was his choice.

At the end of the Sunwell, she was a supplicant to him.


Velen did a selfless deed despite knowing the blood elf betrayal that was inevitable.

She seems so repentant when she fights Turalyon and the Alliance after teldrassil.


He did it by his own will though, he literally says that what was foretold was Kil’jaeden getting defeated. He could have just taken the spark and left if he wanted to, its not like fate itself compelled him to do it- Velen is just that nice of a guy.

All that we know is that Muuru wanted Kil’jaeden defeated, we dont explicitly know that he also wanted the sunwell restored after the fact because it wasnt part of the prophesy.

My point is that Liadrin and BKs didn’t deserve to have the sunwell restored, as they waited until they had literally no other options but to go along with the draenei and naarus. Even a single day or hell even an hour before and it would have been enough for me.

It pisses me off that everyone minus literally one guy says liadrin was totally a good guy all along when she was only acting for the sake of survival- not redemption, that was handed to her on a silver platter

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No. Anything’s better than human-paladin lite.